Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original articles, critical reviews, research notes, debate and short reports in all areas of applied mathematics.

Pavel Krutitskii

Editorial Board Member of Applied Mathematics

Professor, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow Lomonosov State University, Russia

Research Areas

Partial Differential Equations, Boundary Value Problems, Integral Equations, Boundary Integral Equation Method, Asymptotics, Singularities, Explicit Solutions, Applied Mathematics, Numerical Methods, Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer, Acoustics, Wave Propagat


1990Ph.DMoscow State University
1988M.ScMoscow State University


2007-presentSenior Researcher at Moscow, Lomonosov State University(part time)
2006-presentSenior Researcher at the Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences
1996-2006Associate Prof. at Moscow Lomonosov State University
1991-1996Assistant Professor at Moscow Lomonosov State University

Academic Achievement

Award for 'Outstanding research achievements in Mathematics' at the Internat. Congress ISAAC'99 (ISAAC=Internat. Soc. for Analysis, Applications and Computing) held in Fukuoka (Japan), 16-21 August 1999
Diploma for best young Professor at Physics Faculty of Moscow State University in 1998
Personal research stipend of Math.Soc.France in 1993-1995
Personal International INTAS Research Fellowship YSF 00-17 in 2000-2003
Personal NATO research grant PST.EV.979340 in 2003


Member of AMS, GAMM, ISAAC

Publications: Journals

[1]  (with S.A.Gabov) On the non-stationary Larsen problem.//U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1987, Vol.27, No.4, p.148-154. (in English)
[2]  Non-stationary planetary waves in semi-restricted channels.//U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1987, Vol.27, No.6, p.145-151. (in English)
[3]  Small non-stationary vibrations of vertical plates in a channel with a stratified fluid.//U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1988, Vol.28, No.6, p.166-176. (in English)
[4]  On the energy of non-stationary oscillations of a stratified fluid in a semi-restricted channel.//Neklassich.Diff. Uravn v Chastn. Proizv. (Collect. of papers, ed. V.N.Vragov), Novosibirsk, Inst. of Mathematics, 1988, p.61-69. (in Russian).
[5]  (with S.A.Gabov) On the small vibrations of a section placed at the boundary of a separation between two stratified fluids.//U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1989, Vol.29, No.2, p.154-162. (in English)
[6]  (with S.A.Gabov) On the energy characteristics of a horizontal channel filled with a stratified fluid.//U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1989, Vol.29, No.6, p.42-50. (in English)
[7]  (with S.A.Gabov) On a boundary value problem connected with an electric current through the magnetized semiconductor.//Matemat. Modelirovanie, 1989, vol.1, No.5, p.71-79. (Russian).
[8]  On a boundary value problem with an oblique derivative in a boundary condition, arising in the physics of semiconductors.//Primen. Metod. Funk. Anal. k Neklassich. Uravn. Mat. Fiz. (Collect. of papers, ed. V.N.Vragov), Novosibirsk, Inst. of Mathemat., 1989, p.127-135. (in Russian)
[9]  On the oblique derivative problem in the plane with cuts placed along a straight line and associated problems.//Matematich. Modelirovanie, 1990, Vol.2, No.4, p.143-154. (Russian, English summary)
[10]  On an electric current from straight line electrodes in the magnetized semiconductor film.//U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1990, Vol.30, No.6, p.64-73. (in English)
[11]  (with S.A.Gabov) Energy characteristics of non-stationary internal waves in a vertical channel with a stratified fluid.//U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1990, Vol.30, No.3, p.81-92. (in English)
[12]  On an oblique derivative problem in a plane with cuts placed along a circumference.//Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie., 1990, Vol.2, No.9, p.114-123. (Russian, English summary).
[13]  The research on non-stationary oscillations of a stratified fluid./PhD thesis, Moscow, Moscow State University, 1990, 160 pp. (in Russian).
[14]  On initial boundary value problems for the equation of a stra-tified rotating fluid.//Algebra i Mat. Analiz (Collect. of papers, ed. M.M.Lavrent'ev), Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk University, 1990, p.40-50. (Russian).
[15]  On an application of S.A.Gabov's potentials in the physics of semiconductors.//U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1991, Vol.31, No.1, p.75-84. (in English)
[16]  On the analogy between an oblique derivative problem and the Riemann-Hilbert problem.//Diff. Uravn., 1992, Vol.28, No.5, p.856-867, (Russian, translated in Engl. in Differential Equations, 1992, v.28, p.698-707.)
[17]  On initial boundary value problem describing oscillations of plates in a stratified rotating fluid.//Matem. Analiz i Diff. Uravn., (Collect. of papers, ed. M.M.Lavrent'ev), Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Univ., 1991, pp.73-88. (in Russian)
[18]  An explicit solution of the Dirichlet problem for a composite type equation in a multiply connected domain.//Doklady Akad. Nauk, 1992, Vol.325, No.3, pp.426-431, 1992.(Russian, translated in English in Russian Acad.Sci.Dokl.Math., 1993, Vol.46, No.1, p.63-69)
[19]  A solution of the hyperbolic boundary value problem as a result of an application of the limiting amplitude principle to an initial boundary value problem for a composite type equation.//Doklady Akad. Nauk, Vol.325, No.5, pp. 907-914, 1992. (Russian, translated in English in Russian Acad.Sci.Dokl.Math., 1993, Vol.46, No.1, p.118-125)
[20]  (with Krutitrskaya N.Ch.) On electric current in magnetized semi-conductor film with grounded walls.//Zh. Vych. Mat. mat. Fiz, 1994, Vol.34, No.1, pp.88-104 (Russian, translated into English in Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1994, v.34, No.1, p.71-83)
[21]  The Dirichlet problem for the Helmholtz equation in the exterior of cuts in the plane.//Zh. Vych. Mat. mat. Fiz., 1994, Vol.34, No.8-9, p.1237-1258. (Russian, translated into English in Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1994, v.34, No.8/9, p.1073-1090)
[22]  The Neumann problem for the Helmholtz equation outside cuts in the plane.//Zh. Vych. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 1994, Vol.34, No.11, p.1652-1665. (Russian, translated into English in Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1994, No.11, p.1421-1431)
[23]  On the limiting amplitude in the initial boundary value problem for a composite type equation in a multiply connected domain.//Zh. Vych. Mat. mat. Fiz., 1994, Vol.34, No.7, p.1104-1111. (Russian, translated into English in Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1994, v.34, No.7, p.951-957)
[24]  An explicit solution of the pseudo-hyperbolic initial boundary value problem in a multiply connected region.//Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 1995, v.18, No.11, pp.897-925 (in English)
[25]  On nonsteady mixed boundary value problem at the system of cuts for the equation of gravity-inertial waves.//Analiz i discret. matem., (Coll. of papers, editted by M.M.Lavrent'ev), Novosibirsk, Novosib. State Univ., 1995, p.65-87 (Russian).
[26]  On initial-boundary value problems for an equation of composite type.//Uspekhi Matemat. Nauk, 1995, Vol.50, No.4 (304), p.82. (Russian, translated into English in Russian Math. Surveys, 1995, v.50, No.4, p.740).
[27]  (with Krutitskaya N.Ch., Malysheva G.Yu.) On the dynamics of the electron plasma in the magnetized semiconductor film with an electrode, placed along the arc of the circumference.//Fundametalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika, 1996, Vol.2, No.1, pp.147-160. (Russian, English summary).
[28]  The second initial-boundary value problem for the gravity-inertial wave equation.//Comput. Maths. Math. Phys., 1996, Vol.36, No.1, pp.113-123.
[29]  On the mixed problem for the Helmholtz equation in a multiply connected domain.//Zh. Vych. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 1996, v.36, No.8, p.127-137. (Russian, translated into English in Comp. Maths. Math. Phys., 1996, v.36, No.8, p.1087-1095).
[30]  The mixed problem for the Helmholtz equation outside cuts in a plane.//Diff. Uravn., 1996, v.32, No.9, p.1153-1162. (Russian, translated into English in Differential Equations, 1996, v.32, No.9, p.1204-1212)
[31]  The reduction of the 2-nd initial-boundary value problem for the equation of gravity-inertial waves to the uniquely solvable integral equation.//Diff. Uravn., 1996, v.32, No.10, p.1386-1395. (Russian, translated into English in Diff. Equations, 1996, v.32, No.10, p.1383-1392).
[32]  The 2-nd initial-boundary value problem for the equation of gravity-inertial waves in an external domain.//Matem. Zametki, 1996, v.60, No.1, p.40-57. (Russian, translated into English in Mathematical Notes, 1996, v.60, No.1, p.29-41.)
[33]  Asymptotics of the solution's gradient and appearence of singularities in an initial-boundary value problem for the equation of composite type.//Doklady Akad. Nauk, 1996, v.351, No.5, p.586-591. (Russian, translated into English in Doklady Mathematics, 1996, v.54, No.3, p.912-917)
[34]  Excitation of nonsteady internal waves by vibrations of a plate in a stratified rotating fluid.//ZAMM, 1996, v.76, special issue, No.2, p.581-582.
[35]  An initial-boundary value problem for the evolutionary PDE of composite type with the mixed boundary condition.//Applicable Analysis, 1996, v.61, p.209-217.
[36]  Fast nonlinear stratified flow over an obstacle.//Appl. Math. Letters, 1996, v.9, No.6, p.41-46.
[37]  (with Villasenor R.) Efficient linear multistep method for nonlinear Volterra Integral equations.//J. Thermophysics & Heat Transfer, 1996, v.10, No.4, p.689-696.
[38]  Wave propagation in a 2-D external domain with cuts.//Applicable Analysis, 1996, v.62, p.297-309.
[39]  Fast stratified flow over several obstacles, including wings.//IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 1996, v.57, No.3, p.243-256.
[40]  Fast non-linear stratified flow over several obstacles.//Int. Journ. of Non-Linear Mech., 1997, v.32, No.3, p.483-488.
[41]  The first initial-boundary value problem for the equation of gravity-inertial waves in a multiply connected domain.//Zh. Vychisl. Matem. Matem. Fiz., 1997, v.37, No.1, p.117-128. (Russian, translated into English in Comp.Maths.Math.Phys., 1997, v.37, No.1, p.113-123)
[42]  The pseudohyperbolic problem arising in the dynamics of stratified rotating fluids.//Appl. Math. Letters, 1997, v.10, No.2, p.117-122.
[43]  The Neumann problem for the 2-D Helmholtz equation in a multiply connected domain with cuts.//Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 1997, v.16, No.2, p.349-362.
[44]  The skew derivative problem in the exterior of open curves in a plane.//Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen, 1997, v.16, No.3, p.739-747.
[45]  The Dirichlet problem for the 2-D Helmholtz equation in a multiply connected domain with cuts.//ZAMM, 1997, v.77, No.12, p.883-890.
[46]  An initial-boundary value problem for the pseudo-hyperbolic equation of gravity-gyroscopic waves.//J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 1997, v.37, No.2, p.343-365.
[47]  The mixed problem for the Laplace equation outside cuts in a plane.//Differential'nye Uravnenia 1997, v.33, p.1181-1190. (in Russian, translated into English in Differential Equations, 1997, v.33, p.1184-1193).
[48]  (with Logginova K.A.) On a boundary value problem describing the Hall effect in a semiconductor with periodic system of electrodes.//Vestnik MGU, ser.3 (Physics, Astronomy), 1997, No.6, p.23-27. (in Russian, to be translated into English in Physics Bulletin)
[49]  (with Busheva L.V.) On dynanics of elektron plasma in the magnetized semiconductor film with periodic system of electrodes, placed along the stright line.//Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika, 1997, v.3, No.3, p.739-757. (in Russian).
[50]  The 2-D Neumann problem in an exterior domain bounded by closed and open curves.//Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 1997, v.20, No.18, pp.1551-1562.
[51]  (with Malysheva G.Yu.) Transient planetary waves in semi-bounded channels extending along a meridian.//Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, 1997, v.61, N 6, p.975-982. (Russian, English translation in J. Appl. Maths. Mechs., 1997, v.61, No.6, p.941-947).
[52]  Wave propagation in a $2-D$ external domain bounded by closed and open curves.//Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 1998, v.32, No.1, p.135-144.
[53]  The Neumann problem for the 2-D Helmholtz equation in a domain, bounded by closed and open curves.//International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 1998, v.21, No.2, p.209-216.
[54]  The flow of an inhomogeneous fluid over wings.//Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 1998, v.32, No.6, p.807-817.
[55]  The 2-Dimensional Dirichlet Problem in an External Domain with Cuts.//Zeitscr. Analysis u. Anwend., 1998, v.17, No.2, p.361-378.
[56]  The Dirichlet problem for the dissipative Helmholtz equation in a plane domain bounded by closed and open curves.//Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 1998, v.28, No.1, p.149-168.
[57]  Potentials of a dissipative guidewave and their applications.//Vestnik MGU, ser.3 (Physics, Astronomy), 1998, No.3, p.9-13. (in Russian, to be translated into English in Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 1998, No.3).
[58]  The Neumann problem on wave propagation in a 2-D external domain with cuts.//J. Math. Kyoto Univ., 1998, v.38, No.3, p.439-452.
[59]  On the electric current from electrodes in a magnetized semiconductor film.//IMA J. Appl. Math., 1998, v.60, p.285-297.
[60]  The mixed problem for the dissipative Helmholtz equation with an arbitrary devision of the boundary.//Differential'nye Uravnenia, 1998, v.34, N 9, p.1216-1225. (in Russian, translated into English in Differential Equations, 1998, v.34, No.9, p.1218-1227)
[61]  On the Fredholm property of systems of integral equations.//Uspekhi Matem. Nauk, 1998, v.53, No.6, p.253-254. (in Russian, translated into English in Russ. Math. Surveys)
[62]  Exterior initial-boundary value problem for an evolutionary equation in a multiply connected domain.//Differential'nye Uravnenia, 1998, v.34, No.12, p.1624-1633. (in Russian, translated into English in Differential Equations, 1998, v.34, No.12, p.1629-1638).
[63]  The Neumann problem in a plane domain bounded by closed and open curves.//Complex Variables, 1999, v.38, p.1-20.
[64]  (with Krutitskaya N.Ch. and Malysheva G.Yu.) A problem related to the Hall effect in a semiconductor with an electrode of an arbitrary shape.//Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1999, v.5, p.83-95.
[65]  Fast nonlinear stratified flow over a thin wing.//Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1999, v.16, No.2, p.163-174.
[66]  The 2-D Neumann problem in a domain with cuts.//Rendiconti di Matematica, Serie 7, 1999, v.19, p.65-88.
[67]  The uniquely solvable integral equation for the harmonic Dirichlet in a plane domain with cuts.//ZAMM, 1999, v.79, No.9, p.591-601.
[68]  Method of interior boundaries in a mixed problem of acoustic scattering.//Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1999, v.5, p.173-192.
[69]  Mixed problem for the Laplace equation in a 3-D multiply connected domain.//Differential'nye Uravnenia, 1999, v.35, No.9, p.1179-1186. (in Russian, translated into English in Differential Equations, 1999, v.35, No.9).
[70]  Scattering tidal waves by a spit of an arbitrary shape.//Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics, 1999, v.91, No.1-2, p.85-102.
[71]  The skew derivative problem for the Helmholtz equation outside cuts in a plane.//Rendiconti di Matematica, Serie 7, 1999, v.19, p.367-384.
[72]  The jump problem for the Helmholtz equation and singularities at the edges.//Appl. Math. Letters, 2000, v.13, p.71-76.
[73]  (with Krutitskaya N.Ch., Malysheva G.Yu.) Scattering of 2-D Waves by several obstacles and screens in case of Neumann boundary condition.//Computers and Mathematics with applications, 2000, v.39, p.49-57.
[74]  A new approach to reduction of the Neumann problem in acoustic scattering to a non-hypersingular integral equation.//IMA J. Appl. Math., 2000, v.64, No.3, p.259-270.
[75]  Wave scattering in a 2-D exterior domain with cuts: The Neumann problem.//ZAMM, 2000, v.80, No.8, p.535-546.
[76]  The Dirichlet problem for the 2-D Laplace equation in a multiply connected domain with cuts.//Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 2000, v.43, p.325-341.
[77]  Initial-boundary value problems for an equation of internal waves in a stratified fluid; in "Direct and inverse problems of mathematical physics", (eds.: R.P.Gilbert, J.Kajiwara, Y.S.Xu), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000, p.233-236.
[78]  Acoustic scattering by several obstacles and screens with Neumann boundary condition.//Mathematics and computers in simulation, 2000, v.52, p.345-360.
[79]  (with A.O.Chikilev) Method of integral equations in the oblique derivative problem, arising in the physics of semiconductors.//Differential'nye Uravnenia, 2000, v.36, No.9, p.1196-1208. (Russian, English translation in Differential Equations, 2000, v.36, No.9)
[80]  First boundary-value problem for an equation of composite type in 3-D multiply connected domain.//Matemat. Zametki, 2000, v.68, No.2, p.249-265. (in Russian, English translation in Mathemat. Notes, 2000, v.68, No.2, p.217-231).
[81]  (with A.I.Sgibnev) Mixed problem for a Laplace equation outside an arc of a circumference.//Vestnik MGU, ser.3 (Physics, Astronomy), 2000, No.6, p.27-30. (in Russian, to be translated into English in Physics Bulletin).
[82]  (with Gosteva A.S., Krutitskaya N.Ch.) Mixed problem in magnetized semiconductor film with cuts placed along a line.//Fundamental'naia i prikladnaia matematika, 2000, v.6, No.4, p.1061-1073. (in Russian, English translation in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, 2000, v.6, No.4).
[83]  The integral representation for a solution of the 2-D Dirichlet problem with boundary data on closed and open curves.//Mathematika (London), 2000, v.47, p.339-354.
[84]  Scattering of tidal waves by reefs and spits.//Mathematika (London), 2000, v.47, p.355-370.
[85]  Method of boundary integral equations in the mixed problem for the Laplace equation with an arbitrary devision of the boundary.//Differential'nye Uravnenia, 2001, v.37, No.1, p.73-82. (in Russian, translated into English in Differential Equations, 2001, v.37, No.1)
[86]  The jump problem for the Laplace equation.//Applied Mathematics Letters, 2001, v.14, No.3, p.353-358.
[87]  Evolutionary equation of inertial waves in 3-D multiply connected domain with Dirichlet boundary condition.//Int. J. Maths. Math. Sci, 2001, v.25, no.9, p.587-603.
[88]  On properties of systems of integral equations with Cauchy operators.//Doklady of Russian Acad. of Sciences, 2001, v.376, N 1., c.17-20. (in Russian, English translation in Doklady Mathematics, 2001, N 1).
[89]  Explicit solution of the jump problem for the Laplace equation and singularities at the edges.//Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2001, v.7, no.1, p.1-13.
[90]  (with Chikilev A.O.) Mixed problem of the physics of magnetized semiconductors in exterior domain.//Vestnik MGU ser.3 (Physics, Astronomy), 2001, N 2, p.30-34. (Translated into English in Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2001, No.2)
[91]  The oblique derivative problem for the Helmholtz equation and scattering tidal waves.//Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, ser. A, 2001, v.457, p.1735-1755.
[92]  (with Sgibnev A.I.) Method of integral equations in a mixed Dirichlet-Neumann problem for a Laplace equation outside cuts in a plane.//Differential'nye Uravnenia, 2001, v.37, No.10, p.1299-1310. (Russian, English translation in Differential Equations, 2001, v.37, No.10, p.1363-1375.)
[93]  On a uniquely solvable integral equation in a mixed Dirichlet-Neumann problem of acoustic scattering.//Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 2001, v.59, No.3, p.493-506.
[94]  A new integral equation approach to the Neumann problem in acoustic scattering.//Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 2001, v.24, p.1247-1256.
[95]  The Neumann problem in a 2-D exterior domain with cuts and singularities at the tips.//J. Differential Equations, 2001, v.176, No.1, p.269-289.
[96]  Mixed problem for the Laplace equation in an exterior domain with an arbitrary division of the boundary.//Matemat. Zametki, 2001, v.69, No.6, p.876-891. (Russian, English translation in Mathematical Notes, 2001, v.69, No.6.)
[97]  (with Chikilev A.O.) Mixed problem of physics of magnetized semiconductors in interior domain.//Vestnik MGU, ser.3 (Physics, Astronomy), 2001, No.5, p.16-19. (in Russian, English translation in Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2001, No.5)
[98]  The modified jump problem for the Helmholtz equation.//Ann. Univ. Ferrara, Sez.VII, Sc. Mat., 2001, v.XLVII, p.285-296.
[99]  (with Prozorov K.V.) The problem of the physics of semiconductors with mixed boundary condition, specified on periodic system of electrodes, lying along a straight-line.//Vestnik MGU, ser.3, (Physics, Astronomy), 2002, No.3, p.16-19. (Russian, English translation in Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2002, No.3)
[100]  On the invertible boundary integral operator in the exterior impedance problem for the Helmholtz equation.//Applicable Analysis, 2002, v.81, p.69-83.
[101]  (with A.S.Gosteva, N.Ch.Krutitskaya) Mixed problem in a magnetized semiconductor film with two periodic sets of cuts.//Fundametalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika, 2002, v.8, p.39-52. (Translated into English in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, 2002, v.8).
[102]  Integral equation method for the acoustic impedance problem in interior multiply connected domain.//Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2002, v.274, p.1-15.
[103]  (with Sgibnev A.I.) Integral equation method in generalized jump problem for the Laplace equation outside cuts in a plane.//Differential'nye Uravnenia, 2002, v.38, No.9, p.1199-1213. (Russian, English translation in Differential Equations, 2002, v.38, No.9)
[104]  (with Logginova K.A.) On a boundary value problem describing Hall effect in a semiconductor with 2 periodic system of electrodes.//Fundamental'naia i prikladnaia matematika, 2002, v.8, No.3, p.729-742. (in Russian, English translation in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, 2002, v.8, No.3).
[105]  (with Sgibnev A.I.) On a mixed problem for the Laplace equation in a plane outside system of cuts, placed on the circle.//Fundamental'naia i prikladnaia matematika, 2002, v.8, No.4, p.1129-1158. (in Russian, English translation in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, 2002, v.8, No.4).
[106]  (with Tchikilev A.O.) The Boundary Value Problem of the Physics of Magnetized Semiconductors in an Exterior Domain with Cuts.//Doklady Acad. Nauk, 2002, v.387, No.4, p.463-467. (in Russian, English translation in Doklady Mathematics, 2002, v.66, No.3, pp.385-389).
[107]  Method of interior boundaries for the impedance problem in scattering theory.//Applied Mathematcs and Computation, 2003, v.135, p.147-160.
[108]  Hypersingular integral equations not needed in the impedance problem in scattering theory.//Computers and Mathematics with applications, 2003, v.45, p.391-399.
[109]  (with Tchikilev A.O.) Boundary Value Problem in the Physics of Magnetized Semiconductors in an Interior Domain with Cuts.//Doklady Acad. Nauk, 2003, v.389, No.1, p.17-22. (in Russian, English translation in Doklady Mathematics, 2003, v.67, No.2, pp.158-162).
[110]  (with Sgibnev A.I.) Singularities of a solution gradient in the generalized jump problem for the Laplace equation outside a cut in a plane.//Differential'nye Uravnenia, 2003, v.39, No.9, p.1165-1175. (Russian, English translation in Differential Equations, 2003, v.39, No.9)
[111]  The impedance problem for the propagative Helmholtz equation in interior multiply connected domain.//Computers and mathematics with applications, 2003, v.46, p.1601-1610.
[112]  Initial-boundary value problem for an equation of internal gravity waves in a 3-D multiply connected domain with Dirichlet boundary condition.//Advances in Mathematics, 2003, v.177, p.208-226.
[113]  (with Prozorov K.V.) On the skew derivative problem outside cuts in a plane for the Helmholtz equation.//Vestnik MGU, ser.3 (Physics, Astronomy), 2003, No.4, p.15-18. (in Russian, English translation in Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2003, No.4).
[114]  (with Chikilev A.O.) Mixed problem of magnetized semiconductor physics in exterior domain with cuts.//Vestnik MGU, ser.3 (Physics, Astronomy), 2003, N 6, p.23-26. (in Russian, English translation in Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2003, No.6)
[115]  (with Sazhin S.S. et all) Transient heating of diesel fuel droplets.//International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2004, v.47, p.3327-3340.
[116]  (with Medkova D.) The harmonic Dirichlet problem for a cracked domain with jump conditions on cracks.//Applicable Analysis, 2004, v.83, No.7, p.661-671.
[117]  The Dirichlet-Neumann harmonic problem in a two-dimensional cracked domain with the Neumann condition on cracks.//Proc. Roy. Soc. London, ser.A, 2004, v.460, p.445-462.
[118]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) On properties of solutions of the system of two singular integral equations with Cauchy operators.//Doklady Acad. Nauk, 2004, v.394, No.4, p.444-448. (in Russian, English translation in Doklady Mathematics, 2004).
[119]  (with Chikilev A.O.) Mixed boundary value problem of the physics of magnetized semiconductors in interior domain with cuts.//Doklady Acad. Nauk, 2004, v.394, No.5, p.589-593. (in Russian, English translation in Doklady Mathematics, 2004).
[120]  The mixed harmonic problem in a bounded cracked domain with Dirichlet condition on cracks.//Journal of Differential Equations, 2004, v.198, p.422-441.
[121]  (with Chikilev A.O., Krutitskaya N.Ch.) Boundary value problems describing electric processes in semiconductor films placed in a magnetic field.//Electromagnitnye volny i elektronnye sistemy, 2004, v.9, No.7, p.4-18. (in Russian, English summary)
[122]  (with Prozorov K.V.) Generalized jump problem for the Helmholtz equation outside cuts in a plane.//Differentsial'nye uravnenia, 2004, v.40, No.9, p.1176-1189. (in Russian, English translation in Differential Equations, 2004, v.40, No.9).
[123]  (with Prozorov K.V.) The Dirichlet-Neumann problem for the Helmholtz equation outside cuts in a plane.//Doklady Acad. Nauk, 2004, v.398, No.5, p.602-606. (in Russian, English translation in Doklady Mathematics, 2004).
[124]  (with Prozorov K.V.) To the Dirichlet-Neumann problem for the Helmholtz equation outside cuts in a plane.//Vestnik MGU, ser.3 (Physics, Astronomy), 2004, No.4, p.13-16. (in Russian, English translation in Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2004, No.4).
[125]  (with Medkova D.) Neumann and Robin problems in a cracked domain with jump conditions on cracks.//J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2005, v.301, p.99-114.
[126]  (with Krutitskaya N.Ch., Chikilev A.O., Kolybasova V.V.) On a generalization of the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation outside cuts in a plane.//Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2005, v.28, p.593-606.
[127]  (with Sgibnev A.I.) On singularities of a solution gradient in the Dirichlet-Neumann problem outside a cut in a plane.//Mathematicheskie zametki, 2005, v.77, No.3, p.364-377. (Russian, English translation in Mathematical Notes, 2005).
[128]  (with Sazhin S.S. et all) New approaches to numerical modelling of droplet transient heating and evaporation.//International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2005, v.48, p.4215-4228.
[129]  The modified jump problem for the Laplace equation and singularities at the tips.//Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2005, v.183, p.232-240.
[130]  The mixed harmonic problem in an exterior cracked domain with Dirichlet condition on cracks.//Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2005, v.50, p.769-782.
[131]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) On the dissipative Helmholtz equation in a cracked domain with the Dirichlet-Neumann boundary condition.//Journal of the Korea Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2005, v.9, No.1, p. 63-77.
[132]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) Generalization of the Neumann problem for the Helmholtz equation outside cuts in a plane.//Differentsial'nye Uravnenia, 2005, v.41, No.9, p.1155-1165. (in Russian, English translation in Differentsial Equations, 2005, v.41, No.9).
[133]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) On a mixed problem for the Helmholtz equation in a mixed plane domain with cuts.//Uspekhi Matemat. Nauk, 2005, v.60, No.5, p.167-168. (in Russian, English translation in Russian Math. Surveys, 2005, v.60, No.5).
[134]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) On a mixed problem for the dissipative Helmholtz equation in a 2-D domain with cuts with Dirichlet condition on cuts.//Vestnik MGU, ser. 3 (Physics, Astronomy), 2005, No.4, p.25-28. (in Russian, English translation in Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2005, No.4).
[135]  (with Prozorov K.V.) The Helmholtz equation with the skew derivative and the Dirichlet condition on sides of the cuts in a plane.//Vestnik MGU, ser. 3 (Physics, Astronomy), 2005, No.5, p.3-6. (in Russian, English translation in Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2005, No.5).
[136]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) On a Dirichlet--Neumann problem for the dissipative Helmholtz equation in a 2-D domain with cuts with Neumann condition on cuts.//Doklady Acad. Nauk, 2006, v.406, No.4, p.447-451. (in Russian, English translation in Doklady Mathematics, 2006).
[137]  (with Sgibnev A.I.) Mixed problem for the Laplace equation outside cuts in a plane with setting Dirichlet and skew derivative conditions on different sides of the cuts.//Quarterly of applied mathematics, 2006, v.64, No.1, p.105-136.
[138]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) The Dirichlet-Neumann problem for the dissipative Helmholtz equation in a 2-D cracked domain with the Neumann condition on cracks.//Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics, 2006, vol. 30, No. 1, p.103-129.
[139]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) On the mixed problem for the dissipative Helmholtz equation in a 2D cracked domain with the Neumann condition on cracks.//Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 2006, Vol. 51, Nos. 8-11, p.1065-1089.
[140]  (with Devyatov I.A., Kupriyanov M.Yu.) Investigation of Various Operation Modes of a Miniature Superconducting Detector of Microwave Radiation.//Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 2006, Vol. 84, No. 2, pp. 61-66. (in Russian, English translation in JETP Letters, 2006, Vol. 84, No. 2, pp. 57-61.)
[141]  On Integral-Algebraic Systems of Equations with Cauchy Operators.//Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2006, v.410, No.5, p.602?06. (in Russian, English translation in Doklady Mathematics, 2006, v.74, No.2, pp.731?35.)
[142]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) To the Dirichlet-Neumann problem for the dissipative Helmholtz equation in a planar domain with cuts with Neumann condition on cuts.//Vestnik MGU, ser. 3 (Physics, Astronomy), 2006, No.4, p.6-9. (in Russian, English translation in Moscow University Physics Bulletin, 2006, No.4).
[143]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) The Helmholtz equation outside cuts in a plane with setting the Dirichlet condition and the condition of the third kind on different sides of the cuts.//Differentsial'nye Uravnenia, 2006, v.42, No.9, p.1180-1193. (in Russian, English translation in Differentsial Equations, 2006, v.42, No.9).
[144]  (with Sgibnev A.I.) The method of integral equations for the mixed problem with the skew derivative for harmonic functions outside cuts in a plane.//Fundamentalnaya i prikladnaya matematika, 2006, v.12, no. 6, pp. 115?35. (Russian, English summary).
[145]  (with Sazhin S.S. et all) Transient heating of a semitransparent spherical body.//International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2007, v.46, pp.444?57.
[146]  On the Stokes potential for pressure.//Uspekhi matem. nauk, 2007, v.62, N 2, p.177-178. (in Russian, English translation in Russian Math. Surveys, 2007, v.62, No.2).
[147]  On the mixed problem for harmonic functions in a 2-D exterior cracked domain with Neumann condition on cracks.//Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 2007, v.65, No.1, pp.25-42.
[148]  (with Kwak D.Y., Hyon Y.K.) Numerical treatment of a skew-derivative problem for the Laplace equation in the exterior of an open arc.//Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2007, v.59, No.1, pp. 25-60.
[149]  On the harmonic Dirichlet problem on a two-dimensional domain with cuts.//Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2007, v.415, No.1, p.21?5. (in Russian, English translation in Doklady Mathematics, 2007, v.76, No.1, pp.497?01.)
[150]  On properties of some integrals related to potentials for Stokes equations.//Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 2007, v.65, No.3, pp.549-569.
[151]  Properties of Solutions of the Dirichlet Problem for the Helmholtz Equation in a Two-Dimensional Domain with Cuts.//Differentsialye Uravneniya, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 9, pp. 1173?184. (Russian, English translation in Differential Equations, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 9).
[152]  Boundary value problem for a Helmholtz equation outside cuts in a plane with boundary conditions of the third kind.//Differentsialye Uravneniya, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 10, pp. 1387?399. (Russian, English translation in Differential Equations, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 10).
[153]  On the Stokes potentials for velocities.//Uspekhi matem. nauk, 2007, v.62, N 6, p.179-180. (in Russian, English translation in Russian Math. Surveys, 2007, v.62, No.6).
[154]  (with V.V.Kolybasova) Acoustic scattering by a thin cylindrical screen with Dirichlet and impedance boundary conditions on opposite sides of the screen.//Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2007, v. 7, pp.4120015?120016.
[155]  (with V.V.Kolybasova) Helmholtz equation outside an open arc in a plane with a mixed boundary condition.//Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2007, v. 7, pp.2040089?040090.
[156]  On existence of a classical solution and non-existence of a weak solution to the Dirichlet problem in a planar domain with slits for Laplacian.//Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 2008, vol. 66, No. 1, pp.177-190.
[157]  The Harmonic Problem in the Plane with Cuts under Boundary Conditions of the Third Kind.//Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2008, Vol. 418, No.4, pp. 458?61. (in Russian, English translation in Doklady Mathematics, 2008, Vol. 77, No. 1, pp. 90?3.).
[158]  (with Sazhin S.S. et all) Numerical modeling of droplet transient heating and evaporation.//Heat Transfere Research, 2008, vol.39, No.1, pp.51-63.
[159]  The Dirichlet-Neumann problem for the 2-D Laplace equation in an exterior cracked domain with Neumann condition on cracks.//Journal of applied functional analysis, 2008, vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 353-381.
[160]  On the Dirichlet Problem for Stokes Equations outside Open Arcs in a Half-Plane.//Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2008, Vol. 421, No.4, pp. 449?54. (in Russian, English translation in Doklady Mathematics, 2008, Vol. 78, No. 1.).
[161]  (with Sgibnev A.I.) Integral-equation method in the mixed oblique derivative problem for harmonic functions outside cuts on the plane.//Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2008, Vol. 151, No. 1, pp. 2710?725.
[162]  Dirichlet Problem for the Stokes Equations Outside Open Curves on the Plane.//Differentsialye Uravneniya, 2008, Vol.44, No. 9, pp.1161-1174. (in Russian, English translation in Differential Equations, 2008, Vol. 44, No. 9, pp. 1203?217).
[163]  The Dirichlet problem for the Laplacian with discontinuous boundary data in a 2D multiply connected exterior domain.//Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2008, vol. 56, No. 12, pp.3221-3235.
[164]  (with Krutitskaya N.Ch.) The harmonic Dirichlet problem in a planar domain with cracks.//Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis, Studia Mathematica VII, 2008, Folia 63, pp. 113-123.
[165]  (with Devyatov I.A. et al) Nonequilibrium Fluctuations of a Thin Metal Diffuse Film Exposed to Microwave Radiation//Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, 2008, Vol. 88, No. 4, pp. 291-296. (in Russian, English translation in JETP Letters, 2008, Vol. 88, No. 4, pp. 254-258.)
[166]  (with J.Liu, M.Sini) Reconstruction of complex cracks by exterior measurements//Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2008, v.135, No.012056, pp.1-8.
[167]  theory//Uspekhi matem. nauk, 2009, v.64, N 1, pp.149-150. (in Russian, English translation in Russian Math. Surveys, 2009, v.64, No.1, pp.150-151).
[168]  Boundary Value Problem for the Laplace Equation Outside Cuts on the Plane with Different Conditions of the Third Kind on Opposite Sides of the Cuts//Differentsialye Uravneniya, 2009, Vol.45, No.1, pp.86-100. (in Russian, English translation in Differential Equations, 2009, Vol.45, No.1, pp.86-101).
[169]  The Helmholtz equation in the exterior of slits in a plane with different impedance boundary conditions on opposite sides of the slits//Quarterly of applied mathematics, 2009, v.67, No.1, pp.73-92.
[170]  On existence of a classical solution and nonexistence of a weak solution to the Dirichlet problem for the Laplacian with discontinuous boundary data//Quarterly of applied mathematics, 2009, v.67, No.2, pp.379-399.
[171]  (with Krutitskaya N.Ch.) The Dirichlet problem for the equations of static theory of elasticity in the exterior of cracks in a plane.//Differentsialye Uravneniya, 2009, Vol.45, No.9, pp.1259-1272. (in Russian, English translation in Differential Equations, 2009, Vol.45, No.9).
[172]  (with Sazhin S.S. et al) Transient heating of an evaporating droplet//International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010, v.53, pp.2826?836.
[173]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) Integral equation method in a problem on acoustic scattering by a thin cylindrical screen with Dirichlet and impedance boundary conditions on opposite sides of the screen//in the book "Integral methods in science and engineering", v.1, eds.: C. Constanda, M.E. Perez. Birkhauser, Basel, 2010. P. 179-182.
[174]  (with Krutitskaya N.Ch.) Existence of a classical solution and nonexistence of a weak solution to the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in a plane domain with cracks//in the book "Integral methods in science and engineering", v.1, eds.: C.Constanda, M.E. Perez. Birkhauser, Basel, 2010. P. 183-192.
[175]  (with Sazhin S.S. et al) A simplified model for bi-component droplet heating and evaporation//International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2010, v.53, pp.4495?505.
[176]  On the Properties of Solutions of the Harmonic Dirichlet Problem in a Two-Dimensional Domain with Cuts//Differentsialye Uravneniya, 2010, Vol. 46, No. 9, pp.1278?289. (in Russian, English translation in Differential Equations, 2010, Vol. 46, No.9, pp.1287?298.)
[177]  The Dirichlet problem for Stokes equations outside open arcs in a half-plane and creeping flow over thin profiles//Quarterly of applied mathematics, 2010, v.68, pp.537?56.
[178]  (with Semenov A.V. and Devyatov I.A.) Microscopic Theory of Phase Slip in a Narrow Durty Superconducting Strip//Pis a v Zhurnal Eksperimentalo?i Teoretichesko?Fiziki, 2010, Vol. 92, No. 11, pp. 842?46. (in Russian, English translation in JETP Letters, 2010, Vol. 92, No. 11, pp. 762?66.)
[179]  (with Kolybasova V.V. et al) Application of the discrete Fourier transform to solving the Cauchy integral equation//Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2011, v.235, pp.1317?325.
[180]  (with Sazhin S.S. et al) Transient heating of an evaporating droplet with presumed time evolution of its radius//International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, v.54, pp.1278?288.

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  Oscillations of a plate positioned at a boundary of a separation between two stratified fluids.//Proc. 26 All-Union Student Sci. Conf., Mat. series, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk Univ., 1988, p.45-51. (in Russian).
[2]  (with Villasenor R.) An integral formulation for a radiating cylinder with a continuous heat source.//Proc. 10th Internat. Heat Transfer Conf., 14-18 August 1994, Brighton U.K., Vol.6, p.445-450 (in English).
[3]  Integral operators related to boundary value problems in 2-D domains with cuts; in Proceedings of the 2nd ISAAC Congress (eds.: H.G.W.Begehr, R.P.Gilbert, J.Kajiwara), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2000, vol.1, p.707-718.
[4]  (with Malysheva G.Yu.) Asymptotic properties of nonstationary planetary waves in channels.//Transactions of 7th National school-seminar "Wave phenomena in inhomogeneous media", Krasnovidovo, Moscow region, 22-27 May, 2000. Vol.1, p.83-85.
[5]  Analysis of boundary value problems for PDEs.//Proceedings of ICIAM'99 (5-9 July 1999, Edinburgh, U.K.; eds.: J.M.Ball, J.C.R.Hunt) Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 2000, p.287-288.
[6]  (with Sgibnev A.I.) On mixed Dirichlet-Neumann problem for Laplace equation outside cuts in a plane.//Transactions of 10th International Symposium "Methods of discrete singularities in problems of mathematical physics", held in Kherson (Ukraine), 29 May-5 June 2001. P. 305-309.
[7]  (with Sazhin S.S. et all) Modelling of fluid dynamics, heat transfer and combustion processes in diesel engines.//Proceedings of 18th International Conference "Science and Motor Vehicles 2001" held in Belgrade, 28-30 May 2001. Eds: C.Duboka, J.Todorovic. Publisher: Yugoslav Society of Automotive Engineers, 2001, p.119-122.
[8]  (with Sazhin S.S. et all) Modelling of diesel fuel sprays: penetration, heating, autoignition.//Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 6-11 January, 2002. Eds. Mansour M.S., Kamel M. Vol.2, p.738-749.
[9]  (with Sazhin S.S. et all) Analytical and numerical modelling of convective and radiative heating of fuel droplets in diesel engines.//Proceedings of 12th International Heat Transfer Conference, held in Grenoble, France, 18-23 August 2002. Editions scientifique et medicale Elsevier SAS, 2002, Vol.1, p.699-704.
[10]  (with Sgibnev A.I.) On the mixed problem for Laplace equation outside cuts placed along a circumference.//Proceedings of the 3rd International ISAAC Congress (20-25 August 2001, Berlin, Germany; eds.: H.G.W.Begehr et all), World Scientific, Singapore, 2003, p.753-762.
[11]  (with Sgibnev A.I.) The mixed problem for harmonic functions outside a cut of an arbitrary shape.//Proceedings of the 3rd International ISAAC Congress (20-25 August 2001, Berlin, Germany; eds.: H.G.W.Begehr et all), World Scientific, Singapore, 2003, p.1151-1160.
[12]  (with Sazhin S.S.) A conduction model for transient heating of fuel droplets.//Proceedings of the 3rd International ISAAC Congress (20-25 August 2001, Berlin, Germany; eds.: H.G.W.Begehr et all), World Scientific, Singapore, 2003, p.1231-1240.
[13]  The jump problem for the equation of internal waves in a stratified rotating fluid.//Proceedings of the 3rd International ISAAC Congress (20-25 August 2001, Berlin, Germany; eds.: H.G.W.Begehr et all), World Scientific, Singapore, 2003, p.1185-1196.C14. (with Chikilev A.O.) On the mixed problem of semiconductor physics in plane domain with cuts.//Transactions of XI International symposium 'Methods of discrete singularities in problems of mathematical physics' (MDOZMF-2003), Kharkov-Kherson, Ukraine, 2003, p.159-164.
[14]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) On a generalization of the Neumann problem for the Helmholtz equation outside cuts in a plane.//Transactions of XII International symposium 'Methods of discrete singularities in problems of mathematical physics' (MDOZMF-2005), Kharkov-Kherson, Ukraine, 2005, p.177-180.
[15]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) On the Dirichlet-Neumann problem for the Helmholtz equation in plane domain with cuts, when the Dirichlet condition is specified on the cuts.//Transactions of XII International symposium 'Methods of discrete singularities in problems of mathematical physics' (MDOZMF-2005), Kharkov-Kherson, Ukraine, 2005, p.181-184.
[16]  Integral equation method in boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in domains bounded by closed curves and open arcs.//Proceedings of International conference on numerical analysis and applied mathematics, (ICNAAM-2007 held 16-20 Sept. 2007 in Corfu, Greece), ed. T.E.Simos et al, AIP conference proceedings No. 936, American Institute of Physics, N.Y., 2007, pp.326-327.
[17]  (with Krutitskaya N.Ch.) The Helmholtz equation in domains bounded by closed curves and open arcs.//Proceedings of International conference on numerical analysis and applied mathematics, (ICNAAM-2008 held 16-20 Sept. 2008 in Psalidi, Kos, Greece), ed. T.E.Simos et al, AIP Conference
[18]  Proceedings, No. 1048, American Institute of Physics, N.Y., 2008, pp.336-338.
[19]  (with Krutitskaya N.Ch.) The Dirichlet problem for the propagative Helmholtz equation in a 2-D exterior domain bounded by closed curves and open arcs.//Proceedings of the International Conference "Days on Diffraction" 2008, (3-6 June 2008, St.Petersburg, Russia), ed. I.V.Andronov et al, St.Petersburg University, 2008, pp. 85-91.
[20]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) Acoustic scattering by a thin cylindrical screen with the Dirichlet boundary condition and the impedance boundary condition on opposite sides of the screen.//Proceedings of the International Conference "Days on Diffraction" 2008, (3-6 June 2008, St.Petersburg, Russia), ed. I.V.Andronov et al, St.Petersburg University, 2008, pp. 77-78.
[21]  Existence of a classical solution and non-existence of a weak solution to the harmonic Dirichlet problem in a planar domain with cracks.//More progress in analysis. Proceedings of the 5th International ISAAC Congress (5th Congress on Analysis, Applications and Computing, held 25?0 July 2005 in Catania, Italy), ed. H. G. W. Begehr and F. Nicolosi, World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2009, pp.647-656.
[22]  The Dirichlet Problem on Wave Propagation in a 2D Exterior Cracked Domain with Compatibility Conditions at the Tips of the Cracks.//Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences (AMiTaNS-2009 held 22-27 June 2009 in Sozopol, Bulgaria), ed. C.I.Cristov et al, AIP Conference Proceedings, No. 1186, American Institute of Physics, N.Y., 2009, pp.271-283.
[23]  The Dirichlet Problem for the Propagative Helmholtz Equation in a Cracked Domain without Compatibility Conditions at the Tips of the Cracks.//Proceedings of International conference on numerical analysis and applied mathematics, (ICNAAM-2009 held 18-22 Sept. 2009 in Rethymno, Crete, Greece), ed. T.E.Simos et al, AIP Conference Proceedings, No. 1168, American Institute of Physics, N.Y., 2009, pp.1280-1283.
[24]  (with Kolybasova V.V.) Numerical Treatment of a Skew-Derivative Problem for the Laplace Equation in the Exterior of Open Arcs: One-Point Scheme//Proceedings of International conference on numerical analysis and applied mathematics, (ICNAAM-2010 held 19-25 Sept. 2010 in Rhodes, Greece), ed. T.E.Simos et al, AIP Conference Proceedings, No. 1281, American Institute of Physics, N.Y., 2010, pp.912-915.
[25]  (with Sazhin S.S. et al) Fuel droplets heating and evaporation: new hydrodynamic and kinetic models//Proceedings of the ASME 2010 International Heat Transfer Conferences (IHTC-14 held August 8-13, 2010, Washington, USA) paper IHTC14-22320, pp.1-10.
[26]  (with Sazhin S.S. et al) An analytical solution to the spherically symmetric species diffusion equation: application to modelling of heating and evaporation of bi-component droplets//Proceedings of 23rd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, (ILASS ?Europe 2010, Brno, Czech Republic, 6-8 September 2010), Brno, 2010, paper ID: 29, pp.1-6.
[27]  (with Devyatov et al) The theoretical analysis of electronic thermal properties of the interfaces between multiband superconductors and a normal metal, Proceedings of the SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2010, vol.7521, paper 75210N, pp.1-11.