[1] | Chetan K. Modi, Parthiv M. Trivedi, Sanjeev K. Gupta and Prafulla K. Jha, Host (nanopores of zeolite-Y)/guest (transition metal complexes) hybrid nanocatalysts: synthesis, DFT investigation and catalytic significance, (In communication, 2011). |
[2] | Chetan K. Modi, Parthiv M. Trivedi, Sanjeev K. Gupta and Prafulla K. Jha, Host)/guest hybrid nanocatalysts: Synthesis, DFT investigation, (In communication, 2011). |
[3] | Venu Mankad, K. K. Mishra, Sanjeev K. Gupta, T. R. Ravindran, Prafulla K. Jha, A. K. Arora, Low Frequency Raman Scattering from Confined Acoustic Phonons in Free Standing Silver Nanoparticles (In Communication) (2011). |
[4] | Venu Mankad, N. N. Ovysuk, Sanjeev K. Gupta, Prafulla K. Jha, G. A. Kachurin, Silicon and Germanium nanoparticles produced by Implantation and Heat treatments: A Low frequency Raman Spectroscopic characterization. J. Photon. Nanostrct. (In Communication) (2011). |
[5] | Himadri R. Soni, Venu Mankad, Sanjeev K. Gupta and Prafulla K. Jha, Lattice Dynamics and Spin Phonon Interaction in FeN and CoN: First Principles Calculation, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (In Communication) (2011). |
[6] | Venu Mankad. Sanjeev K. Gupta Prafulla K. Jha, Ab-initio investigation on structural, electronic, and lattice dynamical properties of MgN and GdN crystals. Materials Physics and Chemistry (In communication) (2011). |
[7] | Prafulla K Jha, Sanjay D. Gupta and Sanjeev K. Gupta Puzzling Phonon dispersion curves and vibrational mode instability in MgCNi3 (Physical Review Letters, communication 2011) |
[8] | Rucha Desai, Venu Mankad, Sanjeev K. Gupta and Prafulla K. Jha, Size Distribution of Silver Naoparticles: UV-Visible Spectroscopic Assessment, International Journal of Nanoscience (In communication) (2011). |
[9] | Venu Mankad, Himadri R. Soni, Sanjeev K. Gupta and Prafulla K Jha, First Principles Lattice Dynamical Calculation of Semiboride Be2B and its Ternary Alloys XBeB (X=Na, Mg, Al), Physica B, 406, 3599 (2011). |
[10] | Himadri R. Soni, Sanjeev K. Gupta, Prafulla K. Jha, Ab-initio total energy calculation of the dynamical stability of noble metal carbides, Physica B 406, 3556 (2011). |
[11] | A. K. Sahu, A. Singh, Prafulla K. Jha and S. P. Sanyal, Phase Transition, 54, 603 (2011). |
[12] | K. B. Modi, T. K. Pathak, N. H. Vasoya, V. K. Lakhani, G. J. Baldha and P. K. Jha, X-ray Debye temperature of mechanically milled Ni(0.5)Zn(0.5)Fe(2)O(4) spinel ferrite, India J. Phys. 85, 411-420 (2011) |
[13] | N. N. Ovsyuk, Venu Mankad, Sanjeev K. Gupta, Prafulla K. Jha, and G. A. Kachurin, Features of the Formation of Silicon Nanocrystals upon the Annealing of SiO2 Layers Implanted with Si Ions, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, 2011, Vol. 75, No. 5, pp. 601–604. |
[14] | Shree Mishra, Prafulla K. Jha, and Arun Pratap, Study of size dependent glass transition and kauzmann temperature of titanium dioxide nanoparticles, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (DOI:10.1063/1.3466544 (2011). |
[15] | First-principles study of structural, electronic, elastic, phonon, and thermodynamical properties of the niobium carbide, Nikita Rathod, Sanjay D. Gupta Sanjeev K Gupta, Prafulla K Jha, Solid State Phenomena, 171, 67-77 (2011). |
[16] | Sanjay D. Gupta, Sanjeev K Gupta and Prafulla K. Jha, High Pressure Study On the Phonon Spectra and Thermal Properties in Hafnium Nitride and Zirconium Nitride, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry DOI: 10.1007/….) (2011). |
[17] | Venu Mankad. Sanjeev K. Gupta. Himadri R. Soni. Prafulla K. Jha, Density functional theoretical study of lattice specific heat and thermal properties of Magnesium Nitride, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (DOI: 10.1007/s10973-011-1576-8) (2011). |
[18] | Himadri R. Soni, Sanjeev K. Gupta, Mina Talati, Prafulla K. Jha, Ground state and lattice dynamical study of ionic conductors CaF2, SrF2 and BaF2 using density functional theory, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72, 934-939 (2011). |
[19] | Himadri R. Soni, Venu Mankad, Sanjay D. Gupta, Sanjeev K. Gupta, Prafulla K. Jha. An abinitio study of ground state, electronic and thermodynamical properties of GaP and Ga2P. (Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry– DOI: 10.1007/s10973-011-1466-0) |
[20] | Himadri R. Soni, Sanjay D. Gupta, Sanjeev K. Gupta and Prafulla K. Jha, Density Functional Theoretical Study of the Structural, Electronic and Lattice Dynamical Properties of Platinum Pernitride, Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 406, 2143–2147, (2011). |
[21] | Venu Mankad, Nikita Rathod, Sanjay D. Gupta, Sanjeev K. Gupta, Prafulla K. Jha; Stable Structural of Platinum Carbides; A First Principles Investigation on the Structure, Elastic, Electronic and Phonon Properties, Materials Physics and Chemistry 129 816 (2011). |
[22] | R. Desai, S. K. Gupta, S. Mishra, Prafulla K. Jha, A. Pratap and A.K. Arora, The synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles by wet-chemical method and their PL, Thermal and Vibrational characterizations: Effect of growth condition, International Journal of Nanoscience (DOI No: 10.1142/S0219581X11008381) 2011. |
[23] | Prafulla K. Jha, S. D. Gupta, S. K. Gupta and D. Kirin, Structures, electronic properties and phonons of platinum nitrides by density functional theory, International J. of Modern Physics B 25, 1543–1551 (2011). |
[24] | Sanjay D. Gupta, Sanjeev K. Gupta and Prafulla K. Jha, First-principles lattice dynamical study of lanthanum nitride under pseudopotential approximation Computational Materials Science 49, 910-915, (2010). |
[25] | Sanjeev K. Gupta and Prafulla K. Jha; Carrier-Phonon Scattering Rate and Charge Transport in Spherical and TMV Viruses, J. Nano Research 12, 65 (2010). |
[26] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sanjeev K. Gupta; First principles lattice dynamical study of the cubic antiperovskite compounds AsNBa3 and SbNba3, Solid State Commun., 150, 1650-1655, (2010). |
[27] | Shree Mishra, Sanjeev K. Gupta, Prafulla K. Jha and Arun Pratap; Study of dimension dependent diffusion coefficient of titanium dioxide nanoparticles; Mat. Chemistry and Physics 123, 791-794, (2010). |
[28] | Prafulla K. Jha: Structural phase transition in Boron compounds at high pressure, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 24, 1235(2010). |
[29] | D. Kirin, I. Lukacevic, Prafulla K. Jha and S. K. Gupta, Density Functional Study of Stability of High Pressure Phase in InP and InAs Crystals: Phys. Stat. Solidi (b) 247, No. 2, 273-277 (2010). |
[30] | Sanjeev K. Gupta, Prafulla K. Jha, Rucha Desai, Satyaprakash Sahoo and D. Kirin; Titanium dioxide synthesized using titanium chloride: Size effect study using Raman and Photoluminescence, J. Raman Spectrosc. 40, 350-355 (2010). |
[31] | S. Shinde, A. Pandya, P. K. Jha, Pressure induced phonon stiffening and softening in III-V phosphides, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 48, 543 (2010). |
[32] | Sanjeev K. Gupta, Satyaprakash Sahoo, Prafulla K. Jha, A. K. Arora, Y. M. Azhniuk; Observation of Torsional Mode in CdS1-xSex Nanoparticles in Borosilicate Glass,, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 024307 (2009). |
[33] | Sanjeev K. Gupta, Prafulla K. Jha, Satyaprakash Sahoo, A. K. Arora and Y. M. Azhniuk: Confined Acoustic Phonon in CdS1-xSex Nanoparticles in Borosilicate Glass J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 9, 5541 (2009). |
[34] | Prafulla K. Jha: Temperature Effect on Vibrational Properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3, Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 23(23), 4767 (2009). |
[35] | Sanjeev K. Gupta and Prafulla K. Jha, Modified Confinement Model for Size Dependent Raman Shift and Linewidth of Silicon Nanocrystal, Solid State Commun. 149, 1989 (2009). |
[36] | Ankur Pandya, S. Shinde and Prafulla K. Jha, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, 47, 523 (2009). |
[37] | Sanjeev K. Gupta, Prafulla K. Jha and A. K. Arora: Size dependent Acoustic Phonon Dynamics of CdTe0.68Se0.32 Nanoparticles in Borosilicate glass, J. Appl. Phys, 103, 124307 (2008). |
[38] | M. Talati and Prafulla K.Jha: Acoustic Phonon Quantization and low frequency Raman spectra of spherical viruses, Phys. Rev. E 73, 029904(E) (2008). |
[39] | Sanjeev K. Gupta, Mina Talati, and Prafulla. K. Jha: Shape and Size Dependent Melting Point Temperature of Nanoparticles, Mat. Sci. Forum Vol. 570, 132 (2008). |
[40] | T. L. S. Rao, K. N. Lad, H. D. Dhurandhar, A. Pratap and Prafulla K. Jha: Nanocrystallization kinetics of amorphous Fe-based multicomponent alloy by non-isothermal analysis, Mat. Sci. Forum Vol. 570, 109 (2008). |
[41] | B. Rakshit, V. Srivastava, S. P. Sanyal, Prafulla K. Jha, T. R. Ravindran and A. K. Arora: Vibrational spectroscopy and phonon dispersion of GaSb, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys, 46, 20 (2008). |
[42] | Satyam Shinde and Prafulla K. Jha: Lattice Dynamical study of UGe2 Superconductor, Pramana J. Phys. 71 (5), 1147 (2008). |
[43] | M. Talati and Prafulla K. Jha: Phonons and Jahn–Teller distortion in manganites: Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol. 838, 1-3, 227 (2007). |
[44] | G. Pagare, S. P. Sanyal, Prafulla K. Jha: High pressure Behavior of Rare of Mono Bismuthides: Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, Volume 45, Issue 5, 459-464 (2007). |
[45] | A. Pandya, P. K. Jha, Phonon interaction and variation of deformation potential with temperature and concentration in diluted Ga(-X)MnxN quantum well, Volume 45, Issue 1, 96-99 (2007). |
[46] | M. Talati and Prafulla K. Jha, Pressure Dependent Phonon properties of La0.7 Sr0.3Mno3, Phys. Rev. B 74, 134406 (2006). |
[47] | M. Talati and Prafulla K. Jha: Acoustic Phonons in Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Comp. Mat. Science, 37, 58-63(2006). |
[48] | M. Talati and Prafulla K. Jha: Structure Dependent Phonon Properties of LaMnO3, Comp. Mat. Science, 37, 64-68(2006). |
[49] | M. Talati and Prafulla K. Jha: Acoustic Phonon Quantization and low frequency Raman spectra of spherical viruses, Virtual Journal of Biological Physics, Vol. 86, January, 15, 2006 Issue. (Selected Phys. Rev. E 73, 011901 (2006). |
[50] | M. Talati and Prafulla K. Jha: Acoustic Phonon Quantization and low frequency Raman spectra of spherical viruses, Phys. Rev. E 73, 011901 (2006). |
[51] | Mina Talati and Prafulla K. Jha: Low frequency vibrational modes of nano-metric spherical viruses, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys, 44, 162 (2006). |
[52] | Satyam Shinde, Ankur Pandya and Prafulla K. Jha: Mechanical, elastic and anharmonic properties of Zn1-xCrxTe (0≤ x ≤ 1) diluted magnetic semiconductor, Ind. J. Pure & Appl. Phys, 148 (2006). |
[53] | Prafulla K. Jha: Phonon Spectra of non-oxide perovskite superconductor MgCNi3, Phys. Rev. B 72, 108541-1 (2005). |
[54] | M. Talati and Prafulla K. Jha: Low frequency Acoustic Phonons in Nano metric CeO2 Particles, Physica E 28, 171-177 (2005). |
[55] | Prafulla K. Jha, A. Troper, I C. da Cunha Lima, Mina Talati and S. P. Sanyal: Lattice Vibrational Properties of NaCoO2, Physica B 366, 153 (2005) |
[56] | G. Pagare, S.P. Sanyal and Prafulla K. Jha: High-Pressure behaviour of lanthanum mono pnictides, J. of Alloys and Compounds, 120, 1-5 (2005). |
[57] | M. Aynyas, Prafulla K. Jha and S. P. Sanyal: Lattice Dynamics of thorium pnictides and chalcogenides, Indian J. of Pure and Appl. Phys. 43, 109(2005). |
[58] | S. Shinde, M. Talati and Prafulla K. Jha: Theoretical study of the transverse acoustic phonons of GaSb at high pressure, Pramana J. of Phys., 63, 425 (2005). |
[59] | S. Shinde, M. Talati, P. K. Jha, S. P. Sanyal, Theoretical study of the transverse acoustic phonons of GaSb at high pressure. Pramana 63, 425 (2004). |
[60] | Prafulla K. Jha and Mina Talati: Vibrational frequency of MgO nanoparticles in a polymer matrix, MRS Proceedings, 279, Q 8.11 2004. |
[61] | M. Talati and Prafulla K. Jha: High Pressure Phase Transition and Anharmonic Properties of Zn1-xMxSe (M = Cd, Fe and Mn) diluted magnetic semiconductor, Physica B 348, 235 (2004). |
[62] | Prafulla K. Jha, M. Aynyas and Sankar P. Sanyal: Structural phase transition and elastic properties of neptunium compounds at high pressure, Indian J. of Pure and Appl. Phys. 42, 112-116 (2004). |
[63] | Prafulla K. Jha: Lattice Vibrational Properties of TmTe, Solid State Commun.126, 159-162 (2003). |
[64] | Prafulla K. Jha and M. Talati: Mechanical, elastic and Anharmonic properties of zinc blende MgS Compound, Physica Stat. Solidi (b) 239, 1-6 (2003). |
[65] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Structural phase transition in curium and uranium monobismuthides, J. Phys. Chem. of Solids, 64, 1237 (2003). |
[66] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Structural phase transition in NpSe and NpTe, J. Phys. Chem. of Solids, 64, 127-31 (2003). |
[67] | V. Srivastava, A. K. Bandyopadhyay, Prafulla. K. Jha and S. P. Sanyal: High Pressure phase transition and elastic properties of cerium chalcogenides and pnictides, Journal of Phys. Chem. of Solids. 64, 1-6 (2003). |
[68] | M. Annyas, Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal 2002: Structural phase transition in Thorium compounds, Phys. Status Sol. (b) 229, 1459-1466 (2002). |
[69] | U. K. Sakale, Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Effect of Pressure on the phonon properties of europium chalocogenide, Bull. Mater Sci. 23, 233-235 (2000). |
[70] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Electron–Phonon interaction in Ruthanate Sr2RuO4, Ind. J. Mat.& Engg. 7, 325-327(2000). |
[71] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Phonon density of states and specific heat in Sr2RuO4, J. Phys. Chem. of Solids, 61, 943 (2000). |
[72] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Lattice dynamics of high temperature superconductor HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8 with Pb substitution, Physica C 330, 39-43 (2000). |
[73] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Lattice vibrational properties of super conducting compound. Sr2RuO4, Physica C 322, 110-114 (1999). |
[74] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Structural phase transformation and equations of states in Calcium chalcogenides, Phys. Stat. Solidi (b) 212, 241 (1999). |
[75] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Lattice vibrations in HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8 high temperature superconductor, Physica B 262, 322-328 (1999). |
[76] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Pressure dependence of structural and phonon properties of intermediate valence compound TmTe, J. Phys. Chem. of Solids 60, 567-71 (1999). |
[77] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: High pressure behaviour of NpSe and NpTe Solid State Phys. 42C, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, (1999). |
[78] | Prafulla K. Jha and Umesh K. Sakale and Sankar P. Sanyal: High Pressure structural phase transition in alkaline earth chalcogenides, J. Phys. Chem. of Solids 59, 6333-37 (1998). |
[79] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Phonon anomalies in intermediate valent SmxLa1-xS, Solid state Commun. 105, 455-458 (1998). |
[80] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Pressure induced structural phase transition in MgS and CaS, J. Phys. Chem. of Solids 59, 599-603 (1998). |
[81] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Transverse phonon modes in CdTe-ZnTe superlattices, Ind. J. Of Pure and Appl. Phys. 35, 636-639 (1997). |
[82] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Structural Phase transition in Yb-Pnictides, Phys. Stat. Solidi (b) 205, 413 (1997). |
[83] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Phonon dispersion in aluminum arsenide and antimonide, Pramana J-Phys. 49, 547-553 (1997). |
[84] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Structural Phase transition in uranium arsenide and telluride, Physica status Solid (b) 200, 13-364 (1997). |
[85] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Phonon spectrum and lattice specific heat of HgBa2CuO4, Physica C 271, 6-10 (1996). |
[86] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Effect of Pressure on the Raman modes in High temperature HgBa2CuO4 and HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8 superconductor, Mat. Sci. Forum 223, 361-364 (1996). |
[87] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: A lattice dynamical study on the role of pressure on Raman modes in high Tc HgBa2CuO4 superconductor. Physica C 261, 259-262 (1996). |
[88] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Lattice dynamics of II-VI compound semiconductors, Ind. J. of Pure and Appl. Phys, 34, 269-271 (1995). |
[89] | Sujata Rath, Prafulla K. Jha and S.P. Sanyal: Phonon dispersion in quasiperiodic semiconductor superlattices, Pramana J. Physics, 45, 25-32 (1995). |
[90] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Phonon properties of rare earth Ytterbium pnictide, Pramana J-Physics, 44, 419-427(1995). |
[91] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Lattice vibrational properties of Uranium Chalcogenide, Physica B 216, 125-131(1995). |
[92] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Lattice Vibrations in Yb-Pnictide Compounds, Phys. Rev. B 52, 15898-15902 (1995). |
[93] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal 1994: Phonon Properties of rare earth europium chalcogendies, Ind. J. of Pure and Appl. Physics, 32, 824-829 (1994). |
[94] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Investigation of Phonon anomalies in intermediate valence compounds SmS and Smx Y1-xS. Pramana J. Physics 43, 193-199 (1994). |
[95] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Phonon Dynamics of TmSe: effect of electron-phonon interaction, Cond. Mattr. And Mat. Commun, 1, 209-212 (1994). |
[96] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal 1994: Lattice Vibrational Properties of uranium pnictides, Pramana J. Physics 42, 9-14 (1994). |
[97] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Dynamical Properties of orientationally disordered RbCN, Ind. J. of Pure and Appl. Physics, 31, 885-888 (1993). |
[98] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Lattice Dynamics of Super conducting Yttrium Sulfide, Ind. J. of Pure and Appl. Physics, 31, 762-764 (1993). |
[99] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Lattice Dynamics of intermediate valence compounds SmS and TmSe, Ind. J. of Pure and Appl. Physics, 31, 469-473 (1993). |
[100] | Prafulla K. Jha and Sankar P. Sanyal: Lattice Dynamics of uranium chalcogenides and pnictides, Phys. Rev. B 46, 3664-3667 (1992). |
[101] | Prafulla K. Jha, R.K. Singh and Sankar P. Sanyal: Phonon anomalies in uranium chalcogenides, Physica B 174, 101-104 (1991). |