International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences

International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences is to provide a single platform for publishing original experimental and review articles on the trends and advances of mind study. It specializes in articles that cover the latest developments and pinpoints directions for future research on mind and cognitive sciences.

Alberto Zani

Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences

Research Scientist, Institute of Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology, Italian National Research Council, Italy

Research Areas

Cognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Human Psychophysiology, Sport Sciences


2002-presentTenure Position as Senior Researcher at the Institute of Molecular Bioimaging and Physiology of the Italian CNR, Milan
2000-2002Tenure Position as Senior Researcher at the Institute of Neuroscience and Bioimaging (INB) of the Italian CNR, Milan
1990-2000 Tenure Position as Researcher at the Institute of Psychology (IP) of the Italian

Academic Achievement

1991 Fellowship from the James McDonnel Foundation for the Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience of the School of Medicine of the Dartmouth College, Hanover, USA
1995 Fellowship from the Italian Institute of Italian Philosophical Studies for the Contribution to the International Congress on Frontal Lobes, Palazzo Serra di Cassano, Napoli
1996 Fellowship of NATO for the Advanced Study Institute on "The role of the Human Corpus Callosum in Sensory Motor Integration: Anatomy, Physiology and Behavior;Individual Differences and Clinical Applications", IL CIOCCO, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Septembe
2000 ISBET: International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography
2001 Enlisted, after the winning of a national contest, in the Italian National List of Associate Professors of Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology disciplines edited by the Italian Ministry for University and Scientific Research (MURST)


1985–1989 "International Organization of Psychophysiology" (IOP)
1987-1990 "Italian Society of Psychology" (SIPs)
1988-91 "International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA)
1990-1991 President of the Italian Branch of the "International Association of Empirical Aesthetics" (IAEA)
1990 National Register of Italian Psychologists
1990-94 European Society for Cognitive Psychology
1991-1993 European Neuroscience Association
1994 Cognitive Neuroscience Society
1994 Society for Neuroscience
1996 Italian Society for Psychophysiology
2000 ISBET: International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  MECACCI L. & ZANI A. 1982 Teorie del Cervello. Dall'Ottocento ad oggi [Theories of the Brain. Since the Ninth Century up Today]. Torino: Loescher Editore.
[2]  PROVERBIO A.M. & ZANI A. (Eds.) 2000 Psicofisiologia Cognitiva. I substrati neuro-funzionali della mente umana [Cognitive Psychophysiology. The neuro-functional substrates of human mind]. Carocci Editore, Roma. Foreword by Prof. Michael Gazzaniga.
[3]  ZANI A. & PROVERBIO A. M. (Eds.) 2003 Elettrofisiologia della mente [Electrophysiology of Mind]. Carocci Editore, Roma.
[4]  ZANI A. and Proverbio, A.M. (Eds.) 2003. The Cognitive Electrophysiology of Mind and Brain. Academic Press, New York. Foreword by Prof. Michael Posner.
[5]  Robert, J. M. 1984 (Italian Translation Edited by A. Zani) Come funziona il nostro cervello [How our Brain Works]. Bari: Edizioni Dedalo.
[6]  Purves D. et al. 2009 (Italian Translation Edited by A. Zani) Neuroscienze Cognitive (Cognitive Neurosciences). Bologna: Zanichelli Editore.
[7]  ZANI, A. 1982 L'Attività Elettrica Cerebrale [Brain Electrical Activity] In L. Mecacci (a cura di, Ed. by), Tecniche Psicofisiologiche [Psychophysiological Techniques] (pp. 31-51). Bologna: Zanichelli.
[8]  ZANI, A., & Zoccolotti, P. 1982 Il Sistema Nervoso Autonomo [The Autonomic Nervous System] In L. Mecacci (a cura di, Eds.), Tecniche Psicofisiologiche [Psychophysiological Techniques] (pp. 61-79). Bologna: Zanichelli.
[9]  ZANI, A. 1983 Turni di lavoro [Work Shifts] In A. Ferraris & A. Oliverio, Ritmi Biologici [Biological Rhythms] (pp. 118-123). Roma: Editori Riuniti.
[10]  Rossi, B., ZANI, A., & Pesce, C. 1991 Correlati psicofisiologici della prestazione sportiva [Psychophysiological Correlates of Sport Performance]. In G. Goria, F. Pigozzi, & S. Prece (a cura di, Eds.), ISEF. Un quinquennio di ricerca scientifica [ISEF. A quinquennium of Scientific Research]. (pp. 487-496). Roma: ISEF.
[11]  Rossi, B., ZANI, A., Pesce, C., & Guadagni, S. 1991 Asimmetria emisferica e prestazione sportiva [Hemispheric Asymmetries and Sport Performance]. In G. Goria, F. Pigozzi, & S. Prece (a cura di, Eds.), ISEF. Un quinquennio di ricerca scientifica [ISEF. A quinquennium of Scientific Research].(pp. 497-505). Roma: ISEF.
[12]  Rossi, B., ZANI, A. 1991 Studio cronometrico sulle latenze delle componenti endogene dei potenziali correlati ad eventi e dei tempi di reazione in tiratori a volo della squadra nazionale italiana [A chronometric study on the latency of the endogenous components of event-related potentials of the brain and reaction times in clay-pigeon shooters of the Italian National Team]. In G. Goria, F. Pigozzi, & S. Prece (a cura di, Eds.), ISEF. Un quinquennio di ricerca scientifica [ISEF. A quinquennium of Scientific Research]. (pp. 506-512). Roma: ISEF.
[13]  Rossi, B., ZANI, A., Pesce, C., & Della Pozza, U. (1991). Correlati psicofisiologici dei processi di attenzione sostenuta in età evolutiva [Psychophysiological Correlates of Sustained Attention and Development]. In G. Goria, F. Pigozzi, & S. Prece (a cura di, Eds.), ISEF. Un quinquennio di ricerca scientifica [ISEF. A quinquennium of Scientific Research]. (pp. 513-522). Roma: ISEF.
[14]  ZANI, A. 1991 Ciclo mestruale, prestazione e psicofisiologia dei processi di elaborazione dell'informazione [Menstrual Cycle, Performance and Psychophysiological Correlates of Information Processing]. In A. Carbone e D. Luparelli (a cura di, Eds.), Psicologia dello Sport: Ricerca, formazione ed intervento [Sport Psychology: Research, Training, and Practice] (pp. 105-120). Firenze: Ponte alle Grazie Editore.
[15]  ZANI A. 2002 Mente e Cervello alla luce del processo evolutivo ed educativo [Mind and Brain and developmental and educational processes] In E. Frauenfelder, F. Santoianni (a c. di/Eds.), Le Scienze Bioeducative. Prospettive di Ricerca. [Bioeducational Sciences. Research Perspectives] (pp. 83-106). Liquori Editore, Napoli.
[16]  Mecacci, L., Misiti, R., & ZANI, A. 1984 The relevance of morningness-eveningness typology in Human Factor research: A Review. In H.W. Hendrick, & O. Brown, Jr (Eds.), Human Factors in Organizational Designs and Management (pp. 503-509). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
[17]  Mastandrea, S., ZANI, A., Giuliani, M.V. & Bove, G. 1992 Designers' and users' evaluation of industrial design objects. In L. Ya. Dorfman, D.A. Leontiev, V.M. Petrov & V.A. Sozinov (Eds.), Emotions and Art (pp. 223-240). Perm (USSR): Perm Institute for Arts and Culture.
[18]  Proverbio A.M., Lilli S., Semenza C. & ZANI A. 1997 Brain activation during lexical retrieval In J. Carey & L. Ariniello (Eds.) Society for Neuroscience Press Book, Lay Language Summaries: 27th Annual Meeting (pp. 557-558), Part II, 16. Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans.
[19]  Zani, A. & Proverbio, A.M. (2002). ERP indicants of a left-sided hemispheric asymmetry in prefrontal gating of visual irrelevant information in healthy humans. In J. Carey & L. Ariniello (Eds.). Society for Neuroscience Press Book-Lay Language Summaries: 32nd Annual Meeting (pp. 145-147). Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience.
[20]  Proverbio A.M. & ZANI A. (2003). Interhemispheric transfer of visuo-motor inputs in a split-brain patient: Electrophysiological and behavioral indexes. In E. Zaidel, M. Iacoboni (Eds.), The Parallel Brain: The Cognitive Neuroscience of the Corpus Callosum (pp. 296-299). The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
[21]  ZANI A. (2003). Mind and Brain in developmental and educational processes. In Elisa Frauenfelder and Flavia Santoianni (Eds.), Mind, Learning and Knowledge in Educational Contexts. Research Perspectives in Bioeducational Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press.
[22]  ZANI A., & Proverbio A.M. (2005). The timing of attentional modulation of visual processing as indexed by ERPs, In L. Itti, G. Rees, J. Tsotsos (eds.), Neurobiology of attention, Academic Press, San Diego.
[23]  ProverbioA.M., & ZANI A. . (2005). ERP studies of selective attention to non-spatial features, In L. Itti, G. Rees, J. Tsotsos (eds), Neurobiology of attention, Academic Press, San Diego.
[24]  ZANI, A. 1981 Le origini storiche dell'Elettroencefalografia [The History of Electroencephalography]. Storia e Critica della Psicologia, 2, 119-133.
[25]  Rossi, B., & ZANI, A. 1981 La tipologia morning-evening: possibili applicazioni nel campo dello sport agonistico [The Morning-Evening Typology: Possible Applications to Sport Agonistic Performance]. Alcmeone. Rivista di Scienze Applicate all'Educazione Fisica e Sportiva, 4,19-22.
[26]  ZANI, A. 1983 Ritmi biologici e lavoro a turni [Biological Rhythms and Shift Work]. Sapere, 4, 19-22.
[27]  ZANI, A., & Rossi, B. 1984 Ritmi biologici e prestazione [Biological Rhythms and Performance]. Scuola dello Sport. Rivista di Cultura Sportiva, 2, 6-13.
[28]  Rossi, B., & ZANI A. 1984 Psicologia: nuovi orizzonti applicativi nello sport agonistico [Psychology: New Applied Perspectives in Agonistic Sport]. Basket Ricerche, 2, 8.
[29]  ZANI, A. 1985 Sonno e salute [Sleep and Health]. L'inchiesta, 4, 9-13.
[30]  ZANI, A. 1985 Differenze diurne interindividuali di asimmetria emisferica: influenza dei livelli soggettivi di vigilanza [Interindividual Diurnal Differences in Hemispheric Asymmetries: Influences of Subjective Arousal Levels]. Ricerche di Psicologia, 1, 47-68.
[31]  ZANI, A. 1986 Percezione del tempo e prestazione [Time Perception and Performance]. Scuola dello Sport. Rivista di Cultura Sportiva, 3-4,106-117.
[32]  Rossi, B., ZANI, A., & Biagini, L. 1987 L'attribuzione di causalità nei ginnasti di alto livello [Events Causality Attribution in Olympic Gymnasts]. Gymnica , XCIII, 44-47.
[33]  ZANI, A., & Rossi, B. 1987 L'attenzione nel tiro a volo. Cambiamenti di strategia in un compito di attenzione sostenuta [Attention in Clay-pigeon Shooting: Strategy Shifts in a Sustained Attention task]. Scuola dello Sport. Rivista di Cultura Sportiva, 11, 55-63.
[34]  Rossi, B., & ZANI, A. 1988 Informazione e sport [Information Processing and Sport]. Scuola dello Sport. Rivista di Cultura Sportiva, 14, 50-56.
[35]  Proverbio, A. M., ZANI, A., Mangun, G. R., & Gazzaniga M. S. 1994 Asimmetrie emisferiche di attenzione spaziale in a paziente commissurotomizzato (split-brain): Indici elettrofisiologici e comportamentali [Hemispheric Asymmetries in Spatial Attention in a (Split-Brain) Commissurotomized Patient: Electrophysiological and Behavioral Indexes]. Rivista di Psicologia, Anno LXXVIIII, nn. 1-2-3, 60-61.
[36]  ZANI A. & Proverbio A.M. 1994 Effetti precoci dell'attenzione spaziale e non spaziale sui processi sensoriali visivi [Early Effects of Spatial and non-Spatial Attention on Visual Sensory Processing]. Rivista di Psicologia, Anno LXXVIIII, 1-3, 69-70.
[37]  ZANI A., Rossi B., Pesce C., Taddei, F., Proverbio A.M. & Avella C. 1996 Dinamiche temporali dei processi di elaborazione dell'informazione e della prestazione motoria in schermidori di alto livello: evidenze elettrocorticali e comportamentali [Timing of information processing in Olympic Fencers: Electrocortical and Behavioral Evidences]. Alcmeone, Rivista di scienze applicate all'educazione fisica e sportiva. 11, 33-39.
[38]  Pesce Anzeneder, C., Rossi, B., & ZANI, A. 1994 Psychophysiologische Forschungs Methoden Zur Erfassung Mentaler Prozesse Des Athleten. Leistungs Sport, 6, 47-50.
[39]  Mecacci, L., & ZANI, A. 1983 Morningness-eveningness preferences and sleep-waking diary data of morning and evening types in student and worker samples. Ergonomics, 26, 1147-1153.
[40]  Rossi, B., ZANI, A., & Mecacci, L. 1983 Diurnal individual differences and performance levels in some sport activities. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 57, 27-30.
[41]  ZANI, A., Rossi, B., Borriello, A., & Mecacci, L. 1984 Diurnal interindividual differences in the habitual activity patterns of top level athletes. Journal of Sport Medicine and Physical Fitness, 24, 307-310.
[42]  Rossi, B., & ZANI, A. 1986 Differences in hemispheric functional asymmetry between athletes and non-athletes: evidence from a unilateral tactile matching task. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 62, 295-300.
[43]  Mecacci, L., ZANI, A., Rocchetti, G., & Lucioli, R. 1986 The relationships between morningness-eveningness, aging and personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 7, 911-913.
[44]  ZANI, A. 1986 Time of day preference, pattern evoked potentials and hemispheric asymmetries: A preliminary statement. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 63, 413-414.
[45]  ZANI, A. (1989). Brain evoked responses reflect information processing changes with the menstrual cycle in young female athletes. Journal of Sport Medicine and Physical Fitness , 29,113-121.
[46]  Rossi, B., & ZANI, A. 1991 Timing of movement related decision processes in clay-pigeon shooters as assessed by brain potentials and reaction times. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 22, 128-139.
[47]  ZANI, A., & Rossi, B. 1991 Cognitive Psychophysiology as an interface between cognitive and sport psychology. International Journal of Sport Psychology. Special issue on: "Information Processing and Decision Making in Sport", 22, 376-398.
[48]  ZANI, A., & Rossi, B. 1991 Psychophysiology, psychological theory, and the study of skilled psychomotor performance. International Journal of Sport Psychology. Special issue on: "Information Processing and Decision Making in Sport", 22, 402-406.
[49]  Rossi, B., ZANI, A., Taddei, F., & Pesce, C. 1992 Chronometric aspects of information processing in high level fencers as compared to non-athletes: an ERPs and RT study. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 23, 17-28.
[50]  Mastandrea, S., ZANI, A., Giuliani, M. V. & Bove, G. 1992 Meaning of industrial design objects: from designers to users. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 19, 307-319.
[51]  Proverbio, A. M., ZANI, A., Gazzaniga, M. S. & Mangun, G. R. 1994 ERP and RT signs of a rightward bias for spatial orienting of attention in a split-brain patient. NeuroReport, 5(18), 2457-2461.
[52]  ZANI, A. & Proverbio, A. M. (1995). ERP signs of early selective attention effects to check size. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 95, 277-292.
[53]  Proverbio A.M., ZANI, A. & Avella C. (1996). Differential activation of multiple current sources of foveal VEPs as a function of spatial frequency. Brain Topography, 9, 59-69.
[54]  ZANI, A. & Proverbio, A. M. 1997 Attention modulation of early components of ERPs to lateralized gratings in the upper and lower visual quadrants. Journal of Psychophysiology, 11, 21-32.
[55]  Proverbio, A. M., ZANI, A., & Avella, C. 1997 Hemispheric asymmetries for spatial frequency discrimination in a selective attention task. Brain and Cognition, 34, 311-320.
[56]  Proverbio A.M., S. Lilli, ZANI A. & Semenza C. 1997 Neural basis of common vs. proper name retrieval: an electrophysiological investigation. Brain & Language, 60, 31-33.
[57]  Proverbio A.M., Minniti A. & ZANI A. 1998 Electrophysiological evidence of a perceptual precedence of global vs. local visual information. Brain Research: Cognitive Brain Research, 6, 321-334.
[58]  ZANI A., Avella C., Lilli S., Proverbio A.M. 1999 Scalp current density (SCD) mapping of cerebral activity during object and space selection in humans, Biomedizinische Technik, 44, Suppl. 2, pp. 162-165.
[59]  Proverbio A.M., Lilli S., & ZANI A. 1999 ERP mapping of brain activation during phonological processing Biomedizinische Technik, 44, Suppl. 2, pp.178-180.
[60]  Proverbio A.M., Burco F., & ZANI A. 1999 Spatio-temporal mapping of electrocortical activity during selective processing of colour and shape in humans. Biomedizinische Technik, 44, Suppl. 2, pp.166-169.
[61]  Proverbio A.M., Lilli S., Semenza C. & ZANI A. 2001 ERP indexes of functional differences in brain activation during proper and common names retrieval, Neuropsychologia, 39, pp. 815-827.
[62]  Proverbio A.M., & ZANI A. 2002 Electrophysiological indexes of illusory contours perception in humans. Neuropsychologia, 40, 479-491.
[63]  Proverbio, A.M., Esposito, P., & ZANI A. 2002 Early involvement of temporal area in attentional selection of gratings orientation: An ERP study Brain Research: Cognitive Brain Research, 13, 139-151.
[64]  Proverbio A.M., Čok, B., & ZANI A. 2002 ERP measures of language processing in bilinguals. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 14(7), 994-1017.
[65]  Proverbio A.M., & ZANI A. (2003) Time course of brain activation during graphemic/phonologic processing in reading: An ERP study. Brain and Language, 87, 412-420.
[66]  Proverbio A.M., Burco F., Del Zotto M., & ZANI A. (2004) Blue piglets? Electrophysiological evidence for the primacy of shape over color in object recognition. Brain Research: Cognitive Brain Research, 18(3), 288-300.
[67]  Proverbio A.M., Vecchi, L., & ZANI A. (2004) From Orthography to Phonetics: ERP measures of grapheme-to-phoneme conversion mechanisms in reading. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16(2), 301-317.
[68]  Proverbio AM, Crotti N, Zani A., Adorni R (2009) The role of left and right hemispheres in the comprehension of idiomatic language: an electrical neuroimaging study. BMC Neuroscience, Sep 15;10:116.
[69]  Proverbio AM, Mariani S, Zani A, Adorni R (2009). How Are 'Barack Obama' and 'President Elect' Differentially Stored in the Brain? An ERP study on the Processing of Proper and Common Name Pairs, PLOS ONE, Sep 23;4(9):e7126. Zani A, Proverbio AM (2009). Selective attention to spatial frequency gratings affects visual processing as early as 60 ms post-stimulus. Perceptual and motor skills, 109, 140-158.
[70]  Proverbio AM, Adorni R, Zani A. (2009) Inferring native language from brain electrical activity, Biological Psychology, Jan;80(1):52-63.
[71]  Proverbio AM, Adorni R, Zani A, Trestianu L. (2009) Sex differences in the brain response to affective scenes with or without humans. Neuropsychologia, 47(12), 2374-2388.
[72]  Proverbio AM, Riva F, Zani A. (2009) Observation of Static Pictures of Dynamic Actions Enhances the Activity of Movement-Related Brain Areas. PLoS ONE 4(5): e5389. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005389.
[73]  Proverbio AM, Del Zotto M, Crotti N, Zani A. (2009) A no-go related prefrontal negativity larger to irrelevant stimuli that are difficult to suppress. Behav Brain Funct. Jun 25;5(1):25
[74]  Proverbio AM, Zani A, Adorni R. (2008). Neural markers of a greater female responsiveness to social stimuli. BMC Neuroscience, 9 (1): 56 (Electronic Full Text)
[75]  Proverbio AM, Zani A, Adorni R. (2008). The left fusiform area is affected by written frequency of words. Neuropsychologia, 2008; 46 (9): 2292-2299.
[76]  Proverbio, Del Zotto, Zani A. (2007). Inter-individual differences in the polarity of early visual responses and attention effects. Neuroscience Letters, 419(2): 131-6.
[77]  Proverbio AM, Matarazzo S, Brignone V, Del Zotto M, and Zani A (2007). Processing valence and intensity of infants' expressions: The roles of expertise and sexual gender. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 48: 477-485.
[78]  Proverbio AM, Del Zotto M, Zani A. (2007). The emergence of semantic categorization in early visual processing: ERP indexes of animal vs. artifact recognition, BMC Neuroscience, 8:24 (Electronic Full Text).
[79]  Proverbio AM, Wiedemann F, Adorni R, Rossi V, Del Zotto M, Zani A (2007). Dissociating object familiarity from linguistic properties in mirror word reading. Behavioral and brain functions, 3: 43 (Electronic Full Text).
[80]  Proverbio AM, Adorni R, Zani A. (2007). The organization of multiple languages in polyglots: interference or independence? Journal of Neurolinguistics, 20(1), 25-49.
[81]  Proverbio AM, Brignone V, Matarazzo S, Del Zotto M, Zani A. (2006). Gender differences in hemispheric asymmetry for face processing. BMC Neuroscience, 8, 7(1), 44 (Electronic Full Text).
[82]  Proverbio, Del Zotto M., & Zani A. (2006). Greek language processing in naïve and skilled readers: Functional properties of the VWFA investigated with ERPs. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 21, 355-375.
[83]  Proverbio AM, Brignone V, Matarazzo S, Del Zotto M, Zani A. (2006) Gender and parental status affect the visual cortical response to infant facial expression, Neuropsychologia, 44(14), 2987-99.
[84]  Proverbio A.M., & Zani A. (2005). Developmental changes in the linguistic brain after puberty (Invited Research Focus paper). Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9(4), 164-167.
[85]  Proverbio A.M., Leoni, G., & Zani A. (2004). Language switching mechanisms in simultaneous interpreters: an ERP study. Neuropsychologia, 42(12), 1636-1656.
[86]  Alice Mado Proverbio, Federica Riva, Laura Paganelli, Stefano F. Cappa, Nicola Canessa, Daniela Perani, Alberto Zani (2011). Neural Coding of Cooperative vs. Affective Human Interactions: 150 ms to Code the Action's Purpose. PLOS One, 6(7): e22026.
[87]  Proverbio AM, D'Aniello GE, Adorni R, Zani A (2011). When a photograph can be heard: Vision activates the auditory cortex within 110 ms., 1(54): srep00054.
[88]  ZANI, A. 1988 Tecniche psicofisiologiche nello studio delle funzioni psicomotorie degli audiolesi [Psychophysiological techniques in the study of the psychomotor functions in deaf people]. Atti del "Primo stage di formazione per operatori dei Centri Olimpia sulle attività ludico-sportive per gli audiolesi" [Proceedings of the First Training Stage for Educators of the Olympic Centers on ludic and sport activities for deaf people] (pp. 68-102). Ragusa: Istituto Ibleo per Sordomuti.
[89]  ZANI, A., Proverbio, A.M., Avella, C., & Vegliach, A. 1996 Meccanismi funzionali cerebrali anteriori e posteriori dell'attenzione selettiva visiva riflessi dai potenziali relati ad eventi (ERPs) [Anterior and Posterior Cerebral Functional Mechanisms of Visual Selective Attention as reflected by Event-related Potentials of the Brain (ERPs)]. In Cosi, Moglia, Romani (Eds.), Atti del V Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia e VI giornata Pavese di Neurofisiologia Clinica [Proceedings of the V National Congress of Italian Society of Psychophysiology and the VI Meeting of Clinical Neurophysiology], pp. 197-200. University of Pavia: Pavia.
[90]  Proverbio, A.M., ZANI, A., & Minniti, A. 1996 Attenzione selettiva per elementi globali e locali di stimoli gerarchici: uno studio elettrofisiologico [Selective Attention for Global and Local elements of Gerarchic Stimuli: An Electrophysiological Study]. In Cosi, Moglia, Romani (Eds.), Atti del V Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia e VI giornata Pavese di Neurofisiologia Clinica [Proceedings of the V National Congress of Italian Society of Psychophysiology and the VI Meeting of Clinical Neurophysiology], pp. 193-196. University of Pavia: Pavia.
[91]  Avella, C., Proverbio, A.M., & ZANI, A. 1996 Asimmetrie emisferiche per l'elaborazione di frequenze spaziali alte e basse in condizioni di attenzione selettiva visiva [Hemispheric Asymmetries in Processing of Low and High Spatial Frequencies during Visual Selective Attention]. In Cosi, Moglia, Romani (Eds.), Atti del V Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia e VI giornata Pavese di Neurofisiologia Clinica [Proceedings of the V National Congress of Italian Society of Psychophysiology and the VI Meeting of Clinical Neurophysiology], pp. 189-192. University of Pavia: Pavia.