American Journal of Biomedical Engineering

American Journal of Biomedical Engineering provides a forum for the publication of the latest developments in biomedical engineering, and reflects the essential multidisciplinary nature of the subject. The journal publishes in-depth critical reviews, scientific papers and technical notes.

Reza Fazel-Rezai

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Biomedical Engineering

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, USA

Research Areas

Biomedical Engineering, Signal and Image Processing, Brain Computer Interface, EEG Signal Processing, Seizure Detection and  rediction, Neurofeedback, and Human Performance Evaluation based on Physiological Signals


1999Ph.DElectrical and Computer Engineering University of Manitoba, Canada
1993M.ScBiomedical Engineering AmirKabir University of Technology, Iran
1990B.ScElectrical Engineering Sharif University of Technology, Iran


2008-presentAssistant Professor, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND USA
2008-presentAdjunct Professor, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
2006-presentAdjunct Scientist, Telecomm. Research Lab. (TRLabs), Winnipeg, Canada
2006-presentGuest Scientist, National Research Council, IBD, Winnipeg, Canada
2004-2008Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
2003-2004Research Associate, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg
2002-2003Assistant Professor, Sharif University of Technology, Iran
2001-2002Simulation Research, Team Leader YottaYotta Corp., Edmonton, Canada
2001-2001Development Researcher, YottaYotta Corp., Edmonton, Canada
2000-2001Senior Research, Scientist Edge Networks Inc., Winnipeg, Canada
1999-2000Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Manitoba, TRLabs, Winnipeg, Canada

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  A. Zony, R. Fazel-Rezai, "Human Performance Evaluation Based on EEG Signal, " ND EPSCoR State Conference, Fargo, ND, 2009.
[2]  A. Rabbi, R. Fazel-Rezai, "Analysis of Different Characteristic Measures for Seizure Prediction, " ND EPSCoR State Conference, Fargo, ND, 2009.
[3]  A. Rabbi, R. Fazel-Rezai, and V. A. Doze, "A characteristic measure for epileptic seizure prediction based on phase synchronization, " Accepted for publication at Neuroscience, 2009.
[4]  R. Fazel-Rezai, P300-Based Speller Brain-Computer Interface in the Recent Advances in Biomedical Engineering, ISBN 978-953-7619-X-X, IN-TECH, Austria, EU, 2009.
[5]  A. Aarabi, R. Fazel-Rezai, and Y. Aghakhani, "Seizure detection using a rule-based fuzzy system, " Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Minneapolis, MN, 2009 (Invited Paper).
[6]  Ahmed F. Rabbi, Kevin Ivanca, Ashley V. Putnam, Ahmed Musa, Courtney B. Thaden, and Reza Fazel-Rezai, "Human performance evaluation based on EEG signal analysis: A prospective review, " Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Minneapolis, MN, 2009 (Invited Paper).
[7]  A. Aarabi, R. Fazel-Rezai, and Y. Aghakhani, "EEG Seizure Prediction: Measures and Challenges, " Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Minneapolis, MN, 2009 (Invited Paper).
[8]  R. Fazel-Rezai, A. Aarabi, and Y. Aghakhani, "Epileptic seizure detection in intracranial EEG, " Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Seizure Prediction, Kansas, June 2009.
[9]  J. Li, C. Bowman, R. Fazel-Rezai, and L. Choo-Smith, " Speckle reduction and lesion segmentation of OCT tooth images for early caries detection, " Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Minneapolis, MN, 2009.
[10]  Y. Fu, O. Ijare, G. Thomas, R. Fazel-Rezai, and H. Serrai, "Implementation of wavelet encoding spectroscopic imaging technique on a 3 Tesla whole body MR scanner: In vitro results, " Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Minneapolis, MN, 2009.
[11]  A. Aarabi, R. Fazel-Rezai, Y. Aghakhani, "A fuzzy rule-based system for epileptic seizure detection in intracranial EEG, " Accepted for publication in Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 2009.
[12]  R. Fazel-Rezai and W. Kinsner, "Modified Gabor wavelets for image decomposition and perfect reconstruction, " Accepted for publication in The International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, 2009.
[13]  R. Fazel Rezai, and K. Abhari, "A comparison between a matrix-based and a region-based P300 speller paradigms for brain-computer interface, " Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 1147-1150, Vancouver, Canada, August 2008.
[14]  A. H. Meghdadi, R. Fazel-Rezai, M. McKeown, "Detecting nonlinear determinism of EEG signals in Parkinson disease, " Proceedings of the 31st Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2008.
[15]  A. Meghdadi, W. Kinsner, and R. Fazel-Rezai, "Characterization of healthy and epileptic brain EEG signals using multifractal analysis, " Proceedings of the 21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Niagara Falls, Canada, May 2008.
[16]  R. Fazel Rezai, and K. Abhari, "A region-based P300 speller for brain-computer interface, " Submitted for publication to Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2008.
[17]  H. Fashandi, R. Fazel Rezai, and S. Pistorious, "Optical flow and total least squares solution for multi-scale data in an over-determined system, " Advances in Visual Computing, vol. 4842, pp. 33–42, 2007.
[18]  R. Fazel-Rezai, "Human error in P300 speller paradigm for brain-computer interface, " Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 2516-2519, Lyon, France, August 2007.
[19]  R. Fazel-Rezai, M. Pauls, and D. Slawinski, "A low-cost biomedical signal transceiver based on a Bluetooth wireless system, " Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 5711-5714, Lyon, France, August 2007.
[20]  A. Meghdadi, R. Fazel-Rezai, and Y. Aghakhani, "A method for detecting nonlinear determinism in normal and epileptic brain EEG signals, " Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 2008-2011, Lyon, France, August 2007.
[21]  R. Fazel-Rezai, M. Pauls, and D. Slawinski, "A biomedical signal transceiver, " TechMed Show Competition, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 2007.
[22]  A. Meghdadi, R. Fazel-Rezai, and Y. Aghakhani, "A portable seizure warning system for epilepsy, " TechMed Show Competition, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 2007. (This paper was awarded the first place in the competition. This is the second year in a row that we won the first place in TechMed competition).
[23]  R. Fazel-Rezai and W. Kinsner, "Image decomposition and reconstruction using two-dimensional complex-valued Gabor wavelets, " Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics, pp. 72-78, Lake Tahoe, California, USA, 2007.
[24]  A. Meghdadi, R. Fazel-Rezai, and Y. Aghakhani, "Temporal imaging of brain epileptic activities by dynamical characterization of EEG signal, " CAIMS-MITACS Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Canada, 2007.
[25]  H. Fashandi, R. Fazel Rezai, and S. Pistorious, "Frequency based portal image registration for radiotherapy treatment, " CAIMS-MITACS Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Canada, 2007.
[26]  R. Fazel-Rezai and W. Kinsner, "Image decomposition and reconstruction using single sided complex Gabor wavelets, " Image Analysis and Recognition, vol. 4633, pp. 105-116, 2007.
[27]  R. Fazel-Rezai , "Ten tips on making a successful presentation, " Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society Newsletter, vol. 41, p. 10, 2007.
[28]  R. Fazel-Rezai and K. Abhari, "Lie detection using brain P300 signal: preliminary results, " Proceedings of the 30th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2007.
[29]  A. Meghdadi, R. Fazel-Rezai, and Y. Aghakhani, "Seizure prediction by nonlinear smoothness analysis of scalp EEG recording, " Proceedings of the 30th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2007.
[30]  H. Fashandi, R. Fazel-Rezai, and S. Pistorious, "Fourier based patient positioning for radiotherapy treatment, " Proceedings of the 30th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, Toronto, Canada, 2007.
[31]  M. Samiee, G. Thomas, and R. Fazel-Rezai, "Semi-automatic prostate segmentation of MR images based on flow orientation, " Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, pp. 203-208, Vancouver, Canada, August 2006.
[32]  H. Mirghasemi, R. Fazel-Rezai and M.B. Shamsollahi, "A P300-based speller BCI: Comparison among common P300 detection methods and traditional classification methods, " Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006 (WC 2006), Seoul, Korea, August 2006.
[33]  S. Ramanna and R. Fazel-Rezai, "A robust P300 detection based on rough sets, " Transactions on Rough Sets, vol. 5, pp. 207-223, 2006.
[34]  R. Fazel-Rezai, "Challenges in visual P300 speller", Proceedings of Annual Vision in the Prairies Symposium, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, April 2006.
[35]  A. H. Meghdadi, R. Fazel-Rezai and Y. Aghakhani, "Characterizing nonlinearity in EEG signals using surrogate data analysis of principle components, " Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 6209-6212, New York, USA, September 2006.
[36]  A. Redekopp, J. Hiley and R. Fazel-Rezai, "A low cost human computer interface based on eye tracking, " Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 3226-3229, New York, USA, September 2006.
[37]  H. Mirghasemi, M.B. Shamsollahi and R. Fazel-Rezai, "Analysis of classifiers in P300 recognition, " Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 6205-6208, New York, USA, September 2006.
[38]  H. Mirghasemi, R. Fazel-Rezai and M.B. Shamsollahi, "Assessment of preprocessing methods on classifiers used in the P300 speller paradigm, " Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 1319-1322, New York, USA, September 2006.
[39]  R. Fazel-Rezai and K. Abhari, "P300-based brain computer interface mental prosthesis, " TechMed Show Competition, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 2006.
[40]  R. Fazel-Rezai, A. Redekopp and J. Hiley, "Human computer interface based on real-time eye tracking, " TechMed Show Competition, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 2006 (This paper was awarded the first place in the competition).
[41]  T. Li and R. Fazel-Rezai, "A comparison among several P300 classification methods, " Proceedings of the 29th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 2006.
[42]  K. Abhari and R. Fazel-Rezai, "P300-based speller paradigms for brain-computer interface, " Proceedings of the 29th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 2006.
[43]  A. H. Meghdadi, R. Fazel-Rezai and Y. Aghakhani "Artifact removal in EEG-fMRI and nonlinear determinism analysis, " Proceedings of the 29th Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 2006.
[44]  R. Fazel-Rezai and S. Ramanna, "Brain signals: feature extraction and classification using rough set methods, " Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing, vol. 3642, pp. 709-718, 2005.
[45]  R. Fazel-Rezai and J.F. Peters, "P300 wave feature extraction: preliminary results, " Proceedings of the Canadian Conf. on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pp. 376-379, Saskatoon, Canada, May 2005.
[46]  R. Fazel-Rezai, S. Noghanian, L. Shafai and S. Safavi-Naeini, "Parametric study of multibeam MIMO systems, " Proceedings of ANTEM 2004 Conference, pp. 621-625, Ottawa, Canada, July 2004.
[47]  R. Fazel-Rezai, S. Noghanian, L. Shafai and S. Safavi-Naeini, "A comparison between capacity of MIMO and phased array systems, " Proceedings The IASTED International Conference on Antennas, Radar and Wave Propagation, pp. 35-40, Banff, Canada, July 2004.
[48]  R. Fazel-Rezai and A. Yadollahi, "Texture classification using fractal dimensions, " Proceedings of the 12th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, pp. 589-595, Iran, May 2004.
[49]  R. Fazel-Rezai and A. Ashtari, "An image quality assessment method using models of early vision system and visual attention, " Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, pp. 412-417, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2004.
[50]  R. Fazel-Rezai and S. Oveisgharan, "Fractal and chaotic characteristics of Persian speech signal, " Proceedings of the 11th Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, pp. 278-282, Iran, February 2004.
[51]  M. Yaghoobi and R. Fazel-Rezai, "Fractal image compression improvement using the genetic algorithm, " Proceedings of the 5th Conf. on Intelligent Systems, pp. 124-128, Iran, October 2003.
[52]  A. Ashtari and R. Fazel-Rezai, "Comparison among image quality assessment methods considering human visual system, " Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, pp. 352-356, Sydney, Australia, August 2003.
[53]  R. Fazel-Rezai, "Image sequence key frame detection using a heuristic approach, " Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, pp. 246-249, Sydney, Australia, August 2003.
[54]  R. Fazel-Rezai, "Why cannot Netstorager saturate fiber channel and how can the performance be improved?" Technical Report at YottaYotta Inc., #YY2002-007, February 2002.
[55]  R. Fazel-Rezai, "Fuzzy real time controller for 3D wavelet video compression, " Technical Report at Edge Networks Corp., #2000-004, December 2000.
[56]  R. Fazel-Rezai, "Pull-down frame extraction, key-frame detection and video type recognition in image sequences, " Technical Report at Edge Networks Corp., #2001-002, September 2000.
[57]  R. Fazel-Rezai and W. Kinsner, "Image analysis and reconstruction using complex Gabor wavelets, " Proceedings of 2000 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 440-444, Halifax, Canada, May 2000.
[58]  R. Fazel-Rezai and W. Kinsner, "Texture analysis and segmentation of images using fractals, " Proceedings of 1999 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 786-791, Edmonton, Canada, March 1999.
[59]  R. Fazel-Rezai, "Determination of individual muscle and internal joint forces at the elbow using fuzzy logic, " Proceedings of Gradcon'99, vol. 1, pp. 17, Winnipeg, Canada, October 1999.
[60]  R. Fazel-Rezai, "Upper limb modelling, dynamic analysis, and force distribution using fuzzy logic, " Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, December 1999.
[61]  R. Fazel-Rezai, E. Shwedyk, J. E. Cooper, J. Ripat and S. Onyshko, "Changes in upper limb dynamics in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, " Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 31, pp. 15, July 1998.
[62]  R. Fazel-Rezai and E. Shwedyk, "Biomechanic signal filtering for dynamic analysis purpose: A quantitative comparison between different methods, " Journal of Biomechanics, vol. 31, pp. 85, July 1998.
[63]  R. Fazel-Rezai, "Upper limb dynamics analysis, " Proceedings of Gradcon'98, vol. 1, p. 31, Winnipeg, Canada, May 1998.
[64]  R. Fazel-Rezai, E. Shwedyk and S. Onyshko, "Three dimensional kinematic model of the upper limb with ten degrees of freedom, " Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, pp. 137-141, Chicago, USA, October 1997.
[65]  R. Fazel-Rezai, E. Shwedyk and S. Onyshko, "Comparison of different biomechanical data smoothing methods, " Proceedings of Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society Conference, vol. 1, pp. 32-33, Toronto, Canada, May 1997 (Finalist in the student paper competition).
[66]  R. Fazel-Rezai, E. Shwedyk, S. Onyshko and J. E. Cooper, "Power analysis of upper limb movement, " Proceedings of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, vol. 2, pp. 621-622, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 1996.
[67]  R. Fazel-Rezai, S. Onyshko, J. E. Cooper and E. Shwedyk, "Generated moments at the upper limb during movement, " Proceedings of the IXth Canadian Society for Biomechanics Conference, vol. 1, pp. 239-243, Burnaby, Canada, August 1996.
[68]  R. Fazel-Rezai, W. Kinsner and E. Shwedyk, "Chaotic behaviour of electromyogram signals and its application, " Proceedings of the 4th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, pp. 231-235, Tehran, Iran, May 1996.
[69]  R. Fazel-Rezai, "Electromyogram signal pattern recognition using neural networks", M.Sc. Thesis, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 1993.
[70]  R. Fazel-Rezai, M. R. Hashemi and K. Badie, "Improvement of electromyogram pattern recognition in Tehran Cybernetic Arm, " Proceedings of 6th Iranian Biomedical Engineering Conference, pp. 78-82, Tabriz, Iran, February 1993.
[71]  R. Fazel-Rezai, M. R. Hashemi and R. Khayati, "Physiological model of arm movement using cybernetic experiments, " Proceedings of the 6th Iranian Biomedical Engineering Conference, pp. 131-135, Tabriz, Iran, February 1993.
[72]  R. Fazel-Rezai and M. R. Hashemi, "Decomposition of surface electromyogram using neural networks, " Proceedings of the 5th Iranian Biomedical Engineering Conference, pp. 41-45, Tehran, Iran, April 1992.
[73]  R. Fazel-Rezai, "Design and implementation of electronic circuits of RADAR display, " B.Sc. Thesis, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, September 1990.
[74]  M. R. Hashemi, A. Erfanian and R. Fazel-Rezai, New horizon in biomedical engineering, in Persian, November 1992.