International Journal of Information Science

International Journal of Information Science is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original papers of high scientific value in all areas of information science. The journal publishes high-quality, refereed articles. It emphasizes a balanced coverage of both theory and practice. It fully acknowledges and vividly promotes a breadth of the discipline of information sciences.

Veton Kepuska

Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Information Science

Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., Florida Institute of Technology, USA

Research Areas

Speech Processing, Recognition and Natural Language Understanding, Energy Consumption of Smart Phones


1990Ph.DComputer Engineering. Clemson University.
1986M.SComputer Engineering. Clemson University
1981B.SElectrical Engineering. University of Prishtina


2003-presentFlorida Institute of Technology, Electrical and Computer Engineering – Associate Professor
2001-2003Speech Recognition Scientist-ThinkEngine Networks, Inc., 175 Maple Street, Marlborough, MA 01745. USA
1999-2001Speech Recognition Scientist – SpeechWorks International, Inc., Product Group, 695 Atlantic Ave., Boston, MA 02111. USA
1997-1999Scientist-GTE, BBN Technologies, Speech Solutions Group, 70 Fawcett St., Cambridge, MA 02138. USA
1993-1997Speech Scientist – Voice Processing Corporation/Voice Control Systems, Advanced Technology Development Group, One Main Street, MA 02142. USA
1990-1993Post-Doctoral Research Associate-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, IGP, ETH-Honggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland.
1985-1990Teaching Assistant – Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. Clemson University
1987-1990Consultant-Engineering Research and Computer Services Department, Clemson University, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Clemson, SC 29634-0915. USA
1985-1986Software Engineer-Keiltronix: Textile Control Systems Inc. 2910 Horseshoe Lane, P.O. Box 1923, Charlotte, NC 28219
1981-1984Assistant Lecturer-Electrical Engineering Faculty, University of Prishtina, Republic of Kosova

Academic Achievement

FaST-Program Calculate Potential Energy Savings-from Using Mobile Smart Technologies., 2011
Kerry Bruce Clark Teacher, 2009
UML-ADI Assistive Device Competition, June 2005 Lowell MA, First Place. Developed and Ported Wiener Based Noise Removal Algorithm to Analog Devices ADDS 21161 DSP

Publications: Journals

[1]  Kepuska, V, & Rojanasthien, P. (2010) Speech Corpus Generation from DVDs of Movies and TV Series, Springer, Journal of International Technology and Information Management., Submitted 2011.
[2]  Kepuska, V, (2010) Wake-up-word Recognition, 6 October 2010, SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201009.003154
[3]  Rodriguez, W., Fiore, S., De Welde, K., Carstens, D., Kepuska, V. (2010). Ubiquitous Collaboration (uC) Learning, Ubiquitous Learning: Journal of International Technology and Information Management.
[4]  Kepuska, V., & Klein, T. (2009). On Wake-Up-Word Speech Recogntion Task, Technology, and Evaluation. Elsevier Journal of Nonlinear Analysis.
[5]  Kepuska, V., Gurbuz, S., Rodriguez, W., Fiore, S., Carstens, D., Converse, P., Metcalf, D. (2009). uC: Ubiquitous Collaboration Platform for Multimodal Team Interaction Support, Submitted to Journal of 12 International Technology and Information Management (IJTIM), Invited Paper Special Issue on Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
[6]  Kepuska, V. and Mason. S., (1995). A Neural Network Approach to Signalized Point Recognition in Aerial Photographs, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, Vol. 61, No. 7, pp. 917-925, July 1995.
[7]  Mason, S. and Kepuska, V., (1992). CONSENS: An Expert System for Photogrammetric Network Design, Allgemaine Vermessungs Nachrichten, pp. 384-393, September 1992.

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  Kepuska, V., & Shih, C. (2010). Prosodic Analysis of Alerting and Referential Contexts of Sentinel Words. Internatioanl Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recogntion (AIPR'10), Orlando, Florida, 2010
[2]  Kepuska, V., & Klein, T. (2008). On Wake-Up-Word Speech Recogntion Task, Technology, and Evaluation Results against HTK and Microsoft SDK 5.1. Invited Paper: World Congress on Nonlinear Analysts, Orlando 2008, To appear in Journal of Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods & Applications.
[3]  Beharry, X., Kepuska, V., Powers, S., Ramdhan, R., Rojanasthien, P., Weerasooriya, A., (2008). Patriot Robotic System Design, Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, FCRAR 2008
[4]  Kepuska, V., Carstens, D. S., & Wallace, R. (2006). Leading and Trailing Silence in Wake-Up-Word Speech Recognition, Proceedings of the International Conference: Industry, Engineering & Management Systems 2006, Cocoa Beach, FL., 259-266.
[5]  Kepuska V., (2006). Wake-Up-Word Application for First Responder Communication Enhancement, SPIE, Orlando, 2006.
[6]  Kepuska V., Rogers N., Patel M., (2006). A MATLAB Tool for Speech Analysis, Processing and Recognition: SAR-LAB, ASEE, Chicago, 2006.
[7]  Kasza T., Shahsavari M., Kepuska V., Chen Ch., (2006). Communications Protocol for RF-based Indoor Wireless Localization Systems, SPIE, Orlando, 2006.
[8]  Anagnostopoulos G., Georgiopoulos M., Ports K., Richie S., White M., Kepuska V., Chan P. K., Wu A., Kysilka M., (2006). Engaging Undergraduate Students in Machine Learning Research: Progress, Experiences and Achievements of Project EMD-MLR, Proceedings of the ASEE 2006 Annual Conference and Exposition, June 18-21, Chicago, Illinois. 13
[9]  Anagnostopoulos G., Georgiopoulos M., Ports K., Richie S., Cardinale N., White M., Kepuska V., Chan P., Wu A., Kysilka M., (2005). Project EMD-MLR: Educational Material Development and Research in Machine Learning for Undergraduate Students, Session 3232, Proceedings of the ASEE 2005 Annual Conference and Exposition, June 12-15, Portland, Oregon.
[10]  Mason, S. and Kepuska, V., (1992). On the Representation of Close-Range Network Design Knowledge, XVII ISPRS Congress, Washington D.C., August 1992.
[11]  Kepuska, V. and Mason, S., (1991). Automatic Signalized Point Recognition with Feed-Forward Neural Network, IEE Second International conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Bournemouth, U.K., November, 1991.
[12]  Mason, S., Beyer, H., and Kepuska, V., (1991). An AI-based Photogrammetric Network Design System, First Australian Photogrammetric Conference, University of Newcastle, Australia, November 1991.
[13]  Kepuska, V. and Mason, S., (1991). Artificial Neural Network Approach to Signalized Point Recognition in Aerial Photographs, First Australian Photogrammetric Conference, University of Newcastle, Australia, November 1991.
[14]  Kepuska, V., Beyer, H. and Mason, S., (1991). Artificial Neural Networks for Calibration of CCD-Cameras, Workshop on Industrial Applications of Neural Networks, Ascona, Switzerland, September 1991.
[15]  Kepuska, V. and Gowdy, J., (1990). On the Effect of Topological Structure of the Kohonen Network on the Performance of the Hierarchical two Layered Isolated Word Recognition System, IEEE Southeastcon Symposium, New Orleans, April 1990.
[16]  Kepuska, V. and Gowdy, J., (1989). Investigation of Phonemic Context in Speech using Self-Organizing Feature Maps, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing-ICASSP'89, Glasgow, Scotland, May 1989.
[17]  Kepuska, V. and Gowdy, J., (1989). Phonemic Speech Recognition Based on Neural Network, IEEE Southeastcon Symposium, Columbia, April 1989.
[18]  Kepuska, V. and Gowdy, J., (1988). The Kohonen Net for Speaker Dependent Isolated Word Recognition, IEEE Southeastern Symposium on Systems Theory, UNCC Charlotte, March 1988.
[19]  Kepuska, V. and Gowdy, J., (1987). Evaluation of Digital Signal Processing Chips for Speech Processing Applications, IEEE 14 Southeastern Symposium on Systems Theory, Clemson University, Clemson, March 1987.
[20]  Kepuska, V. and Gacaferri, J., (1979). The Determination of the Polynomial Coefficients for Approximation of the EKG with Computer, (in Serbo-Croatian), Symposium JUREMA, Zagreb 1979.