[1] | Rizvi, S. A. A*.; Do, D. P.; Saleh, A. M. "Fundamentals of Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography (MEKC)" Eur. J. Chem 2011, 2, 276-281. |
[2] | Angra, P. K.; Rizvi, S. A. A*.; Oettinger, C. W.; D'Souza, M. J. "Novel Approach for Preparing Nontoxic Stealth Microspheres for Drug Delivery" Eur. J. Chem 2011, 2, 125-129. Section 1.01 |
[3] | Menger, F. M.; Rizvi, S. A. A.; Shi, L. "Reply to "Should the Gibbs Analysis Be Revised?"" Langmuir 2011, 27, 7963-7965. |
[4] | Yaroslavov, A. A.; Sybachin, A. V.; Kesselman, E.; Schmidt, J.; Talmon, Y.; Rizvi, S. A. A.; Menger F. M. "Liposome Fusion Rates Depend Upon the Conformation of Polycation Catalysts" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 2881-2883. |
[5] | Akbay, C.; Hoyos, Y.; Arslan, H.; Rizvi, S. A. A. "Cationic gemini surfactants as pseudostationary phases in micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Part I: Effect of head group" J. Chromatogr. A 2010, 1217, 5279-5287. |
[6] | Menger, F. M.; Shi, L.; Rizvi, S. A. A. "Self-assembling systems. Mining a rich vein" J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2010, 344, 241-246 (Invited feature and cover article). |
[7] | Menger, F. M.; Shi, L.; Rizvi, S. A. A. "Additional Support for a Revised Gibbs Analysis" Langmuir 2010, 26, 1588-1589. |
[8] | Do, D. P.; Pai, S. B.; Rizvi, S. A. A.; D'Souza, M. J. "Development of sulforaphane-encapsulated microspheres for cancer epigenetic therapy" Int. J. Pharm. 2010, 386, 114-121. |
[9] | Menger, F. M.; Shi, L.; Rizvi, S. A. A. "Re-evaluating the Gibbs Analysis of Surface Tension at the Air/Water Interface" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 10380-10381. |
[10] | Friščić, T.; Childs, S. L.; Rizvi, S. A. A.; Jones, W. "The role of solvent in mechanochemical and sonochemical cocrystal formation: a solubility-based approach for predicting cocrystallisation outcome" CrystEngComm 2009, 11, 418-426 (Cover article, included among the CrystEngComm's most highly rated articles). |
[11] | Rizvi, S. A. A.; Shi, L.; Lundberg, D.; Menger F. M. "Unusual Aqueous-Phase Behavior of Cationic Amphiphiles with Hydrogen-Bonding Headgroups" Langmuir 2008, 24, 673-677. |
[12] | Rizvi, S. A. A.; Shamsi, S. A. "Polymeric alkenoxy amino acid surfactants: V. Comparison of carboxylate and sulfate head group polymeric surfactants for enantioseparation in MEKC" Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 1762-1778. |
[13] | Hou, J.; Zheng, J.; Rizvi, S. A. A.; Shamsi, S. A. "Simultaneous chiral separation and determination of ephedrine alkaloids by MEKC-ESI-MS using polymeric surfactant I: Method development" Electrophoresis 2007, 28, 1352-1363. |
[14] | Rizvi, S. A. A.; Zheng, J.; Apkarian, R, P.; Dublin, S. N.; Shamsi, S. A. "Polymeric Sulfated Amino Acid Surfactants: A Class of Versatile Chiral Selectors for Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography (MEKC) and MEKC-MS" Anal. Chem 2007, 79, 879-898. |
[15] | Zheng, J.; Hou, J.; Rizvi, S. A. A.; Shamsi, S. A. "Photopolymerized Sol-Gel Monolithic Column for Capillary Electrochromatography (CEC) and CEC Coupled to Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization Mass Spectrometry" J. Liq. Chromatogr. & Rel. Technol., 2007, 30, 43-57. |
[16] | Norton, D.; Rizvi, S. A. A.; Shamsi, S. A. "Capillary electrochromatography-mass spectrometry of cationic surfactants" Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 4273-4287. |
[17] | Rizvi, S. A. A.; Shamsi, S. A. "Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Chiral Ionic Liquids and Their Polymers in Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography" Anal. Chem 2006, 78, 7061-7069. |
[18] | Apkarian, R, P.; Shamsi, S, A.; Rizvi, S, A.; Benian, G.; Neal, A, L.; Taylor, J, V.; Dublin, S, N. "Cryoetch And Cryo-planing For Low Temperature HRSEM: SE-I Imaging Of Hydrated Multicellular, Microbial And Bioorganic Systems" Microscopy and Microanalysis 2006, 12 (supplement S02), 1120-1121. |
[19] | Hou, J.; Rizvi, S. A. A.; Zheng, J.; Shamsi, S. A. "Application of polymeric surfactants in micellar electrokinetic chromatographyelectrospray ionization mass spectrometry of benzodiazepines and benzoxazocine chiral drugs" Electrophoresis 2006, 27, 1263-1275. |
[20] | Rizvi, S. A. A.; Shamsi, S. A. "Polymeric alkenoxy amino acid surfactants: IV. Effects of hydrophobic chain length and degree of polymerization of molecular micelles on chiral separation of β-blockers" Electrophoresis 2005, 26, 4172-4186. |
[21] | Iqbal, R.; Rizvi, S. A. A.; Shamsi, S. A. "Glycine-based polymeric surfactants with varied polar head group: I. Synthesis, characterization, and application in micellar electrokinetic chromatography" Electrophoresis 2005, 26, 4127-4137. |
[22] | Akbay, C.; Rizvi, S. A. A.; Shamsi, S. A. "Simultaneous Enantioseparation and Tandem UV-MS Detection of Eight β-Blockers in Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography Using a Chiral Molecular Micelle" Anal. Chem 2005, 77, 1672-1683 (Figure 9 in this publication is reprinted in "Quantitative Chemical Analysis" by Daniel C. Harris, p. 616, Figure 26-33, 7th edition). |
[23] | Iqbal, R.; Rizvi, S. A. A.; Akbay, C.; Shamsi, S. A. "Chiral separations in microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography Use of micelle polymers and microemulsion polymers" J. Chromatogr. A 2004, 1043, 291-302. |
[24] | Rizvi, S. A. A.; Simons, D. N.; Shamsi, S. A. "Polymeric alkenoxy amino acid surfactants: III. Chiral separations of binaphthyl derivatives" Electrophoresis 2004, 25, 712-722. |
[25] | Rizvi, S. A. A.; Akbay, C.; Shamsi, S. A. "Polymeric alkenoxy amino acid surfactants: II. Chiral separations of β-blockers with multiple stereogenic centers" Electrophoresis 2004, 25, 853-860. |
[26] | Rizvi, S. A. A.; Shamsi, S. A. "Polymeric alkenoxy amino acid surfactants: I. Highly selective class of molecular micelles for chiral separation of β-blockers" Electrophoresis 2003, 24, 2514-2526. |