Advances in Computing

Advances in Computing deals with the theoretical foundations of information and computation and their implementation and application in computer systems. It publishes regular papers and special issues on specific topics of interest to international audiences of educational researchers.

Hamidah Ibrahim

Editorial Board Member of Advances in Computing

Professor, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

Research Areas

Database (Centralized, Distributed, Parallel, Mobile, XML, Biomedical, Relational, Object-oriented)

Publications: Journals

[1]  Meghdad, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Leila Fathi.PS+Pre/Post: A Novel Structure and Access Mechanism for Wireless XML Stream Supporting Twig Pattern Queries, accepted and to be published in the Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands [Impact factor 1.629]
[2]   Leila Fathi, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Meghdad Mirabi.An Energy Conservation Indexing Method for Secure XML Data Broadcast in Mobile Wireless Networks, accepted and to be published in the Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands [Impact factor 1.629]
[3]  Hamidah Ibrahim, Yaser Karasneh, Meghdad Mirabi, Razali Yaakob, and Mohamed Othman.An Automatic Domain Independent Schema Matching in Integrating Schemas of Heterogeneous Relational Databases, accepted and to be published in the Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), Inst Information Science, Taiwan [Impact factor: 0.299]
[4]  Mohamed Ahmed Elfaki, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, Mohamed Othman, and Haidar Safa.Collaborative Caching Priority for Processing Requests in MANETs, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Academic Press LTD-Elsevier Science LTD, London, England.Volume 40, No.2014, 2014, pages 85-96 [Impact factor 1.467].
[5]  Hossein Tohidi, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Masrah Azrifah Azmi.Improving Named Entity Recognition Accuracy for Gene and Protein in Biomedical Text Literature, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics (IJDMB), Inderscience Enterprises LTD, Geneva, Switzerland, Volume 10, No.3, 2014, pages 239-268 [Impact factor 0.393]
[6]  Waheed Yasin, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nor Asila Wati Abdul Hamid, and Nur Izura Udzir.An Overview of Media Streams Caching in Peer-to-Peer Systems, the Computer Journal, Oxford University Press, England, June 2013 [Impact factor 0.785].
[7]  Ali A.Alwan, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, and Fatimah Sidi.Preference Evaluation Techniques of Preference Queries in Database, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology (IJACT), Vol.5, No.5, 15 March 2013, pages 756-766.
[8]  Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, Ali Mamat.XML Access Control Models and Mechanism: A Survey, accepted and to be published in the International Review on Computers and Software (I.R.E.C.O.S.), 2012.
[9]  Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, Ali Mamat.An Encoding Scheme based on Fractional Number for Querying and Updating XML Data, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Science Inc., New York, Volume 85, Issue 8, August 2012, pages 1831-1851. [Impact factor: 0.836]
[10]  Reza Ghaemi, Md.Nasir Sulaiman, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Norwati Mustapha.A Novel Fuzzy C-means Algorithm to Generate Diverse and Desirable Cluster Solutions used by Genetic-based Clustering Ensemble Algorithms.Memetic Computing, Volume 4, No.1, 2012, pages 49-71.
[11]  Hassan Barjini, Mohamed Othman, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Nur Izura Udzir.Shortcoming, Problems and Analytical Comparison for Flooding-based Search Techniques in Unstructured P2P Networks.International Journal of Peer-to-Peer Network Applications, Volume 5, Number 1, March 2012, pages 1-13.
[12]  Feras Ahmad Hanandeh, Mutaz Khazaaleh, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Rohaya Latip. CFS: A New Dynamic Replication Strategy for Data Grids.The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Volume 9, No.1, January 2012, pages 94-99. [Impact factor: 0.127]
[13]  Amin Shokripour, Mohamed Othman, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Shamala Subramaniam.New Method for Scheduling Heterogeneous Multi-Installment Systems.Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 28, 2012, pages 1205-1216. [Impact factor 2.371]
[14]  Nurul Husna Mohd Saad and Hamidah Ibrahim.Multilingual Database Management System – A Performance Evaluation.Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, New York (USA), Volume 7, No.7, 2011, pages 1052-1059.
[15]  Nawfal A.Mehdi, Ali Mamat, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Shamala K.Subramaniam.On the Fly Negotiation for Urgent Service Level Agreement on Intercloud Environment.Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, New York (USA), Volume 7, No.10, 2011, pages 1596-1604.
[16]  Mohammadreza Ektefa, Fatimah Sidi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Marzanah A.Jabar, and Sara Memar.A Comparative Study in Classification Techniques for Unsupervised Record Linkage Model.Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, New York (USA), Volume 7, Number 3, 2011, pages 341-347.
[17]  Hossein Tohidi, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad.Using Unique-Prime-Factorization Theorem to Mine Frequent Patterns without Generating Tree.American Journal of Economics and Business Adminitrations, Science Publications, New York (USA), Volume 3, Issue 1, 2011, pages 58-65.
[18]  Mohamed Ahmed Elfaki, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, and Mohamed Othman.Collaborative Caching Architecture for Continuous Query in Mobile Database.American Journal of Economics and Business Adminitrations, Science Publications, New York (USA), Volume 3, Issue 1, 2011, pages 33-39.
[19]  Teo Poh Kuang, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, and Fatimah Sidi. Security Extensible Access Control Markup Language Policy Integration Based on Role-Based Access Control Model in Healthcare Collaborative Environments.American Journal of Economics and Business Adminitrations, Science Publications, New York (USA), Volume 3, Issue 1, 2011, pages 101-111.
[20]  Rohaya Latip, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Feras Ahmad Al-Hanandeh.Scientific Data Sharing using Clustered-based Data Sharing in Grid Environment.American Journal of Economics and Business Adminitrations, Science Publications, New York (USA), Volume 3, Issue 1, 2011, pages 146-149.
[21]  Marzanah A.Jabar, Fatimah Sidi, Mohd.Hasan Selamat, Abdul Azinm Abdul Ghani, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Salmi Baharom.Capturing Tacit Knowledge for Assessing Employees’ Competency and Productivity.American Journal of Economics and Business Adminitrations, Science Publications, New York (USA), Volume 3, Issue 2, 2011, pages 358-362.
[22]  Wa’el Jum’ah Al-Zyadat, Rodziah Atan, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad.A Predication Weather Parallel with Filter Model Based on Extract Event: Case Study in Malaysia Weather for Short-Term.International Journal of Computer Science and Communication, Volume 2, Number 2, July-December 2011, pages 381-389.
[23]  Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, and Nur Izura Udzir.An XML Access Control Model Considering Update Operations.Journal of Information Security Research, Volume 1, Number 2, June 2011, pages 58-65.
[24]  Wa’el Jum’ah Al-Zyadat, Rodziah Atan, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad.The Direct Impact to Pre-Filtering Process to Weather Dataset.Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Volume 26, Number 1, April 2011, pages 1-6.
[25]  Ali Amer Alwan, Hamidah Ibrahim, Tan Chik Yip, Fatimah Sidi, Nur Izura Udzir, and Nurul Husna Mohd Saad.Performance Evaluation of Preference Queries Techniques over a High Multidimensional Database.International Journal of Computational Linguistics Research, A DLINE Journal, Digital Information Research Foundation, Chennai (India), Volume 2, Number 1, March 2011, pages 37-47.
[26]  Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, and Nur Izura Udzir.Improved Access Control Mechanism with XML Coding and XML Document Updating.Journal of Information Security Research, Volume 2, Number 1, March 2011, pages 40-50.
[27]  Ali Amer Alwan, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Nur Izura Udzir.A Framework for Checking and Ranking Integrity Constraints in a Distributed Database.Journal of Next Generation Information Technology, Human and Sciences Publication, Seoul (Korea), Volume 2, Number 1, February 2011, pages 37-48.
[28]  Reza Ghaemi, Nasir Sulaiman, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Norwati Mustapha.A Review: Accuracy Optimization in Clustering Ensembles using Genetic Algorithms, Journal of Artifical Intelligence Review, 13 January 2011.
[29]  Waheed Yasin, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nor Asila Wati Abdul Hamid, and Nur Izura Udzir.A Systematic Review of File Sharing in Mobile Devices using Peer-to-Peer Systems.Journal of Computer and Information Science, Canadian Center of Science and Education, Toronto (Canada), Volume 4, No.1, January 2011, pages 28-41.
[30]  Wan Malini Wan Isa, Jamaliah Abdul Hamid, Hamidah Ibrahim, Mohd.Hasan Selamat, Rusli Abdullah, and Nurul Amelina Nasharuddin, Testing the Accuracy of Text Deconstruction using Ptree Tool, Journal of Computer and Information Science, Canadian Center of Science and Education, Toronto (Canada), Volume 4, No.1, January 2011, pages 191-197.
[31]  F.Azimzadeh, A.R.Ramli, B.M.Ali, and H.Ibrahim.Weblog Search Engine Based on Quality Criteria, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Engg Journals Publication, India, Volume 3, Issue 1, pages 352-358.
[32]  Nawfal A.Mehdi, Ali Mamat, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Shamala K.Subramaniam.Impatient Task Mapping in Elastic Cloud using Genetic Algorithm.Journal of Computer Science, Volume 7, Issue 6, 2011, pages 877-883.
[33]  Mahmoud Shaker, Hamidah Ibrahim, Aida Mustapha, and Lily Nurliyana Abdullah.A Strategy for Extracting Information from Semi-Structured Web Pages.International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley (UK), Volume 6, No.4, 2010, pages 304-318.
[34]  Kamsuriah Ahmad and Hamidah Ibrahim.Comparative Analysis of XML Functional Dependencies.Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia), Volume 9, December 2010, pages 31-40.
[35]  Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, Nur Izura Udzir, and Leila Fathi.Controlling Label Size Increment of Efficient XML Encoding and Labeling Scheme in Dynamic XML Update.Journal of Computer Science, New York (USA), Volume 6, Issue 12, 30 November 2010, pages 1529-1534.
[36]  Mahmoud Shaker, Hamidah Ibrahim, Aida Mustapha, and Lili Nurliyana Abdullah.A Framework for Extracting, Classifying, Analyzing, and Presenting Information from Semi-structured Web Data Sources.Journal of Next Generation Information Technology, Human and Sciences Publication, Seoul (Korea), Volume 1, No.3, November 2010, pages 106-114.
[37]  Ali Amer Alwan, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Nur Izura Udzir.A Model for Ranking and Selecting Integrity Tests in a Distributed Database.International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE), Edited by: Eric Pardede, David Taniar, Ismail Khalil, and Johannes Kepler, IGI Publishing, Hershey (USA), Volume 5, No.3, July-September 2010, pages 65-84.
[38]  Nur Izura Udzir, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Sileshi Demesie.Finer Garbage Collection in LINDACAP. International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE), Edited by: Eric Pardede, David Taniar, Ismail Khalil, and Johannes Kepler, IGI Publishing, Hershey (USA), Volume 5, No.3, July-September 2010, pages 1-26.
[39]  Nawfal A.Mehdi, Ali Mamat, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Shamala A/P K., Multiphase Scalable Grid Scheduler based on Multi-Qos using Min-Min Heuristic.International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Volume 1, No.3, September 2010, pages 10-14.
[40]  Yaser Karasneh, Hamidah Ibrahim, Mohamed Othman, and Razali Yaakob.An Approach for Matching Schemas of Heterogeneous Relational Databases.Journal of Digital Information Management, Digital Information Research Foundation, Chennai (India), Volume 8, No.4, August 2010, pages 260-269.
[41]  Monir Abdullah, Mohamed Othman, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Shamala Subramaniam.Optimal Workload Allocation Model for Scheduling Divisible Data Grid Applications, Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 26, Issue 7, July 2010, pages 971-978. [Impact factor 2.371]
[42]  Waheed Yasin and Hamidah Ibrahim.Improving Triple Play Services using MPLS Technology.Journal of Computer Science, Science Publications, New York (USA), Volume 6, Issue 3, 31 March 2010, pages 269-278.
[43]  Modi Lakulu, Rusli Abdullah, Mohd Hasan Selamat, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Mohd Zali Mohd Nor.A Framework of Collaborative Knowledge Management System in Open Source Software Development Environment.Journal of Computer and Information Science, Canadian Center of Science and Education, Volume 2, No.1, February 2010, pages 81-90.
[44]  Doha Elsharief Mahmoud Yagoub, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, and Mohamed Othman. A Framework for an Application Based Mobile Cache Consistency Method.Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), ARPN Islamabad Pakistan, Islamabad (Pakistan), Volume 11, No.2, January 2010, pages 88-96.

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  Nurul Husna Mohd Saad, Hamidah Ibrahim, Fatimah Sidi, Razali Yaakob, and Ali Amer Alwan.A Framework for Evaluating Skyline Query over Uncertain Autonomous Databases, accepted and to be published in the International Conference of Computational Science (ICCS 2014), 10-12 June 2014, Cairns (Australia).
[2]  Leila Fathi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Meghdad Mirabi.An Air Indexing Method for Encrypted XML Data Broadcast in Mobile Wireless Network, Proceedings of the 12th International ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access (MobiDE ’13), New York (USA), 22-27 June 2013, pages 28-35.
[3]  Ali A.Alwan, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, and Fatimah Sidi.Estimating Missing Values of Skylines in Incomplete Database, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Digital Enterprise and Information Systems (DEIS 2013), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 4-6 March 2013, pages 220-229.
[4]  Teo Poh Kuang, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, and Fatimah Sidi.Heterogeneity XACML Policy Evaluation Engine, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Digital Enterprise and Information Systems (DEIS 2013), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 4-6 March 2013, pages 230-238.
[5]  Waheed Yasin, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nor Asilah Wati Abdul Hamid, and Nur Izura Udzir.The Affects of Caching in Browser Stage on the Performance of Web Items Delivery, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Digital Enterprise and Information Systems (DEIS 2013), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 4-6 March 2013, pages 212-219.
[6]  Ali Amer Alwan, Hamidah Ibrahim, Tan Chin Yip, Nur Izura Udzir, and Fatimah Sidi.A Performance Evaluation of Preference Evaluation Techniques in Real High Dimensional Database.Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Transaction Processing (ATP 2012), 27-29 August 2012, Ontario (Canada), pages 894-901.
[7]  Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, and Ali Mamat.A Compact Bit String Accessibility Map for Secure XML Query Processing.Proceedings of the International Workshop on Service Discovery and Composition in Ubiquitous and Pervasive Environments (SUPE 2012), 27-29 August 2012, Ontario (Canada), pages 1172-1179.
[8]  Osama A.Mehdi, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Lilly Suriani Affendey.Instance based Matching using Regular Expression.Accepted and to be published in the 9th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS), 27-29 August 2012, Ontario (Canada).
[9]  Nurul Husna Mohd Saad, Hamidah Ibrahim, Fatimah Sidi, Razali Yaakob.Skyline Query Processing on Heterogeneous Data: A Conceptual Design.Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA 2012), Rome (Italy), 25-27 July 2012, pages 153-156.
[10]  Maizura Ibrahim, Siti Nurbahyah Hamdan, Hamidah Ibrahim, Azizol Abdullah, and Rohaya Latip.Intergrid Security Policy Integration Framework based on UCON Toward Federated Grid Access Control, Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics & Applications (ICIA 2012), Kuala Terengganu (Malaysia), 3-5 June 2012, pages 205-212.
[11]  Fatimah Sidi, Abdullah Ramli, Marzanah A.Jabar, Lilly Suriani Affendey, Aida Mustapha, and Hamidah Ibrahim.Data Quality Comparative Model for Data Warehouse.Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Retrieval & Knowledge Management (CAMP 2012), 13-15 March 2012, pages 268-272.
[12]  Fatimah Sidi, Payam Hassany Shariat Panahy, Lilly Suriani Affendey, Marzanah A.Jabar, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Aida Mustapha.Data Quality: A Survey of Data Quality Dimensions.Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Retrieval & Knowledge Management (CAMP 2012), 13-15 March 2012, pages 300-304.
[13]  Roziyah Darus, Hamidah Ibrahim, Mohamed Othman, and Lilly Suriani Affendey.User Interestingness for Pre-fetching in Mobile Environment.Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on IT & Multimedia at UNITEN (ICIMU 2011), Malaysia, 14-16 November 2012, pages 1- 6.
[14]  Hossein Tohidi, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad.Hossein Tohidi, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad.Statistical Character-based Syntax Similarity Measurement for Detecting Biomedical Syntax Variations through Named Entity Recognition.Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Network Digital Technologies (NDT 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Macau (China), 11-13 July 2011, pages 164-178.
[15]  Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, and Nur Izura Udzir.An Access Control Model for Supporting XML Document Updating.Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Network Digital Technologies (NDT 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Macau (China), 11-13 July 2011, pages 37-46.
[16]  Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, and Nur Izura Udzir.Integrating Access Control Mechanism with EXEL Labeling Scheme for XML Document Updating.Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Network Digital Technologies (NDT 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Macau (China), 11-13 July 2011, pages 24-36.
[17]  Ali Amer Alwan, Hamidah Ibrahim, Tan Chik Yip, Fatimah Sidi, and Nur Izura Udzir.Performance Evaluation of Preference Evaluation Techniques. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Network Digital Technologies (NDT 2011), Macau (China), 11-13 July 2011, pages 212-223.
[18]  Hassan Barjini, Mohamed Othman, and Hamidah Ibrahim.QuickFlood: An Efficient Search Algorithm for Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks.Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Network Digital Technologies (NDT 2011), Macau (China), 11-13 July 2011, pages 82-92.
[19]  Ghada Hassan, Hamidah Ibrahim, Md.Nasir Sulaiman, and Razali Yaakob.Performance Evaluation for DSQRM: A Domain-based Query Routing Mechanism for P2P Networks.Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Enterprise and Information Systems (DEIS 2011), London (UK), 20-22 July 2011, pages 317-330.
[20]  Waheed Yasin, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nor Asila Wati Abdul Hamid, and Nur Izura Udzir.Performance Analysis of Transport Control Protocol Flavours in the Existence of Packet Reordering Phenomena.Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Enterprise and Information Systems (DEIS 2011), London (UK), 20-22 July 2011, pages 569-579.
[21]  Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, and Nur Izura Udzir.Label Size Increment of Bit String Based Labeling Scheme in Dynamic XML Updating.Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Enterprise and Information Systems (DEIS 2011), London (UK), 20-22 July 2011, pages 466-477.
[22]  Az-Azira Abdul Aziz, Rusli Abdullah, and Hamidah Ibrahim.A Model of Knowledge Mapping in Visualizing the Hotspot of Dengue.Accepted and to be published in the 2011 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS2011), 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi (Malaysia).
[23]  Mohammadreza Ektefa, Fatimah Sidi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Marzanah A.Jabar, Sara Memar, and Abdullah Ramli.A Threshold-based Similarity Measure for Duplicate Detection.Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS2011), 25-28 September 2011, Langkawi (Malaysia).
[24]  Ghada Hassan, Hamidah Ibrahim, Md.Nasir Sulaiman, and Razali Yaakob.A Domain-based Query Routing Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Networks.Accepted and to be published in the 8th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS), 19-21 September 2011, Ontario (Canada).
[25]  Azreena Abu Bakar, Rusli Abdullah, Nur Izura Udzir, and Hamidah Ibrahim.An Empirical Study of the Characteristics of Access Control Model Towards Secure KMS in Collaborative Environment.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2011), Bandung (Indonesia), 17-19 July 2011, H9-5.
[26]  Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, Ali Mamat, and Leila Fathi.A Fractional Number Based Lebeling Scheme for Dynamic XML Updating.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI), 8-9 June 2011, Bandung (Indonesia), pages 194-200.
[27]  Ali Amer Alwan, Hamidah Ibrahim, Nur Izura Udzir, and Fatimah Sidi.Skyline Queries over Incomplete Multidimensional Database.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI), 8-9 June 2011, Bandung (Indonesia), pages 201-206.
[28]  Doha Elsharief, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, and Mohamed Othman.ABMMCCS: Application Based Multi-level Mobile Cache Consistency Scheme.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI), 8-9 June 2011, Bandung (Indonesia), pages 377-382.
[29]  Teo Poh Kuang, Hamidah Ibrahim, Fatimah Sidi, and Nur Izura Udzir.Policy Inconsistencies Detection Based on RBAC Model in Cross-Organization Collaboration.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI), 8-9 June 2011, Bandung (Indonesia), pages 333-338.
[30]  Ghada Hassan, Hamidah Ibrahim, Md.Nasir Sulaiman, and Razali Yaakob.Domain-based Distributed Mediation System for Large-scale Data Integration.Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing and Informatics (ICOCI), 8-9 June 2011, Bandung (Indonesia), pages 207-213.
[31]  Amin Shokripour, Mohamed Othman, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Shamala Subramaniam.A New Method for Scheduling Divisible Data on a Heterogeneous Two-Levels Hierarchical System, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2011), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), 1-3 June 2011, pages 2196-2205 (Procedia Computer Science, Volume 4, 2011, pages 2196-2205).
[32]  Mohammadreza Ektefa, Fatimah Sidi, Hamidah Ibrahim, Marzanah A.Jabar, and Sara Memar.Applying Data Mining Methods in Record Linkage.Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Network and Computing (ICINC 2010), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 26-28 November 2010, pages V2-283-V2-287.
[33]  Roziyah Darus and Hamidah Ibrahim.New Prediction Model for Pre-fetching in Mobile Database.Proceedings of the 12th @WAS International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2010), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Paris (France), 8-10 November 2010, pages 938-942.
[34]  Ghada Hassan, Hamidah Ibrahim, Md.Nasir Sulaiman, and Razali Yaakob. MMSLDI: A Distributed Data Integration System.Proceedings of the 12th @WAS International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2010), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Paris (France), 8-10 November 2010, pages 895-898.
[35]  Amin Shokripour, Mohamed Othman, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Shamala Subramaniam.A New Method for Job Schedulling in a Non-Dedicated Heterogeneous System.Proceedings of the World Conference on Information Technology, Istanbul (Turkey), 6-10 October 2010, pages 271-275.(Procedia Computer Science, Volume 3, 2011, pages 271-275).
[36]  Marzanah A.Jabar, Fatimah Sidi, Mohd.Hasan Selamat, Abdul Azim Abdul Ghani, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Salmi Baharom.Capturing Tacit Knowledge for Assessing Employees Competency and Productivity, Proceedings of the 5th.International Conference on Knowledge Management (KMICe 2010), Kuala Terengganu (Malaysia), 25-27 May 2010, pages 29-34.
[37]  Yaser Karasneh, Hamidah Ibrahim, Mohamed Othman, and Razali Yaakob.Challenges in Matching Heterogeneous Relational Databases’ Schemas. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering (IKE 2010), Las Vegas (USA), Edited by: Hamid R.Arabnia, Ray R.Hashemi, and Gregory Vert, CSREA Press, 12-15 July 2010, pages 163-169.
[38]  Mahmoud Shaker, Hamidah Ibrahim, Aida Mustapha, and Lili Nurliyana Abdullah.Extracting Information from Semi-Structured Web Pages by Considering User Context.Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering (IKE 2010), Las Vegas (USA), Edited by: Hamid R.Arabnia, Ray R.Hashemi, and Gregory Vert, CSREA Press, 12-15 July 2010, pages 134-139.
[39]  Hossein Tohidi, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad.Statistical Approach for Gene and Protein Named Entity Recognition.Proceedings of the Artificial Intelligence Workshops 2010 (AIW2010) - International Workshop on Extraction of Structured Information from Texts in the Biomedical Domain, Edited by: Rayner Alfred, Galia Angelova, and Heather D.Pfeiffer, Kuching (Sarawak), 26 July 2010, pages 30-44.
[40]  Teo Poh Kuang and Hamidah Ibrahim. Security Policy Integration based on Role-Based Access Control Model in Healthcare Collaborative Environments.Proceedings of the Knowledge Management International Conference 2010, Kuala Terengganu (Malaysia), 25-27 May 2010, pages 515-521.
[41]  Hossein Tohidi and Hamidah Ibrahim.A Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithm based on FP-growth without Generating Tree.Proceedings of the Knowledge Management International Conference 2010, Kuala Terengganu (Malaysia), 25-27 May 2010, pages 671-676 [best paper award].
[42]  Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Elfaki, Hamidah Ibrahim, Ali Mamat, Mohamed Othman.Collaborative Caching for Distributed Mobile Database Query Processing.Proceedings of the Knowledge Management International Conference 2010, Kuala Terengganu (Malaysia), 25-27 May 2010, pages 496-501.
[43]  Rohaya Latip, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Feras Ahmad Al-Hanandeh.Scientific Data Sharing using Clustered-Based Data Sharing (CDS) in Grid Environment.Proceedings of the Knowledge Management International Conference 2010, Kuala Terengganu (Malaysia), 25-27 May 2010, pages 540-543 [best paper award].
[44]  Reza Ghaemi, Md.Nasir Sulaiman, Norwati Mustapha, and Hamidah Ibrahim.Improving of Intial Clusters Fitness in Genetic Guided-Clustering Ensembles.Proceedings of the 2010 Seventh International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2010), Las Vegas (USA), 12-14 April 2010, pages 227-232.

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  Hamidah Ibrahim.Chapter 9: Integrity Constraints Checking in a Distributed Database.Soft Computing Applications for Database Technologies: Techniques and Issues.Edited by: K.Anbumani and R.Nedunchezhian.Information Science Reference, New York (USA), ISBN 978-1-60566-814-7, 2010, pages 153-169.
[2]  Mahmoud Shaker, Hamidah Ibrahim, Aida Mustapha, and Lili Nurliyana Abdullah.A Framework for Extracting Information from Semi-Structured Web Data Sources. Convergence and Hybrid Information Technologies, Edited by: Marius Crisan, Intech, Vukovar (Croatia), ISBN 978-953-307-068-1, March 2010, pages 61-74.
[3]  Ali Amer Alwan, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Nur Izura Udzir.A Framework for Localizing Integrity Constraints Checking in Distributed Database.Convergence and Hybrid Information Technologies, Edited by: Marius Crisan, Intech, Vukovar (Croatia), ISBN 978-953-307-068-1, March 2010, pages 75-90.
[4]  Hamidah Ibrahim.Chapter XL: The Challenges of Checking Integrity Constraints in Centralized, Distributed, and Parallel Databases.Handbook of Research on Innovations in Database Technologies and Applications: Current and Future Trends, Edited by: Viviana E.Ferraggine, Jorge H.Doorn, and Laura C.Rivero, Information Science Reference, Hershey (New York), Volume II, January 2009, pages 365-377.
[5]  Ali Amer Alwan, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Nur Izura Udzir.Chapter XXXVII: Improving Constraints Checking in Distributed Databases with Complete, Sufficient, and Support Tests.Handbook of Research on Innovations in Database Technologies and Applications: Current and Future Trends, Edited by: Viviana E.Ferraggine, Jorge H.Doorn, and Laura C.Rivero, Information Science Reference, Hershey (New York), Volume II, January 2009, pages 335-347.
[6]  Ziyad Tariq Abdul-Mehdi, Ali Mamat, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Mustafa M.Dirs.Chapter 4.2 Transaction Management in Mobile Databases.Database Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 2009, pages 1257-1266.
[7]  Hamidah Ibrahim and Zarina Dzolkhifli.Chapter XXI: Event-Condition-Action (ECA) Rules for Maintaining the Integrity Constraints of Mobile Databases. Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia, Edited by: Ismail Khalil Ibrahim, Information Science Reference, ISBN 978-1-60566-046-2, Second Edition, September 2008, pages 284-296.
[8]  Ziyad Tariq Abdul-Mehdi, Ali Mamat, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Mustafa M.Dirs.Efficient Replication Management Techniques for Mobile Databases.Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing and Commerce (EMCC), Edited by: David Taniar, Information Science Reference, Pennsylvania (USA), April 2007, pages 233-242.
[9]  Hamidah Ibrahim.Checking Integrity Constraints in a Distributed Database.Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications, Edited by: Laura C.Rivero, Jorge H.Doorn, and Viviana E.Ferraggine, Idea Group Reference, Buenos Aires (Argentina), April 2005, pages 66-73.
[10]  Amin Shokripour, Mohamed Othman, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Shamala Subramaniam.A Method for Scheduling Heterogeneous Multi-Installment Systems.Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Edited by: Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Chonggun Kim, and Adam Janiak, Daegu (Korea), Part II, 20-22 April 2011, pages 31-41.
[11]  Hassan Barjini, Mohamed Othman, and Hamidah Ibrahim.An Efficient HybridFlood Searching Algorithm for Unstructured Peer-toPeer Networks.Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Computing and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Information Computing and Applications, Edited by: Rongbo Zhu, Yanchun Zhang, Baoxiang Liu, and, Chunfeng Liu, Tangshan (China), 15-18 October 2010, pages 173-180.
[12]  Chiw Yi Lee, Hamidah Ibrahim, Mohamed Othman, and Razali Yaakob.Resolving Semantic Interoperability Challenges in XML Schema Matching.Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Communications in Computer and Information Science, Edited by: Filip Zavoral, Jakub Yaghob, Pit Pichappan, and Eyas El-Qawasmeh, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Prague (Czech Republic), Part II, 7-9 July 2010, pages 151-162.
[13]  Meghdad Mirabi, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Leila Fathi.Transferring Clinical Information between Heterogeneous Hospital Database System in P2P Networks.Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Networked Digital Technologies (NDT 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Communications in Computer and Information Science, Edited by: Filip Zavoral, Jakub Yaghob, Pit Pichappan, and Eyas El-Qawasmeh, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Prague (Czech Republic), 7-9 July 2010, pages 456-465.
[14]  Amin Shokripour, Mohamed Othman, and Hamidah Ibrahim.A New Algorithm for Divisible Load Scheduling with Different Processor Available Times.Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Edited by: Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Manh Thanh Le, and Jerzy Swiatek, Hue City (Vietnam), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Part I, 24-26 March 2010, pages 221-230.
[15]  M.Othman, M.Abdullah, H.Ibrahim, and S.Subramaniam.New Optimal Load Allocation for Scheduling Divisible Data Grid Applications.Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2009), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Computational Science – ICCS 2009, Edited by: Gabrielle Allen, Jaroslaw Nabrzyski, Edward Seidel, G.Dick van Albada, Jack Dongarra, and Peter M.A.Sloot, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, LA (USA), 25-27 May 2009, pages 165-174.
[16]  Zarina Dzolkhifli, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Lilly Suriani Affendey.Analyzing Integrity Tests for Data Caching in Mobile Databases.Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies (ICDCIT 2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, Edited by: Manish Parashar and Sanjeev K.Aggarwal, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, New Delhi (India), 10-12 December 2008, pages 157-165.
[17]  Hamidah Ibrahim, Zarina Dzolkhifli, and Praveen Madiraju.A Model for Checking the Integrity Constraints of Mobile Databases.Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on MObile and NEtworking Technologies for Social Applications (MONET08), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, Edited by: Fernando Ferri, Irina Kondratova, Arianna D’Ulizia, and Patrizia Grifoni, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Monterrey (Mexico), 9-14 November 2008, pages 548-560.
[18]  Hamidah Ibrahim, Zarina Dzolkhifli, and Praveen Madiraju.Checking the Integrity Constraints of Mobile Databases with Three-Level Model. Proceedings of the 25th British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD 25), Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Sharing Data, Information and Knowledge, Edited by: Alex Gray, Keith Jeffery, and Jianhua Shaom, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Cardiff (UK), 7-10 July 2008, pages 185-188.
[19]  M.Othman, M.Abdullah, H.Ibrahim, and S.Subramaniam.A2DLT: Divisible Load Balancing Model for Scheduling Communication-Intensive Grid Applications.Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Computational Science – ICCS 2008, Edited by: Marian Bubak, G.Dick van Albada, Jack Dongarra, and Peter M.A.Sloot, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Krakow (Poland), 23-25 June 2008, pages 246-253.
[20]  Rohaya Latip, Hamidah Ibrahim, Mohamed Othman, Md.Nasir Sulaiman, and Azizol Abdullah.Quorum Based Data Replication in Grid Environment.Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (RSKT2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Edited by: Guoyin Wang, Tianrui Li, Jerzy W.Grzymala-Busse, Duoqian Miao, Andrzej Skowron, and Yiyu Yao, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Chengdu (China), 17-19 May 2008, pages 379-386.
[21]  Mohammad Javad Kargar, Abd R.Ramli, H.Ibrahim, and F.Azimzadeh.Formulating Priority Coefficients for Information Quality Criteria on the Blog.Proceedings of the 13th.International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC 2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Advances in Computer Science and Engineering, Edited by: Hamid Sarbazi-Azad, Behrooz Parhami, Seyed-Ghassem Miremadi, and Shaahin Hessabi, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Kish Island (Iran), 9-11 March 2008, pages 396-403.
[22]  Rohaya Latip, Hamidah Ibrahim, Mohamed Othman, Md.Nasir Sulaiman, and Azizol Abdullah.Diagonal Data Replication in Grid Environment.Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Computational Science and Its Application – ICCSA 2007, Edited by: Osvaldo Gervasi and Marina L.Gavrilova, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Part III, 26-29 August 2007, pages 763-773.
[23]  M.Abdullah, M.Othman, H.Ibrahim, and S.Subramaniam.An Integrated Approach for Scheduling Divisible Load on Large Scale Data Grids.Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Computational Science and Its Application – ICCSA 2007, Edited by: Osvaldo Gervasi and Marina L.Gavrilova, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Part I, 26-29 August 2007, pages 748-757.
[24]  Mohammed Radi, Ali Mamat, Mustafa Mat Deris, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Subramaniam Shamala.Update Propagation Technique for Data Grid.Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2007), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Computational Science and Its Application – ICCSA 2007, Edited by: Osvaldo Gervasi and Marina L.Gavrilova, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Part III, 26-29 August 2007, pages 115-127.
[25]  M.Othman, M.Abdullah, H.Ibrahim, and S.Subramaniam.Adaptive Divisible Load Model for Scheduling Data-Intensive Grid Applications.Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2007).Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Computational Science – ICCS 2007, Edited by: Yong Shi, G.Dick van Albada, Jack Dongarra, and Peter M.A.Sloot, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Beijing (China), 27-30 May 2007, pages 446-453.
[26]  Qasem A.Al-Radaideh, Md.Nasir Sulaiman, Mohd.Hasan Selamat, and Hamidah Ibrahim.Feature Selection by Ordered Rough Set Based Feature Weighting.Proceedings of the 16th.International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Database and Expert Systems Applications, Edited by: Kim Viborg Andersen, John Debenham, and Roland Wagner, 3588, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Copenhagen (Denmark), 22-26 August 2005, pages 105-112.
[27]  Azizol Abdullah, Mohamed Othman, Md Nasir Sulaiman, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Abu Talib Othman.Data Discovery Mechanism for a Large Peer-to-Peer Based Scientific Data Grid Environment.Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Computational Science – ICCS 2004, Edited by: Antonio Lagana, Marina L.Gavrilova, Vipin Kumar, Youngsong Mun, C.J.Kenneth Tan, and Osvaldo Gervasi, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Assisi (Italy), Part II, 14-17 May 2004, pages 146-157.
[28]  Ibrahim, H., Gray, W.A., and Fiddian, N.J.SICSDD: Techniques and Implementation. Proceedings of the Constraint Databases and Applications, Second International Workshop on Constraint Database Systems (CDB’97), Lecture Notes in Computer Science – Constraints Databases and Applications, Edited by: Gaede, V., Brodsky, A., Gunther, O., Srivastava, D., Vianu, V., and Wallace, W., Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Delphi (Greece), 11-12 January 1997, pages 187-207.
[29]  Ibrahim, H., Gray, W.A., and Fiddian, N.J.The Development of a Semantic Integrity Constraint Subsystem for a Distributed Database (SICSDD).Proceedings of the 14th British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD 14), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Edited by: Ron, M.and Jessie, K., Springer-Verlag, Edinburgh (United Kingdom), 3-5 July 1996, pages 74-91.