
Management is devoted to publishing scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles that have a great impact on the management field as a whole. It appreciates multidisciplinary research reflecting the diversity of the management science professions.

Corrado Lo Storto

Editorial Board Member of Management

Associate Professor, School of Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Research Areas

Engineering Management, Engineering Economy, Innovation and Technology Management, Knowledge Management, Project Management and Evaluation


Ph.DScience of Industrial Innovation (University of Padua, Italy
1991MBAIstituto per la Direzione e Gestione d'Impresa (IRI Group) and the MIT (USA)
1989BachelorAeronautical Engineering, University of Naples Federico II


presentAssociate Professor of Economics and Engineering Management, University of Naples Federico II (tenured)
2007Adjunct Professor of Competitive Strategy in the School of Architecture at the Second University of Naples
2005-2007Adjunct Professor of Foundations of Design Management, School of Architecture, Second University of Naples
2005Visiting professor of Projects Economics and Evaluation, School of Engineering, Cairo University (Egypt)

Academic Achievement

Best Paper Award in the topic of Technological Change and Management of Innovation for the paper: "Exploring innovation trajectories in high-tech industries through patent analysis: the case of the optical memories industry", IEMC Europe 2008, Estoril (Po
Best Prize for European Policy for the paper: "Cluster-muster: Cluster-based Innovation and Growth Management for European SMEs", 22nd ISBA National Small Firms Policy & Research Conference 'Small Firms: European Strategies, Growth and Development', Leeds
Distinguished Paper Award for the paper "An Analysis of Sub-contracting Relationships Based on the Sub-contractor/Customer Technology Exchange Portfolio. Some Empirical Findings" 18th SBIDA Conference, San Antonio (Texas), 2-6 February


Member of the Regional Evaluation Unit for Public Investment Projects and Programs Assessment (Apulia Region, Italy) (2006-now)
Member of the Regional Technical Unit for Project Financing/Evaluation Unit for Public Investment Projects and Programs Assessment/(Marche Region, Italy) (2005-10)
Member of the Board of Directors of Eubeo (university-industry consortium) (2006-now)
Member elected of the Board of the University of Naples Federico II (2001-2002)

Publications: Journals

[1]  "I canali di diffusione della tecnologia. Piccole imprese subfornitrici e grande impresa high-tech: il caso Aeritalia", Lito newsletter, n. 10, Ottobre, 1989, with Esposito E.
[2]  "I rapporti di subfornitura in un settore hi-tech: il caso Alenia", Lito newsletter, n. 7-8, Agosto-Settembre, 1991, with Esposito E.
[3]  "Subfornitura: un caso aziendale", Sviluppo & Organizzazione, n. 130, Marzo, 1992, with Esposito E.
[4]  "Le imprese subfornitrici all'interno di una rete: alcuni risultati empirici", Piccola Impresa/Small Business, No. 1, 1993, with Esposito E.
[5]  "Qualità e strategia nelle piccole e medie imprese manifatturiere. Il caso del settore elettromeccanico dell'area napoletana", Piccola Impresa/Small Business, No. 3, 1994, with Ciambelli C.
[6]  "Il processo di coordinamento tra committente e fornitore e la qualità percepita della relazione di collaborazione", AiIG-Collana Studi e Ricerche, 1995
[7]  "Factors to Sustain the Creation of Knowledge, Competences and Routines in Small Firms During Product Development", Piccola Impresa/Small Business, n. 2, 1999, with Corti E.
[8]  "Nuove routine, problem-solving tecnico e infrastruttura organizzativa" Studi Organizzativi, 1, 2003, pp. 45-74
[9]  "An Analysis of Sub-contracting Relationships Based on the Sub-contractor/Customer Technology Exchange Portfolio. Some Empirical Finding", Journal of Small Business Strategy, vol. 5, n. 2, 1994, pp. 53-64
[10]  "Foreword", Special Issue of the European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, n. 4, 1998, pp. 1-2, with Capaldo G., Esposito E., Raffa M.
[11]  "Knowledge Creation in Small Firms during Product Innovation: An Empirical Analysis of Cause-Effect Relationships Among its Determinants", Enterprise & Innovation Management Studies, vol. 1, n. 3, 2000, pp. 245-263, with Corti E.
[12]  "Renewal Strategies in the IPM Group: the Role of the New Research Center", International Journal of Technology Management (IJTM), vol. 23, n. 5, 2002, pp. 458-480, with Corti E.
[13]  "Growth Strategy as Practice in Small Firm as Knowledge Structure", International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (IJKMS), Special Issue on: "Entrepreneurship, Management and the Knowledge Base", vol. 1, nn. 1/2, 2006, pp. 133-159, with Bellini E.
[14]  "A method based on patent analysis for the investigation of technological innovation strategies: the European medical prostheses industry", Technovation, vol. 26, 2006, pp. 932-942
[15]  "Editorial", in "Special issue: From technology transfer to knowledge transfer: can universities really contribute to regional and national economic growth?", in lo Storto C. (Guest Editor), International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation (IJTTC), vol. 5, n. 4, 2006, pp. 281-290
[16]  "The impact of software Capability Maturity Model on knowledge management and organisational learning: empirical findings and useful insights", International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, vol. 1, n. 4, 2006, pp. 339-373, with Bellini E.
[17]  "Simulating information ambiguity during new product development: a forecasting model using system dynamics", International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control (IJMIC), vol. 3, n. 1, 2008, pp. 97-109, insieme con D'Avino G., Dondo P., Zezza V.
[18]  "A Distributed Cognition Framework to Compare E-Commerce Websites Using Data Envelopment Analysis", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 52, April 2009, ISSN: 2070-3724, pp. 71-79.
[19]  "Assessing the patenting activity in the Italian universities: the case of the biotechnology research", International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management (IJTPM), vol. 10, nos 1/2, 2010, pp. 6-35
[20]  "Editorial", in "Special issue: Research and Innovation evaluation: Theory, practice, and experience", in lo Storto C. (Guest Editor), Technology, Policy and Management (IJTPM), vol. 10, nos 1/2, 2010, pp. 1-5
[21]  "Assessing product development performance analyzing the information flows structure using social network analysis measurements", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 65, April 2010, ISSN: 2070-3724, pp. 46-53
[22]  "A Distributed Cognition Framework to Compare E-Commerce Websites Using Data Envelopment Analysis", International Journal of Business, Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, vol. 2, n. 1, 2010, pp. 24-32

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  "What did small firms really learn from the quality lesson? Findings from a survey in Southern Italy", RENT-VII Research in Entrepreneurship Workshop, Budapest, November, 1993-"Technology nature, communication pattern and performance in technology transfer projects", Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August, 1996, Cincinnati, USA
[2]   "The adoption of innovative manufacturing techniques in small entrepreneurial firms. An exploratory empirical study of 52 small manufacturers in Southern Italy", Convegno Internazionale di Economia e Politica dell'Innovazione, 1996, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza
[3]   "Suppliers'quality vision and quality-oriented strategies. Field-evidence from three different industries", Proceedings of the Annual IPSERA Conference, March, 1997, Ischia
[4]   "The main factors to facilitate the creation of technical knowledge and competitiveness: a model to sustain the development of small firms", The AWR NATO Workshop, Samarkanda (Uzbekistan), 20-22 September, 1998, with Corti E.
[5]   "The Correlation between Factors to Facilitate the creation of Technical Knowledge and Competences: a model to sustain the development of small firms", the 8th Forum on Technology Management, Leveraging Intellectual Capital: the Key to Sustained Innovation , Grenoble (Francia), 3-5 Novembre, 1998, with Corti E.
[6]   "Ambiguity reduction in the definition of product requirements: an application of fuzzy cognitive maps", PICMET 1999, Portland (OR), 25-29 July 1999, with Corti E., Zollo G.
[7]   "Cluster-muster: Cluster-based Innovation and Growth Management for European SMEs", 22nd ISBA National Small Firms Policy & Research Conference 'Small Firms: European Strategies, Growth and Development' , Leeds 17-19 November, 1999, with Mitra J., Murray J., Corti E., Formica P. This paper was awarded with the Best Prize for European Policy.
[8]   "Growth and the knowledge structure of small firms in the ICT industry: some empirical findings from a late developing area in the South of Italy", The 12th Annual High Technology Small Firms Conference 2004, 24 & 25 May 2004 University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, with Bellini E., Puorto F.
[9]  "Software development, the CMM environment, and learning: some empirical findings", 13rd International Product Development Management Conference, May 2006, Milan, with Bellini E.
[10]   "University-Industry technology transfer in a strategic perspective: a framework to analyse Knowing Communities in the ICT industry and findings from a case study analysis", Technology Transfer Society Conference, Georgia Institute of Technology, 27-29 September 2006, Atlanta (USA), with Bellini E.
[11]  "Toward an open innovation perspective of the strategic management of university-industry communities: four case studies in domestic divisions of ICT multinational corporations", EURAM Conference, Paris, May 2007, with Bellini E.
[12]  "Knowledge, cognition and ambiguity management in small software team during requirement definition", Academy of Management Conference, August 2007, Philadelphia, PA, USA
[13]  "Patents and innovating activity in the biotechnology field: a longitudinal study on a sample of 840 patents to assess inventors creativity in the Italian universities", International Conference Statistical modelling for University Evaluation: an International Overview, Università di Foggia, September 5-6, 2008
[14]  "Una tipologia di imprese subfornitrici di una rete high-tech: un approccio microanalitico", Atti della Conferenza Nazionale AiIG, Bari, October, 1992, with Esposito E.
[15]  "Le imprese subfornitrici all'interno di una rete: alcuni risultati empirici", in Marchini, I. et al. (eds), I Processi Innovativi nelle Piccole Imprese, Edizioni LINT, Trieste, 1994, with Esposito E.
[16]  "Alcuni strumenti per il coordinamento delle reti di subfornitura. Considerazioni a partire da una indagine sul campo relativa a 69 rapporti di collaborazione fornitore-committente", Atti del Workshop Annuale AiIG, July, 1994, Bologna
[17]  "Gli attributi della tecnologia ed il pattern di comunicazione nei progetti di trasferimento di tecnologia intra-firm", Atti del Workshop Annuale dell'Associazione italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale, June, 1995, Torino
[18]  "Fattori critici nell'innovazione di prodotto all'interno delle piccole imprese nelle aree deboli: apprendimento, competenze, e risorse ambientali", Workshop Annuale dell'Associazione italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale, June, 1996, Università della Basilicata, Potenza, with Corti E., Trombetta A.-"Performance operative ed efficienza: nuove prospettive di analisi e strumenti metodologici per il confronto di unità organizzative. Un'applicazione al caso delle banche", Workshop Annuale AiIG, 1997, Genova
[19]  "Innovazione tecnologica, processi di apprendimento e creazione di conoscenza nelle piccole imprese. Elementi teorici ed evidenze empiriche", Riunione Scientifica Annuale AiIG, 1997, Reggio Emilia
[20]  "La riduzione dell'ambiguità nella definizione delle specifiche di un prodotto: un'applicazione delle mappe cognitive fuzzy", Atti del Workshop Annuale AiIG, Politecnico di Bari, 1999, with Corti E., Zollo G.
[21]  "Un'analisi empirica delle relazioni tra le determinanti della generazione di conoscenza nel problem-solving dell'attività innovativa: il caso delle piccole imprese produttrici di macchine per l'industria agro-alimentare della Campania", Atti della Riunione Annuale dell'Associazione italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale, Università di Lecce, November 7-8 , 2002, with Corti E.
[22]  "Un approccio cognitive-based per la valutazione dell'efficienza ed il confronto dei siti web", MTISD'04, Facoltà di Scienze Economiche ed Aziendali, Università del Sannio, June 24-25, 2004
[23]  "Processi cognitivi, interazione utente-computer e valutazione dei siti web: un approccio metodologico", Relazione presentata al 42° Convegno AICA (CD-ROM), Università del Sannio, Benevento, September 28-30, 2004
[24]  "Struttura della conoscenza e strategie di crescita delle piccole imprese: elementi teorici e riscontri empirici nel settore ICT in Campania", Atti della RSA AiIG 2004, Università di Napoli Federico II, October 2004, Napoli, with Bellini E.
[25]  "Una metodologia strutturata di elicitazione della conoscenza degli esperti per l'analisi dei rischi dei programmi complessi", Giornate AICE, November 24-25, 2005, Università Bocconi, Milano, with Gerosa S., Di Placido N.
[26]  "Reducing ambiguity and uncertainty during new product development in the automotive industry: a system dynamics-based modeling approach to support organizational change", Riunione Scientifica Annuale dell'Associazione italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale, October 12-13, 2006, with D'Avino G., Dondo P., Zezza E.
[27]  "Un modello di analisi dell'interazione uomo-computer (HCI) basato sulla teoria della cognizione distribuita: considerazioni teoriche e riscontri empirici nel caso dei siti web per il commercio elettronico", XIX Riunione Scientifica Annuale dell'Associazione italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale, October 23-24, 2008, Palermo "Player's Strategies in an emerging industry: the Electronic Messaging Services in Italy", Proceedings of the 12thIDATE International Conference: "Key technologies, experiences, new concepts", Montpellier, Novembre, 1990, with Zollo G., Palmese A.
[28]  "Some considerations on sub-contracting relationships: the case of the Italian aerospace industry", Proceedings of the ICSB 37th World Conference on Small Business & Entrepreneurship Development, Toronto (Canada), June, 1992, with Esposito E.
[29]  "A Taxonomy of Small-sized Firms in High Tech Networks. Some Empirical Findings", Proceedings of the 8th I.M.P. Conference "Business Networks in an International Context: Recent Research Developments", Lyon (France), Settembre, 1992, with Esposito E.
[30]  "Qualitative and Structural Changes in the Subcontracting Firms: A Micro-analytical Approach to the Study of Inter-Firm Relations", Proceedings of the RENT VI-Research in Entrepreneurship Workshop, Bellaterra (Spain), Novembre, 1992, with Esposito E.
[31]  "The Complexity in the Relationships Between Large and Small Firms: Some Empirical Evidence", Proceedings of the 13th Annual Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Houston (Texas), Marzo, 1993, with Esposito E., Raffa M.
[32]  "Technology transfer between customer and suppliers in the Italian industry: some empirical findings from the aircraft and automotive industries", Proceedings of the Autotech '93 Conference, Birmingham, November, 1993, with M. Raffa
[33]  "An Analysis of Sub-contracting Relationships Based on the Sub-contractor/Customer Technology Exchange Portfolio. Some Empirical Findings", Proceedings of the 18th SBIDA Conference, San Antonio (Texas), February, 1994. This paper was awarded with the Distinguished Paper Award
[34]  "Evolution of Manufacturing Systems and Emerging Forms of Coordination in the Supplier/Customer Relationships. The Case of the Italian Automotive Industry", Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer-Aided Production Engineering, June, 1994, Università di Palermo
[35]  "Qualitative and structural changes of the subcontracting firms: A micro-analytical approach to the study of inter-firm relationships", Proceedings of the RENT VI-Research in Entrepreneurship Workshop, Barcelona, 1992, with Esposito E.
[36]  "An Evaluation of Technological Progress in the Italian Automotive Market from the 70s to the 90s", Proceedings of the XIII IMEKO World Congress, September, 1994, Torino
[37]  "Coordination Modes Between Customer and Supplier and the Perceived Quality of the Collaborative Relationship", Proceedings of the 1st Worldwide Research Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, March, 1995, Tempe, Arizona (USA)
[38]  "Technology Attributes and Communication Pattern in Technology Transfer Projects", Proceedings of the R&D Management Conference, September, 1995, SSSUP, Pisa
[39]  "Relational Configurations, Coordination Modes, and Relationship Quality in Customer-Supplier Relationships. An Empirical Approach", Proceedings of the RENT-IX Research in Entrepreneurship, 9th Workshop, November, 1995, Università Cattolica, Piacenza
[40]  "Customer-Supplier Relational Configurations and the inter-firm Coordination Pattern in the Italian Automotive Industry", Proceedings of the EurOMA Annual Conference, June, 1996, London Business School, London
[41]  "Critical Factors in Product Innovation in Small and Medium Firms: Learning Competences and Environmental Resources", Proceedings of the 6th Forum on Technology Management, Amsterdam, October, 1996, with Corti E., Trombetta A.
[42]  "Technological Benchmarking of Products using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). An Application to Segments 'A' and 'B' of the Italian Car Market", Proceedings of the PICMET'97, 1997, Portland (Oregon) (ISBN CD ROM 1-890843-01-6)
[43]  "Empirical Evidence for the Development of a Theoretical Framework of Knowledge Creation in Small Firms", Proceedings of the PICMET'97, 1997, Portland (Oregon), with Corti E. (ISBN CD ROM 1-890843-01-6)
[44]  "Internal and external factors affecting the growth of technological knowledge for innovation in small and medium firms (SMFs)", Proceedings of The 7th Forum on Technology Management, Kyoto (Japan), 2-7 November, 1997, with Corti E.
[45]  "SME in Europe: Taxonomies and Enterprises Policies", Proceedings of the AESMEC '98, Asia-Europe SME Conference, May 28-30, 1998, Maschio Angioino, Napoli, with Capaldo G., Marino A.
[46]  "Factors to Sustain the Creation of Knowledge, Competences and Routines in Small Firms During Product Development", Proceedings of the 5th International Product Development Management Conference, 1998, Como, with Corti E.
[47]  "An empirical analysis of the influence that some factors have on the creation of new knowledge during product innovation in small firms", IEEE/IEMC'98, 11-13 October, Puerto Rico (USA), with Corti E. (ISBN CD ROM ISBN: 0-7803-5082-0)
[48]  "A Method to Measure the Rate of Technological Advance in the Automotive Industry", Proceedings of the PICMET'99, Portland, Oregon (USA), 1999 (ISBN CD ROM 1-890843-04-0)
[49]  "A Path-dependent Model of Knowledge Creation in Small Manufacturing Firms", Proceedings of the PICMET'99, Portland, Oregon (USA), 1999, with Corti E. (ISBN CD ROM 1-890843-04-0)
[50]  "Technology Transfer to Small-medium Firms in Late-developing Areas: the Concept of Technology Notoriety", Proceedings of the IEEE/IEMC 2000, Albuquerque (USA), August 13-15, 2000, with Corti E. (ISBN 0-78036-44-2)
[51]  "The fit between problem solving style and perceived problem complexity as a major determinant of knowledge generation during product innovation: Empirical evidence and implications for a theory of learning", Proceedings of PICMET01, July 29-August 2, Portland (Oregon, USA), 2001 (ISBN CD ROM 1-890843-07-5)
[52]  "Efficient strategies for new knowledge creation in small manufacturing firms during product innovation: concepts, methodological issues and empirical findings", Proceedings of the IEMC2002, Cambridge (UK), August, 2002 (ISBN CD ROM 0-7803-7385-5)
[53]  "Emerging B2B e-commerce relational models in Italy an empirical analysis", Proceedings of the IEMC2002, Cambridge (UK), August, 2002 (ISBN CD ROM 0-7803-7385-5)
[54]  "The fit between problem and organization infrastructure as a determinant of the generation of routine knowledge in technical problem-solving. Findings from the food-equipment manufacturers in Southern Italy", Proceedings of PICMET03, 20-24 July, Portland (Oregon, USA), 2003 (ISBN CD ROM 1-890843-09-1)
[55]  "The transfer of Technology from R&D to the Manufacturing environment during innovation projects: a contingent communication-based perspective", Proceedings of PICMET03, 20-24 July, Portland (Oregon, USA), 2003 (ISBN CD ROM 1-890843-09-1)
[56]  "Knowledge recombination, learning and patterns of technological innovation: the biomedical prostheses industry in Europe", Proceedings of IEMC03, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, November, 2003-"Learning organizations or organizations for learning? How small firms can learn from planned and random technical problem-solving: implications for technical education", INTENT2004 Conference, 5-7 July 2004, Naples
[57]  "Combined effect of uncertainty and ambiguity on product development process performance: an empirical study in the automotive industry", Proceedings of the International Product Development Management Conference, EIASM, Copenhagen, 12-14 June, 2005, with D'Avino G., Dondo P., Zezza V.
[58]  "Assessing and comparing web site efficiency: a distributed cognition framework", Proceedings of the PICMET05, July 31-August 4 2005, Portland (Oregon) (ISBN CD ROM 1-890843-12-1)
[59]  "Reducing Ambiguity and Uncertainty During New Product Development: A System Dynamics Based Approach", Proceedings of the PICMET05, July 31-August 4, 2005, Portland (Oregon), with D'Avino G., Dondo P., Zezza V. (ISBN CD ROM 1-890843-12-1)
[60]  "Using knowledge elicitation techniques in the risk assessment of space projects", PMI Global Congress Proceedings, May 2006, Madrid, with Gerosa S., Di Placido N.
[61]  "CMM implementation and organizational learning: findings from a case study analysis", Proceedings of the PICMET06, June 2006, Instanbul, with Bellini E. (ISBN CD ROM 1-890843-13-X)
[62]  "A 'Design To Cost' Methodology To Manage Complex Product Development In The Space Industry", PMI Global Congress Proceedings, May 2007, Budapest, with Gerosa S., De Nunzio I., Costabile V.
[63]  "Clustering of suppliers'quality-based strategies in Italy: the case of the automotive, telecommunication, and electromechanical industries", PICMET07, August 2007, Portland, OR, USA (ISBN 1-890843-15-6)
[64]  "Dynamics of innovation strategies in the optical memories industry: an analysis based on patent indicators", PICMET07, August 2007, Portland, OR, USA (ISBN 1-890843-15-6)
[65]  "A Taxonomy of Open Innovation Strategies for the Analysis of University-Industry Communities", Academy of Management Conference, August, 2007, Philadelphia, PA, USA, with Bellini E.
[66]  "Exploring innovation trajectories in high-tech industries through patent analysis: the case of the optical memories industry", Proceedings of the IEMC Europe 2008, Estoril (Portugal), June 28-30, 2008 (ISBN 978-1-4244-2288-3). This paper was awarded with the Best Paper Award in the topic of Technological Change and Management of Innovation.
[67]  "Engineering management education: trends, concerns, and open questions", Proceedings of the IEMC Europe 2008, Estoril (Portugal), June 28-30, 2008 (ISBN 978-1-4244-2288-3)
[68]  "A distributed cognition framework to compare e-commerce websites using Data Envelopment Analysis", Proceedings of the ICKSE09, Rome, 2009
[69]  "Modeling university innovating strategies through researchers patenting activity analysis: the case of the Italian biotechnology field", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIE), 16-18 July, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2009
[70]  "Modeling Procedural Knowledge Creation in Small Manufacturing Firms Through the Identification of key Determinants, Proceedings of the ECKM09, 3-4 September, 2009
[71]  "Investigating information flows across complex product development stages by using social network analysis (SNA)", Proceedings of the COMPENG 2010, February, Rome.
[72]  "Assessing ambiguity tolerance in staffing software development teams by analyzing cognitive maps of engineers and technical managers", Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Systems Management & Applications (ICESMA 2010) , March 30-April 1, 2010, American University of Sharjah, UAE.

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  "Qualitative and structural changes of the subcontracting firms: A micro-analytical approach to the study of inter-firm relationships", with Esposito E., in Veciana J.M. (ed.), SMEs: Internationalization, Networks and Strategy, Avebury, 1994 (ISBN-10 1856286967, ISBN-13 978-1856286961)
[2]  "Innovation Structures: Actors, Roles, and Linkages", in Mitra J., Formica P. (eds.), Innovation and Economic Development: University-Enterprise Partnerships in Action, Oak Tree Press, 1997, London, pp. 159-185, with Corti E. (ISBN 1-86076-045-7)
[3]  "Learning patterns in customer-supplier collaboration during new product development: the case of the food-processing equipment small manufacturers in Southern Italy", in Capaldo G., Esposito E., lo Storto C., Raffa M. (eds.), Supply Management, 1998, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, with Corti E. (ISBN 88-8114-675-4)
[4]  "The fit between problem solving style and perceived problem complexity as a major determinant of knowledge generation during product innovation: Empirical evidence and implications for a theory of learning", in Kocaoglu D.F., Anderson T.R. (eds.), Technology Management in the Knowledge Era, Portland State University, Oregon, pp. 291-302, 2001 (ISBN 1-890843-05-9)
[5]  "Un'analisi empirica delle relazioni tra le determinanti della generazione di conoscenza nel problem-solving dell'attività innovativa: il caso delle piccole imprese produttrici di macchine per l'industria agro-alimentare della Campania" in Bartezzaghi E., Raffa M., Romano A., (eds.) Knowledge management e competitività, Collana di Ingegneria Economico-gestionale, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2003 (ISBN 88-495-0736-4)
[6]  "Reducing Ambiguity and Uncertainty During New Product Development: A System Dynamics Based Approach", in D.F. Kocaoglu, T.R. Anderson (eds.) Technology Management: A Unifying Discipline for Melting the Boundaries, Portland State University, 2005, with D'Avino G., Dondo P., Zezza V., pp. 538-549 (ISBN 1-890843-11-3)
[7]  "Il modello della Piccola Impresa come Struttura delle Conoscenza: una ricerca empirica nel settore ICT in Campania", in Bartezzaghi E., Raffa M., Zollo G. (eds.) Produzione e trasferimento di conoscenze, Collana Ingegneria Economico-gestionale, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2007, with E. Bellini, pp. 89-114, (ISBN 978-88-495-1436-0)
[8]  "Learning organizations or organizations for learning? How small firms can learn from planned and random technical problem-solving: implications for technical education", in Lytras M. and Ordoñez de Pablos P. (eds.) Knowledge Ecology in Global Business: Managing Intellectual Capital, IGI Global Hershey, PA, EUA, 2009 (ISBN 978-1-60566-270-1)
[9]  "Problem-solving style, problem complexity and knowledge generation: how product development teams learn when they carry on innovation", in A. Mesquita (ed.) Technology for creativity and innovation: tools, techniques and applications, IGI Global Hershey, PA, 2011
[10]  Problemi di Microeconomia, Collana Tecnologia e Gestione dell'Impresa, CUEN srl, 1996, Napoli, with Zollo G (ISBN 88-7146-342-0)
[11]  Problemi di Microeconomia, second edition, Collana Tecnologia e Gestione dell'Impresa, CUEN srl, 1997, Napoli, insieme con Zollo G. (ISBN 88-7146-389-7)
[12]  Problemi di Microeconomia, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1998, Napoli, with Zollo G. (ISBN 88-8114-736-X)
[13]  Supply Management, 1998, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, with Capaldo G., Esposito E., Raffa M. (eds.) (ISBN 88-8114-675-4)