[1] | S. CALISKAN, E. P. NAKHMEDOV, E. SASIOGLU, "Effect of Electon-Electon Interactions on Density of States in Disordered Metallic Systems", Turkish Journal of Physics (in print). |
[2] | * S.CALISKAN, "Spin dependent behavior in a Rashba film", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 107, No. 5, Mar. 2010, pp. 053706. |
[3] | E.Sasioglu, S. Caliskan, M. Kumru, "Critical behavior of density of states near Fermi energy in low-dimensional disordered metals", V. Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Vol. 19, No. 6, Feb. 2009. |
[4] | * E.SASIOGLU, S. CALISKAN, M. KUMRU, "Critical behavior of density of states near Fermi energy in low-dimensional disordered metals", PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 79, No. 035123, Jan. 2009, pp. 035123-1, 035123-7. |
[5] | * S.Çalışkan, M. A. Novotny, and J. I. Cerdá, "Transport through small world networks", JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 102, No. 013707, Jul. 2007. |
[6] | * S. Caliskan and M.Kumru, "The effect of magnetic field on a nonballistic spin field effect transistor", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Vol. 19, Feb. 2007, pp. 076205. |
[7] | * S. Caliskan, "Conductance modulation of a nonballistic Datta-Das spin field effect transistor", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Vol. 18, Nov. 2006, pp. 10313-10318. |
[8] | * H. W. Lee, S.Caliskan and Hyowon Park, "Period Halving in a Single-Mode Datta-Das Spin Field Effect Transistor", AIP Conference Proceedings, 24th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Vol. 850, Sep. 2006, pp. 1510-1511. |
[9] | H. W. Lee, S.Caliskan and Hyowon Park, "Mesoscopic effects in a single-mode Datta-Das spin field-effect transistor", V. Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, 12, issue 16, 2005, Vol. 12, No. 16, Nov. 2005. |
[10] | * H. W. Lee, S.Caliskan and Hyowon Park, "Mesoscopic effects in a single-mode Datta-Das spin field-effect transistor", Phys. Rev. B, 72, 153305, 2005, Vol. 72, No. 153305, Jul. 2005. |
[11] | * E. P. Nakhmedov, V. Prigodin, S. Çaliskan, E. Sasioglu, "Effects of correlation on the conductivity of a two-dimensional weakly disordered lattice with particle-hole symmetric energy bands: Metal-insulator transition at half filling", Phys. Rev. B, 66, 233105, 2002, Vol. 66, No. 233105, Dec. 2002, pp. 233105_1-4. |
[12] | * S. Caliskan, E.Sasioglu, E. P. Nakhmedov, M. Kumru, O. Cakiroglu, B. Karaoglu, "Mean field approach to the correlation effects on the density of electronic states and conductivity of disordered metals", Phys. Stat.sol.(b) 229, No:3, 1205-1214 (2002), Feb. 2002. |
[13] | * S. CALISKAN, E. SASIOGLU, E. P. NAKHMEDOV, M. KUMRU, "Effects of Electon-Electon Interactions and of Magnetic Field on Density of States in Disordered Metallic Systems", Bulgarian Journal of Physics, 27, No: 2, 94-98, 2000, Vol. 27, No. 2, Sep. 2000, pp. 94-98. |
[14] | S. CALISKAN and M. CANTURK, "Spin Polarized Transport Properties of Disordered Systems", 2nd International Symposium on Computing in Science and Engineering, Kuşadası-Aydın, Jun. 2011. |
[15] | S. CALISKAN and M. CANTURK, "Spin Polarized Transport Properties of Impurity Induced Carbon Nanostructures", APS March Metting, Dallas, TX, USA, Mar. 2011. |
[16] | Serkan CALISKAN, "Spin Dependent Transport in Low Dimensional Systems", Turkish Physical Society International 26th Physics Conference, Bodrum/Turkey, Sep. 2009, Turkish Physical Society International 26th Physics Conference Abstracts Book. |
[17] | M. A. Novotny, J. Yancey, S. Gwaltney, S. Caliskan, "Quasi Small-World Nanomaterials : Quantum Studies", APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA, Mar. 2006, Abstract Book. |
[18] | S. Caliskan, M. Novotny, "One Dimensional Transport on Small World Network", 93rd Statistical Mechanics Conference, Piscataway, NJ/USA, May. 2005, 93rd Statistical Mechanics Conference Abstract Book. |
[19] | Hyun-Woo Lee, Serkan Caliskan, Hyowon Park, "Nonballistic two-channel Datta-Das spin field effect transistor", 2005 APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, CA/USA, Mar. 2005, 2005 APS March Meeting Abstract Book. |
[20] | S. Caliskan, E. Nakhmedov, V. Prigodin, 9th Statistical Physics Days, abstract book, İstanbul/Türkiye, Jul. 2002, Metallic Behaviour in Two Dimensional Interacting Disordered Systems at Half-Filling. |
[21] | S. ÇALIŞKAN, E. ŞAŞIOĞLU, E. P. NAKHMEDOV, M. KUMRU, Fourth General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Veliko Turnovo/Bulgaria, Aug. 2000, Effects of Electon-Electon Interactions and of Magnetic Field on Density of States. |
[22] | S. CALISKAN, E. P. NAKHMEDOV, M. KUMRU, Turkish Physical Society 17th Physics Conference Abstracts Book, Alanya/Türkiye, Oct. 1998, Correlation effects on Density of States in Disordered systems, pp. 196-197. |
[23] | Spin field-effect transistor with electric control,/Citied to: Mesoscopic effects in a single-mode Datta-Das spin field-effect transistor/H. W. Lee, S.Caliskan and Hyowon Park. |
[24] | Spin precession and electron spin polarization wave in [001]-grown quantum wells,/Citied to: Conductance modulation of a nonballistic Datta-Das spin field effect transistor/S. Caliskan. |
[25] | Spin precession and electron spin polarization wave in [001] grown quantum wells,/Citied to: The effect of magnetic field on a nonballistic spin field effect transistor/S. Caliskan and M.Kumru. |
[26] | Critical behavior of density of states near Fermi energy in low-dimensional disordered metals, 27/01/2009/Citied to: Effects of correlation on the conductivity of a two-dimensional weakly disordered lattice with particle-hole symmetric energy bands: Metal-insulator transition at half filling/E. P. Nakhmedov, V. Prigodin, S. Çaliskan, E. Sasioglu. |
[27] | Phase locking in a nonballistic multichannel spin field-effect transistor with an external magnetic field, 08/08/2008/Citied to: Mesoscopic effects in a single-mode Datta-Das spin field-effect transistor/H. W. Lee, S.Caliskan and Hyowon Park. |
[28] | Metal-insulator transition from combined disorder and interaction effects in Hubbard-like electronic lattice models with random hopping, 04/04/2008/Citied to: Effects of correlation on the conductivity of a two-dimensional weakly disordered lattice with particle-hole symmetric energy bands: Metal-insulator transition at half filling/E. P. Nakhmedov, V. Prigodin, S. Çaliskan, E. Sasioglu. |
[29] | Dresselhaus spin-orbit effect on traversal time in ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ferromagnetic heterojunctions, 08/08/2007/Citied to: Mesoscopic effects in a single-mode Datta-Das spin field-effect transistor/H. W. Lee, S.Caliskan and Hyowon Park. |
[30] | The effect of magnetic field on a nonballistic spin field effect transistor, 21/02/2007/Citied to: Mesoscopic effects in a single-mode Datta-Das spin field-effect transistor/H. W. Lee, S.Caliskan and Hyowon Park. |
[31] | The effect of magnetic field on a nonballistic spin field effect transistor, 21/02/2007/Citied to: Conductance modulation of a nonballistic Datta-Das spin field effect transistor/S. Caliskan. |
[32] | Metal-insulator transition in Hubbard-like models with random hopping, 23/12/2006/Citied to: Effects of correlation on the conductivity of a two-dimensional weakly disordered lattice with particle-hole symmetric energy bands: Metal-insulator transition at half filling/E. P. Nakhmedov, V. Prigodin, S. Çaliskan, E. Sasioglu. |
[33] | Conductance modulation of a nonballistic Datta-Das spin field effect transistor, 22/10/2006/Citied to: Mesoscopic effects in a single-mode Datta-Das spin field-effect transistor/H. W. Lee, S.Caliskan and Hyowon Park. |
[34] | Ballistic spin field-effect transistors: Multichannel effects, 10/10/2006/Citied to: Mesoscopic effects in a single-mode Datta-Das spin field-effect transistor/H. W. Lee, S.Caliskan and Hyowon Park. |