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[9] | P. Kervalishvili. Physics of Structural Defects in Semiconductors and Insulators. Book, Georgian Technical University Press. 1989. |
[10] | P. Kervalishvili, G. Kalandadze. Calorimetric study of hydrogen-containing complexes in Ge of high purity. Proceedings of XX Intern.conf. on physics of semiconductors, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1990. |
[11] | P.Kervalishvili P. Shalamberidze S. Oriented boron carbide films prepared by laser spraying. Proceedings of XX Intern.conf. on physics of semiconductors, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1990. |
[12] | P. Kervalishvili. G. Kalandadze. Chemical activity of elementary Boron. AIR conference proceeding 231, Albuquerque, NM, USA, 1990. |
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[19] | Yu. Bykovskii, P.Kervalishvili, I.Nikolaev, «Neutron Fluence Sensor Based on Boron Carbide», Technical Physics Letters, vol. 19, issue 7, 1993, pp. 457-458. |
[20] | P. Kervalishvili Shalamberidze S. Esadze G. Porta P. Semiconductor material film production by laser plasma deposition Le Vide, le Couches minces, N-167, 1993, pp. 189-198. |
[21] | P. Kervalishvili. New High temperature Semiconductor Boron and carbon Containing Materials. Proceedings of X Greece Conf on Physics of solids. Delphi, 1994. |
[22] | G. Dgebuadze, P. Kervalishvili. Cryogenic Condensation Sorption Pumps of High Coefficient. Proceedings of International ISTC Symp. for Project Development and Conversion, ISTC, 1995. |
[23] | P. Kervalishvili, S.Shalamberidze. Study of Methods for Formation of Diamond-like Carbon Films. Proceedings of International ISTC Symp. for Project Development and Conversion, ISTC, 1995. |
[24] | P. Kervalishvili, G. Kalandadze. High Effective Neutron Absorbing Materials. Proceedings of International ISTC Symp. for Project Development and Conversion, ISTC, 1995. |
[25] | P. Kervalishvili. Optoelectronic Moisture Meter. Proceedings of EU Workshop on Microsystem Technologies, Sinaia, Romania, 1995. |
[26] | P. Kervalishvili. Microsystems in Information Technologies. Proceedings of the International Congress IST, Brussels, Belgium 1995. |
[27] | P. Kervalishvili, R. Salukvadze, Prospective of High-Temperature Thermo emission. Bulletin of Georgian Academy of Sciences,153,N.2, 1996, p.43. |
[28] | V.Kashia, P.Kervalishvili, Study of High-Temperature Thermo-Emissive Converter Characteristics Dependence on Collector's Material. Bulletin of the Georgian Academy of Sciences,153,N.3, 1996. |
[29] | P.Kervalishvili, G. Kochoradze Inorganic Enamel and Germanium as New Materials for Multi layer Sensors. Proceedings of III Nexuspan Workshop on Microsystems in Environmental Monitoring. Moscow, NEXUS, 1996. |
[30] | V.Kashia, P.Kervalishvili. Solid Sensors of Alkaline Metals. Proceedings of III Nexuspan workshop on Microsystems in Environmental Monitoring. Moscow, NEXUS, 1996. |
[31] | P.Kervalishvili. Prospective of Information Technology Development in Georgia and Caucasian Region. Proceedings of European IT Conference Brussels, European Commission. 1996. |
[32] | P.Kervalishvili, G. Jandieri. Spectral Characteristics of Pulse Radiation in Dispersive Nonstationary Media. Proceedings of IX International Conference of Plasma Physics. New York,1997. |
[33] | P.Kervalishvili, B. Kutelia Physics of Solid-Liquid Interactions in Melting Gallium Physics of Solids,N.157, Chicago-New York, 1997. |
[34] | P.Kervalishvili, H-C. Pertzold. K-Interface. Nexus Verlag. Berlin, N 1, 1997. |
[35] | P.Kervalishvili, S.Shalamberidze. Isotopic Effect during Boron Carbide Film Production by a Laser Plasma Deposition, Journ. Material processing and Manufacturing Science, vol.6, N 4, 1997. |
[36] | V.Emtsev, U.Dedek, P. Ehrhart, P.Kervalishvili. Frenkel pairs and impurity-defect interactions in p-type silicon irradiated with fast electrons and gamma-rays at low temperatures Materials Science Forum, Volume 258-263, Issue PART 1, 1997. |
[37] | P.Kervalishvili, S.Shalamberidze, Peculiarities of Isotope-Modified Crystalline and Amorhous Elementary Boron Oxidation, Journ. Material processing and Manufacturing Science, vol.6, N 7, 1998. |
[38] | P.Kervalishvili, Virtual Experiments in Applied Physics Using the New Multimedia Technologies. Proceedings of the European IT Conference, Helsinki, November, 1999. |
[39] | P.Kervalishvili, Some Problems of Development of Information Technologies. Convergence: Creating the Future, Proceedings of European IT Conference, European Commission. 1997. |
[40] | G.Grechnev, N. Ushakova, P. Kervalishvili. Electron structure of diborides of 3d metals. Low Temp. Phys. v. 23, 1997. |
[41] | P.Kervalishvili, B. Kutelia, Investigations of the Oxide Film Formed on the Surface of the Liquid Galium, Proceedings of the Georgian Technical University, N3 (414), 1997. |
[42] | E. Kutelia, P. Kervalishvili. SEM, TEM and Auger-spectrometric Study of Oxidation of Ultra Pure Liquid Gallium Surface. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Microscopy of Oxidation, Cambridge, UK. September 1999. |
[43] | P. Kervalishvili. Isotope Effects and Isotope Material Science for Microsystems Application. NEXUS Research News, N1, 1999. |
[44] | P.Kervalishvili. The Impact of Information Technologies on R&D Activities. in Book: Impact of Electronic Publishing on the Academic Community, Ed. by I.Butterworth, Portland Press, London, UK, 1998. |
[45] | P. Kervalishvili. Management of Research and Development Activities. Proceedings of the WAITRO Conference. Warsaw, Poland, 1998. |
[46] | P.Kervalishvili. Boron Based Semiconductor Materials for temperature Sensors. Proceedings of the 5-th NEXUSPAN Conference on Thermal Aspects in Microsystem Technologies. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, May 1998. |
[47] | P.Kervalishvili. Physics and Technologies of Boron Based High Temperature Semiconductors. Proceeding of the Greece National Conference on Solid State Physics, Ioannina University, Greece, September 1998. |
[48] | P. Kervalishvili, N. Jibladze. Science Policy Issues. Tbilisi press. 2000. |
[49] | P. J. Kervalishvili. Neutron absorbing materials and elements for Plutonium cycle nuclear installations. Presentation at the NATO Security Science and Technology Panel Meeting. NATO hq, February 2000. Brussels, Belgium. |
[50] | P. Kervalishvili. Isotope Effects in Condensed Matter. Georgian Engineering News. N 1, 2002. |
[51] | P. Kervalishvili, M. Chkonia. Control and Safety Rods for Fast Energetic Nuclear Reactors. Georgian Engineering News. N 2, 2002. |
[52] | P. Kervalishvili, O Kutsnashvili. Some Aspects of Molecular Mixture Preparation.. Georgian Engineering News. N 2, 2002. |
[53] | P. Kervalishvili. Problems of Information and Communication Infrastructure Development. Proceedings of the Bienial Congress WAITRO, Porto-Alegre, Brasil, 8-11 September 2002. |
[54] | P. Kervalishvili. Isotope Effects in Condensed Matter: Some Views and Prospects. Proceedings of the XVI Pan Hellenic conference on Solid State Physics. Nafleon, Greece. September 2000. |
[55] | P. Kervalishvili, Novel Neutron-Absorbing Materials for Fast Reactors, Breeders. Proceedings of the XVI Pan Hellenic conference on Solid State Physics. Nafleon, Greece. September 2000. |
[56] | E.Kutelia, P.Kervalishvili, T.Kukava. Superconducting Rectifier on the Base of IBCO Sensors 2001. Proceedings of the Sensor 2001. Nurenberg, Germany 2001. |
[57] | P.Kervalishvili, T. Mkheidze. Nanostructures as elements for semiconductor crystalline layers preparation. Proceedings of the 5th ISTC SAC Seminar. St.Petersburg, Russia, May 2002. |
[58] | P. Kervalishvili, Independent Experts-Intermediary Links. Proceedings of the WAITRO Conference, Hague, Holland, 2000. |
[59] | P. Kervalishvili. Nanostructures as Structural Elements for Semiconductor Crystalline Layers Preparation and their Testing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Materials Testing, Nuremberg, Germany, 13-15 May 2003. |
[60] | P.Kervalishvili. Wear-Resistant Isotope-Modified Coatings on the Base of the Boron and Titanium Nitride and Carbide Compounds. Proceedings of International Conference ICIT 2003, Maribor, Slovenia, 2003. |
[61] | P.Kervalisivli, E. Sanaia M. Tabutsidze. Boron Based Temperature Sensors. Georgian Engineering News, N1, 2003. |
[62] | P.Kervalisivli. Sensors for measurement of Energy Carriers, Georgian Engineering News, N4, 2003. |
[63] | P. Kervalishvili. A. Gugushvili, A. Ediberidze. Fractal Method of Prediction of Earthquake Cycles, Georgian Engineering News, N4, 2003. |
[64] | P. Kervalishvili, V. Mikelashvili, S. Shalamberidze. Properties of Boron Carbide Films prepared by Laser Plasma Deposition Method. Georgian Engineering News, N3, 2004. |
[65] | P. Kervalishvili. Measuring Microsystems for Environment Monitoring, Proceedings of International Conference, MMEM 04. Special Issue of Georgian Engineering News, Vol.3, 2004. |
[66] | P.Kervalishvili, M.Chkonia, G.Gegelia. Logical Basis, Logistics and Architecture of Modular Systems. NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 2004. |
[67] | P. Kervalishvili. Problems of Information and Communication Infrastructure Development, Georgian Economic Trends, N 1, 2004. |
[68] | P. Kervalishvili. Problems of Telecommunication Infrastructure Development, Proceedings of the International Conference-EuroAsia Online 04, Almaty Kazakhstan, October 2004. |
[69] | P.Kervalishvili, Nanostructures-Building Blocks of Crystal Growth. Summary Proceeding of Greek-Georgian Conference New Materials in Solid State Application. Ministry of Development of Greece. Athens, Greece, November, 2001. |
[70] | P. Kervalishvili, G. Mrevlishvili, Boron and Carbon Doped Self-Assembling Bio Molecules, Summary Proceedings of US Army Research Center Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, May 2004. |
[71] | P. Kervalishvili. Control and Safety Rods for Energy Power Nuclear Reactors. Summary Proceedings of the Second Renewable Energy Technologies, Erevan, Armania, June 2005. |
[72] | P. Kervalishvili, I Utiamyshev. Human-Friendly Energy Technologies. Summary Proceedings of the Second Renewable Energy Technologies, Erevan, Armania, June 2005. |
[73] | P. Kervalishvili, I Utiamyshev S. Dragulsky. Novel Technologies for Hydrogen Fuel Preparation. Proceedings of International Forum of Energy and Ecology, Moscow, November 2005. |
[74] | P. Kervalishvili, G. Peradze. Sensors and Transducers. Georgian magazine for Science and Technology. v.10-12, 2005. |
[75] | P. Kervalishvili. Semiconducting Nanostructures-Materials for Spintronics. Nanotechnology Perceptions, Vol. 1, N 3, 2005. |
[76] | P. Kervalishvili. Nanostructural Elements of Some High Temperature Semiconductors. Nanotechnology Percertions, Vol. 1, N 3, 2005. |
[77] | J. Ramsden, G. Holt, P. Kervalishvili. Nanodictionary. Collegium Baselea, University of Basel, Switzserland, 2005. |
[78] | P. Kervalishvili, I. Utiamyshev. Some new human friendly energy production technologies. International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology N 1 (33) 2006. |
[79] | P. Kervalishvili. Control and safety rods for energy power fast nuclear reactors. International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology N 1 (33) 2006. |
[80] | Kervalishvili, M. Chkonia, L. Chakhvashvili. The Model for Thermal Fluctuation Effect in the Melt on the Crystallization Front. Novel Materials, Annual Edition of GEN, July 2006. |
[81] | P. Kervalishvili. Novel Materials. Special edition of Georgian Engineering News. 2006. |
[82] | P. Kervalishvili. Quantum processes in semiconducting materials and spinelectronics. Rev.Adv. Mater. Sci. (RAMS), No 1. Vol 14, 2007. |
[83] | P. Kervalishvili. Semiconductive nanostructures-Materials for spinelectronics: New Data Bank Requirement. Data Science Journal, Volume 6, 2007. |
[84] | P. Kervalishvili and A. Lagutin, Nanostructures, magnetic semiconductors and spintronics, Microelectronics Journal, 39 (2008) pp.1060-1065. |
[85] | J.J. Ramsden, P.J. Kervalishvili. Comlexity and Security. NATO Science Series. V.37 IOS Press, 2008. |
[86] | P. J. Kervalishvili, B.D. Meparishvili. Molecular machines-modeling approaches. Procieedings of eRA-2. Contribution of Information Technology in Science, Economy, Society and Education. TEI of Piraeus, Greece. 2008. |
[87] | Michailidis, P.Kervalishvili. Philosophy of Information. International Scientific Conference-Synenergy Forum, Athens-Spetses, 2008. p.33-35. |
[88] | P.Kervalishvili, Z. Gogua, L. Chkhartishvili. Novel approach to Estimation of Ground State Energies of Shallow and Deep Donors in Tetrahedrally Bonded Semiconductors. International Journal of Nanosystems, v.1. N1, 2008. |
[89] | P. Kervalishvili, G. Janelidze, B.Meparishvili, Algorithm of the distribution of Fluxes in the Complex Topology Network International Scientific Conference-Synenergy Forum, Athens-Spetses, 2008. |
[90] | P. Kervalishvili, N. Sakipov, V. Vikhnin, Natural Science and Linguistic Phenomena. International Scientific Conference-Synenergy Forum, Athens-Spetses, 2008. |
[91] | P. Kervalishvili. Molecular Nanotechnology in Some Practical Examples. Proceedings of 21st CODATA International Conference-Scientific Information for Society-From Today to the Future, Kyiv, Ukraine, NTUU-KPI, October 2008. |
[92] | P. Kervalishvili. Novel Technologies for Hydrogen Fuel Preparation. Summary Proceedings of 1st European Forum for Novel Energy Technologies, Lombardia Government Milan, Italy, July, 2008. |
[93] | P. Kervalishvili, B. Meparishvili and G.Janelidze. Artificial Intelligence: Problems and Prospective. Proceedings of 21st CODATA International Conference-Scientific Information for Society-From Today to the Future, Kyiv, Ukraine, NTUU-KPI, October 2008. |
[94] | P. Kervalishvili. Novel Approach to Molecular Mixture Based Fuel preparation. Proceedings of the International Conference-Energy for Future, Erevan, Armenia, 2007. |
[95] | P.Kervalishvili, L.Chakhvashvili. Semiconductive Macrosystems for Spin Electronics. Georgian Engineering News N3. 2008. |
[96] | P. Kervalishvili. Compexity in Material Science and Semiconductor Physics. NATO ARW, Compexity and Security. 2007, Tbilisi, Georgia. |
[97] | P. Kervaishvili. Molecular Nanotechnology and Spinelectronics. Annual European Conference-ICT 08. European Commission, Lyon France, November 2008. |
[98] | Z.U. Jabua, AV. Gigineishvili, P.J. Kervalishvili, T.I.Bzhalava, M.E.Chogovadze. Preparation, Alloing and Optical and Photoelectrical Properties of Pr2S3 Thin Films. Georgian International Journal of Science and Technology, v.1, N 4, 2009. |
[99] | P.Kervalishvili. Some neutron Absorbing Elements and Devices for Fast Nuclear Reactors Regulation Systems. Proceedings of the NATO Conference: Nuclear Safety and Security, Yerevan, Armenia. 2009. |
[100] | B.Aronzon, P.Kervalishvili, A.Lagutin. Studies of the carrier spin polarization in ferromagnetic semiconductors.Proceedings of the Sixth Japan-Mediterranean Conf. on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering and Nanomaterials, Bukharest, Romania. 2009. |
[101] | S. Michailidis, P. Kervalishvili. Philosophy, Art/Literature and New Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Philpsophy. Philosophy, Art and Technology. Paphos, Cyprus. 2009. |
[102] | P. Kervalishvili. Micro-Nano-Pico technologies: the main way of novel materials development. Proceedings of the International Conference, "Material Science Day". CNRS-TSU. Tbilisi,Greorgia. 2009. |
[103] | P. J. Kervalishvili. Prospective energy generation technologies. Scientific-Economic Magazin, 2015, Noema, Bergamo, Italy. 2009. |
[104] | P.Kervalishvili. Molecular nanostructures as basic elements of spinelectronic devices fabrication. Presentations at 25th International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors-ICDS 25, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia, July 20-24, 2009. |
[105] | P.J. Kervalishvili. Nanostructures with controlled disorders: quantum effects in magnetic semoconductors. Nano-2010, Nanochemistry and Nanotechnologies. Proceedings of papers of the First International conference4, March 23-24, 2010, Tbilisi, Georgia. Publishing House "Universal" Tbilisi, 2011. |
[106] | P. Kervalishvili. Spin transport properties of manganese doped nanostructured magnetic semiconductors. Nano Studies N 2, 2010 Universal ISSN 1987-8826. pp. 6-14. |
[107] | P. Kervalishvili. Quantum effects in magnetic impurities doped metal-polymer nanocomposites. Proceedings of Molecular Materials Conference, MOLMAT 2010, 5-8 July, 2010. Monpelier, France. |
[108] | P. Kervalishvili. Nanostructures with controlled disorders-materials for spinelectronics. Nanochemistry and nanotechnology, Materials of International Conference, Tbilisi, 23-24 March. 2010. |
[109] | P. Kervalishvili. Quantum effects in molecular nanostructures. Nanochemistry and nanotechnology, Materials of International Conference, Tbilisi, 23-24 March. 2010. |
[110] | P. Kervalishvili. Quantum Information Science Methodoligies. Materials of International Conference: Information and Computing Technologies. Tbilisi, 1-4 November 2010. |
[111] | P. Kervalishvili. Magnetic materials for quantum effects based sensors. Materials of International Conference: Information and Computing Technologies. Tbilisi, 1-4 November 2010. |
[112] | P. Kerva;lishvili, B.Meparishvili, G. Janelidze. Information exchange processes: some views. Proceedings of the International Conference "eRA-Synenergy Forum 2010". 5-18 September 2010. TEIPIR, Athens, Greece. |
[113] | P. Kervalishvili, M. Khachidze, M. Skhirtladze, R. Tatishvili, G. Tukhashvili, P. Yannakopoulos. Novel approaches to quantum information science: some methods and views. Proceedings of the International Conference "eRA-Synenergy Forum 2010". 5-18 September 2010. TEIPIR, Athens, Greece. |
[114] | P. Kervalishvili, B. Meparishvili. G. Janelidze. Synergetic model of sustainable development. International Conference "Batumi-Spring 2010". BSU, Batumi, 7-10 May 2010. |
[115] | P. Kervalishvili, B. Meparishvili. Synergy, Entropy and Sustainable Development. Georgian Chemical Journal, Vol.10, N4, 2010, p.1169-173. |