American Journal of Biomedical Engineering

American Journal of Biomedical Engineering provides a forum for the publication of the latest developments in biomedical engineering, and reflects the essential multidisciplinary nature of the subject. The journal publishes in-depth critical reviews, scientific papers and technical notes.

David Tam

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Biomedical Engineering

Associate Professor, University of North Texas, USA

Research Areas

Neuroscience, Biology, Psychology, Computational Neuroscience, Bioengineering, Cybernetics


1987Ph.DPhysiology, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN
1984B.ScPhysics, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN
1984B.ScAstrophysics, University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN
1980B.ScComputer Science University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN


2001Visiting Professor, Department of Bioengineering Arizona State University Tempe,AZ85287 and The Neuros ciences Institute SanDiego,CA92121
1999-2001Director, University Forum on Teaching, Learning and Assessment(UFTLA) University of North Texas
1997-presentAssociate Professor, University of North Texas Denton, TX76203
1992-1997Assistant Professor, Center for Networ kNeuro science Department of Biological Sciences University of North Texas, Denton
1989-1992Assistant Professor, Division of Neuro science Baylor College of MedicinebHouston, TX77030

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  Tam, DN (2011) Computation in Emotional Processing: Quantitative Confirmation of Proportionality Hypothesis for Angry Unhappy Emotional Intensity to Perceived Loss. Cognitive Computation. 3(2): 394-415. [Author generated preprint.pdf]
[2]  Tam, DN (2011) Quantification of emotional bias by an Emotional-Gain Model. BMC Neuroscience 12(Suppl 1):P326 doi:10.1186/1471-2202-12-S1-P326
[3]  Tam, DN (2011) Quantification of fairness bias by a Fairness-Equity Model. BMC Neuroscience 12(Suppl 1):P327 doi:10.1186/1471-2202-12-S1-P327
[4]  Tam, DN (2011) Gender difference of emotional bias in sharing love. BMC Neuroscience 12(Suppl 1):P328 doi:10.1186/1471-2202-12-S1-P328
[5]  Tam, DN (2011) Contributing factors in judgment of fairness by monetary value. BMC Neuroscience, 12(Suppl 1):P329 doi:10.1186/1471-2202-12-S1-P329