International Journal of Energy Engineering

International journal of Energy Engineering is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original articles, critical reviews, research notes, debate and short reports in all areas of energy engineering.

Hala El-Khozondar

Professor, Islamic University of Gaza, Palestinian Territories

Research Areas

Wireless communication, optical communication, nonlinear optics, optical fiber sensors, magneto-optical isolators, optical filter, MTMs devices, biophysics, electro-optical waveguides, and numerical simulation of microstructural evolution of polycrystalline materials


1995-1999Ph.D.New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA
1992-1995M.Sc.New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA
1983-1987B.ScBirzeit University, Birzeit, West Bank

Publications: Journals

[1]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Zeyad I. Al-Sahhar, Mohammed M. Shabat, "The sensitivity of Surface Polaritons in LHM-antiferromagnetic waveguide sensors", Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 368, 312–317, November 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmmm.2014.05.023.
[2]  Mehdi Keshavarz Hedayati, Mojtaba Javaherirahim, Ahnaf Usman Zillohu, Hala Jarallah El-Khozondar, Muhammad Bawa'aneh, Andrei Lavrinenko, Franz Faupel, Mady Elbahri, "Photo-driven perfect absorber as active metamaterial with a tunable molecular-plasmonic coupling", Advanced Optical Materials, 5, 2014, DOI:10.1002/adom.201400105.
[3]  Zeyad I. Al-Sahhar, Hala J. El-Khozondar, Mohammed M. Shabat, "The sensitivity of TE Filed Propagating in LHM-antiferromagnetic sensor", Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 8 (2), 421-427, 2014.
[4]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Amani S. Abu Reyala, Mathias S. Müller, "Load Reduction in Wind Energy Converters Using Individual Pitch Control", Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (JERT), 1, 12-17, 2014.
[5]  Ana Pérez Grassi, Anton Tremmel, Alexander Kock, Hala J. El-Khozondar " On-line Thickness measurement for Two-Layer Systems on Polymer Electronic Devices", Sensors, 13, 15747-15757, 2013; doi:10.3390/s131115747.
[6]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Rifa J. El-Khozondar, Said Zouhdi, " Propagation of surface waves at the interface between Nonlinear MTMs and Anisotropic Materials ", Applied Physics A: material science and processing, 115 (2), 2013, 439-442, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s00339-013-8041-4.
[7]  Zeyad I. Al-Sahhar, Mohammed M. Shabat, Hala J. El-Khozondar, " Magnetostatic Surface Waves Propagation at dissipative Ferrite-MTMs-metal structure", Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, SpringerPlus  2, 584-294, 2013, doi:10.1186/2193-1801-2-584.
[8]  Zeyad I. Al-Sahhar, Hala J. El-Khozondar, Mohammed M. Shabat, "Magnetostatic Surface Waves Propagation at the interface between Ferrite and MTMs Parallel Plate Waveguide structure", Journal of Al Azhar University-Gaza (Natural Sciences), 15, 89-100, 2013.
[9]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Rifa J. El-Khozondra, Ahmed R. S. AL-Farra, Bernard Z. Essimbi, " Nonlinear Resonant Tunnelling Diode (RTD) circuits for microwave A/D conversion", Optik, 124, 6100-6103, 2013.
[10]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Amani S. Abu Reyala, Mathias Müller, "Maximum Power Calculation of Wind Energy Converters Controlled by Individual Pitch Control Technique", Studies in system science (SSS), 1(2), 25-28, 2013.
[11]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Rifa J. El-Khozondar, B.Z. Essimbi, "Pspice modeling of nonlinear transmission lines analog to digital conversion", Review of applied physics (RAP), 2 (1), 12-16, March 2013.
[12]  Hatem Elaydi, Ayman Alquqa, H Khozondar," WiMax PLL's FIR Filter Design Using LMIs ", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 3(11), 1-6, 2012.
[13]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Ayman Alqoqa and Hatem Elaydi, "New Approach For Pll Loop Filter Design Using Linear Programming And Semi-Definite Programming", Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Din Iaşi Publicat De Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” Din Iaşi Tomul LVIII (LXII), Fasc. 3, 2012, Secţia, Electrotehnică. Energetică. Electronică.
[14]  Hala Jarallah El-khozondar, Amani S. Abu reyala, Nadia Mahdi, “Analysis of a Novel Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Suppression Mechanism Through Self Phase Modulation Process in the High Power Short Pulse Fiber Amplifier Using Optisystem Software”, Journal of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics, 3(2), 75-80, 2012.
[15]  El-Khozondar, R., El-Khozondar, H., Shabat, M., Alexander W. Koch, “TM waves propagation at magnetoplasma-MTMs interface", World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics (WJCMP), 2, 171-174, 2012.
[16]  K. Y. El Wasife, Mohammed M. Shabat, Hala J. El Khozondar, “S-Wave in a nonlinear, left handed materials and ferrite layered structure” , J. Mod. Phys. Appl., 1 (1), 38-50, 2012, Available online at
[17]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Rifa J. El-Khozondar, Said Zouhdi, "Surface waves at the interface between tunable LC-MTMs and Nonlinear media", Applied Physics A: material science and processing, 109(4), 865-867, 2012.
[18]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Mathias Müller, Rifa J. El-Khozondar, Mohammed M. Shabat , Alexander W. Koch, "Sensitivity of double-negative metamaterial optical sensor", International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology (IJPAST), 11(2), 29-39, 2012.
[19]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Mattis S. Müller, Rifa J. El-Khozondar, Alexander W. Koch," Influence of magnetic field inhomogeneity on a magneto-optical current sensor", Journal of sensor technology, 2,19-22,2012.
[20]  Al-Sahhar, Z., El-Khozondar, H., Shabat, M., "Wave propagation in lossy MTMs surrounded by linear and nonlinear media with arbitrary nonlinearity", Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 324, 1100-1105, 2012; doi.10.1016/j.jmmm.2011.10.031, 2011.
[21]  El-Khozondar, H., El-Khozondar, R., Müller, M., Koch, A., "Sensitivity of TM Nonlinear Magnetooptical Integrated Optical Sensor", Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures (MMMS) 8, 32-42, 2011.
[22]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Hatem ELaydi, Fady EL-Batta, "Using LMI method to design minimum-lenght FIR loop filters in fixed WIMAX PLL", Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy. Sectia Electrotehnica, Energetica, Electronica, Romina, 5, 50-58, 2011.
[23]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Hatem ELaydi, Fady EL-Batta, "LMI Method to Design and Optimize FIR Loop Filters in Fixed WiMAX PLL", Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics (CEAI), Romina, 13 (4), 93-98, 2011.
[24]  El-Khozondar, R., El-Khozondar, H., Shabat, M., "Surface wave propagation in Ferroelectric/MTMS interface", Integrated Ferroelectric, 130, 50-57, 2011.
[25]  Ana Pérez Grassi, Mathias Müller, Hala J. El-Khozondar and Alexander Kock, "Method for strain tensor reconstruction with embedded fiber Bragg grating sensors", Smart Materials and structures, 20,105031-6, 2011.
[26]  Sofyan A. Taya, Hala J. El-Khozondar, Mohammed M. Shabat, Emad M. Mehjez, "TM nonlinear waveguide slab optical sensor utilizing left-handed materials", journal of functional materials, 18 (4), 2011.
[27]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, M. Shabat, A. Mohamed-Osman, Khitam Elwasife, " Modeling the Effect of Electromagnetic Waves Produced by Mobile Phone Base Station on human body Tissue", Journal of Al Azher University-Gaza (ICBAS Special Issue), 12, 81-87, 2010.
[28]  Hatem ELaydi, Hala J. El-Khozondar, Fady EL-Batta, "Design And Optimization IIR Loop Filters In Fixed Wimax PLL Using LMI Method", Arise (Arab research institute for science and engineering), Lebanaon, issue 1994-3253, 2010-2-09-TLEN.
[29]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Sofyan A. Taya, Mohammed M. Shabat, Emad M. Mehjez, "Lossy Double Negative Guiding Layer Optical Sensors", Opto-electronics Review, 19 (3), 277-281, 2011, doi:10.2478/s11772-011-0031-5.
[30]  El-Khozondar, H., El-Khozondar, R., Shabat, M., Koch, A., "Metallic nonlinear magnetooptical nonreciprocal isolator", OPTIK, Elsevier, 122, 256–258, 2011.
[31]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Sofyan A. Taya, Mohammed M. Shabat, Emad M. Mehjez, "Optical Waveguide Sensors Using Double Negativity Guiding Layer", Materials, 2010, 3, 1-x manuscripts; doi:10.3390/ma30x000x, 2010.
[32]  El-Khozondar, H., Müller, M., Wellenhofer, C., El-Khozondar, R., Koch, A., "Four-Mode Coupling in Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors using Full Fields of the Fundamental Modes", Fiber and integrated optics, 29 (5), 420-430, 2010.
[33]  Khitam Elwasife, Hala J. El-Khozondar, M. Shabat, I. Abdel Aziz, A. Mohamed-Osman, "Some Effects of Electromagnetic Field on Serum Biochemical Parameters in Albino Rats and Therapeutic action of Vitamin C or E", Islamic university journal for natural science and Engineering, 18 (2), 11 – 22, 2010.
[34]  I. Abdel Aziz, Hala J. El-Khozondar, M. Shabat, Khitam Elwasife, A. Mohamed-Osman, "Effect of electromagnetic field on body weight and blood indices in albino rats and the therapeutic action of vitamin c or e", Rominian Journal of biophysics, 20(3), 235–244, 2010.
[35]  El-Khozondar, H., Müller, M., Buck, T., El-Khozondar, R., Koch, A., "Experimental investigation on polarization rotation in twisted optical fiber using laboratory coordinate system", Fiber and Integrated Optics, 29(1), 1-9, 2010.
[36]  El-Khozondar, H., Al-Sahhar, Z., Shabat, M., "Electromagnetic Surface Waves of a Ferrite Slab Bounded by Metamaterials", International journal of electronics and communications (AEU) 64 1063–1067, 2010, doi:10.1016/j.aeue.2009.09.003, 2010.
[37]  El-Khozondar, H., Müller, M., El-Khozondar, R., Koch, A.,"Polarization rotation in twisted polarization maintaining fibers using a fixed reference frame", Journal of Light Wave Technology 27(24), 5590-5596, 2009.
[38]  Müller, M., Buck, T., El-Khozondar, H., Koch, A., "Shear strain influence on fiber bragg grating measurement systems", Journal of Light Wave Technology 27(23), 5223-5229, 2009.
[39]  Müller, M., El-Khozondar, H. J., Bernardini, A., and Koch, A. W. "Transfer Matrix Approach to Four Mode Coupling in Fiber Bragg Gratings", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 45(9),1142–1148, 2009.
[40]  Müller, M., El-Khozondar, H., Buck, T., and Koch, A., "Analytical solution of four-Mode coupling in shear strain load fiber-bragg-grating sensors", Optics Letters, 34(17), 2622-2624, 2009.
[41]  El-Khozondar, H., El-Khozondar, R., Shabat, M., "Coupling efficiency of Magnetooptical Integrated Isolator", International Journal of Modern Physics B, 23, 4675-4683, 2009.
[42]  El-Khozondar, R., & El-Khozondar, H, "Numerical modeling of microstructural evolution in three-phase polycrystalline materials", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 34 (1A), 241-252, 2009.
[43]  El-Khozondar, H., El-Khozondar, R., Shabat, M., "Temperature dependence of the optical nonlinear waveguide sensor on thermal stress effects", Islamic university journal for natural science and Engineering, 16 (2), 29-40, 2008.
[44]  El-Khozondar, R., El-Khozondar, H., Shabat, M., "Applications of Metamaterials in Optical Waveguide Isolator", Journal of Al-Aqsa University series of natural science, 12, 35-50, 2008.
[45]  El-Khozondar, H., El-Khozondar, R., "Temperature sensitivity enhancement of nonlinear optical channel waveguide sensors using thermal-stress effect", Islamic university journal for natural science and Engineering, 16 (2), 15-27, 2008.
[46]  El-Khozondar, H. J. "Hydrostatic Stress Effect on the Optical Performance and the Stress Sensitivity of Optical Nonlinear Waveguide", An - Najah Univ. J. Res. (N. Sc.), 22, 1-16, 2008.
[47]  El-Khozondar, H. J., Abu Tair, G., Shabat, M. M., " Thermal-Stress effects on nonlinear thin film Waveguide Sensors", physics and chemistry of solid state, 8 (2), 260-264, 2007.
[48]  El-Khozondar, H. J., Abu Tair, G., Shabat, M. M., " Optically S-Polarized Surface Waves in Symmetrical Nonlinear Sensors: Thermal Effects", Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 120, 442-446, 2009.
[49]  El-Khozondar, H. J., El-Khozondar, R. J., Shabat, M. M., "Double-Negative Metamaterial Optical waveguide Behavior Subjected to Stress", Islamic university journal for natural science and Engineering, 16 (1), 9-20 (2008).
[50]  El-Khozondar H. J., Shabat, M., Abu Tair, G., Abadla, M., "Thermal stress effect on nonlinear thin film waveguide sensors", Journal of Physics & Chemistry of Solid State, 8 (2), 260-264, 2007.
[51]  El-Khozondar, H. J., El-Khozondar, R. J., Shabat, M. M., Koch, A. W., "Stress Effect on Optical Nonlinear Waveguide Sensor", Journal of optical communication, 28 (3), 175- 179, 2007.
[52]  El-Saifi, R., El-Khozondar H., Shabat, M. "Band reject filter of a periodic dielectric film bounded by a nonlinear cladding", Al-Aqsa University Journal (special issue), The first international conference of natural and applied sciences, Faculty of applied science, 10, 445-461, 2006 (
[53]  El-Khozondar, R., El-Khozondar, H., Gottstein, G., Rollet, A., "Microstructural simulation of grain growth in two-phase polycrystalline materials", Egyptian Journal of Solid State, 29, 35-47, 2006.
[54]  El-Khozondar, H. J., El-Saifi, R., Shabat, M.M., "Nonlinear surface waves along a single interface of periodic cladding medium", Laser Physics, 14 (12), 1539-1543, 2004.
[55]  El-Khozondar, R. and El-Khozondar, H., "Numerical Simulations of Coarsening of Lamellar Structures: applications to metallic alloys", Egyptian Journal of Solid State, 27 (2), 189-199, 2004.
[56]  Burkardt, M. and El-Khozondar, H., "Wilson Fermions on a Transverse Lattice", Phys. Rev. D, 60, 054504, 1999.
[57]  Burkardt, M. and El-Khozondar, H., "A (3+1)-Dimensional Light Front Model with Spontaneous Breaking of Chiral Symmetry", Phys. Rev. D, 55, 6514, 1997.

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Rifa J. El-Khozondar, Ahmed Al-Farra, B. Z. Essimbi, "Nonlinear Resonant Tunneling Diode (RTD) Circuits For Microwave A/D Conversion", International conference on superconductor and magnetism ICSM2012,29 April-4 May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
[2]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Mattis S. Müller, Rifa J. El-Khozondar, Alexander W. Koch," Magnetic field inhomogeneity induced on the Magneto-optical current sensors", IEEE, Information Photonics 2011, 18 - 20 May 2011, Ottawa Convention Centre Ottawa, Canada.
[3]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Mathias S. Müller, Rifa J. El-Khozondar, Alexander W. Koch, "Using a Fixed Reference Frame to Study Polarization Rotation in Twisted Optical Fibers", The First International Conference on Basic & Applied Sciences (ICBAS),  10-10-2010, Al-Azher University, Gaza, Palestine.
[4]  Hala J. El-khozondar, Mohammed Shabat, Abelrahman Elhassan Mohamed-Osman, Khitam Elwasife, "Model to Study the Effect of Electromagnetic Waves Produced by Mobile Phone Base Station on human body Tissue ", The First International Conference on Basic & Applied Sciences (ICBAS),  10-10-2010, Al-Azher University, Gaza, Palestine.
[5]  El-Khozondar, H., ElIydi, Hatem, Al-Batta, F., "Design and Optimization IIR Loop Filters in Fixed WiMAX PLL using LMI Method". The Third International Conference on Engineering and Gaza Reconstruction. Gaza: Islamic University of Gaza, 2009.
[6]  ElIydi, Hatem, AlQoqa, Ayman, El-Khozondar, Hala, "Optimal PLL Filter Design for Mobile WiMax Using LP and SDP", In: PICCIT 2010, The 3rd Palestinian International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 9 March-11 March 2010, Hebron, Palestine.
[7]  El-Khozondar, H., Müller, M., Buck, T., El-Khozondar, R., Koch, A., "Experimental investigation of polarization rotation in twisted optical fibers", In: International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, Turkey, IEEE , 219-222, 2009.
[8]  El-Khozondar, H., El-Khozondar, R., Shabat, M., Koch, A. "Metallic nonlinear magnetooptical nonreciprocal isolator", Poc. Of SPIE Vol. 7390, 739003 1-7, 2009.
[9]  El-Khozondar, H., Müller, M., El-Khozondar, R., Shabat, M., Koch, A. "Temperature sensitivity of TE double-negative metamaterial optical sensor", Poc. Of SPIE Vol. 7390, 73900A 1-8, 2009.
[10]  Müller, M., Buck, T. C., El-Khozondar, H. J., Koch, A. W. " Measurement Errors from Internal Shear strain within Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor", Poc. Of SPIE Vol. 7390, 739007 1-8, 2009.
[11]  El-Khozondar, H., El-Khozondar, R., Shabat, M., Koch, A."Coupling Efficiency of Metamaterial Magnetooptical Integrated Isolator", Proceedings OPTO 2009 &I RS2 2009, 65-70, 2009.
[12]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, Rifa J. El-Khozondar, Mohammed M. Shabat, Alexander W. Koch, “Coupling efficiency of nonreciprocal optical isolator with metamaterials substrate and linear cladding”, Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications II, Conference 7392 – Proceedings of SPIE Volume 7392, 2 - 5 August 2009.
[13]  El-Khozondar, H., El-Khozondar, R., Shabat, M., "Double-Negative Metamaterial Optical waveguide Behavior Subjected to Stress", Metamaterials III, edited by Nigel P. Johnson, Ekmel Özbay, Richard W. Ziolkowski, Nikolay I. Zheludev, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6987, 69871W 1-8, 2008.
[14]  El-Khozondar, R., El-Khozondar, H., Shabat, M., "Applications of Metamaterials in Optical Waveguide Isolator", Metamaterials III, edited by Nigel P. Johnson, Ekmel Özbay, Richard W. Ziolkowski, Nikolay I. Zheludev, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6987, 69872A 1-8, 2008.
[15]  El-Khozondar, H., El-Khozondar, R., Shabat, M., "Temperature stress effects on optical nonlinear waveguide sensor", Optomechatronic Sensors and Instrumentation III, Rainer Tutsch; Hong Zhao; Katsuo Kurabayashi; Yasuhiro Takaya; Pavel Tománek, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6716, 67160B 1-8, 2007.
[16]  H. J. El-Khozondar, "Stress Effect on Optical Nonlinear Waveguide Sensor", Sensor Conference 2007 Proceedings I, 175-180, 2007.
[17]  El-Khozondar, R., & El-Khozondar, H., "Numerical Simulations of Coarsening of Lamellar Structures: applications to metallic alloys", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 735, 1-6, 2003.
[18]  Burkardt, M. and El-Khozondar, H., "A (3+1)-Dimensional LF Model with Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking". Proceedings New Non-perturbative Methods and Quantization on the Light Cone Conference. Les Houches, France, 271-276, 1997.
[19]  Hala J. El-Khozondar, “Introduction to Chiral Symmetry breaking”, HUGS at CEBAF (TJNAF NOW) 1996; June 1996; Hampton University, Hampton, VA, USA.

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  Hala El-Khozondar,   Hatem Elaydi ,   Fady Fadel El-Batta, Optimized loop filters in fixed WiMax PLL using LMI method, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-8443-8754-4, paperback, 104 Pages, 2011.
[2]  Hala El-Khozondar,   Rifa El-Khozondar,   Ibtisam Abo Ireban, Transmission Lines and Schottky Diode: Nonlinear Transmission Lines, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-8383-2959-8, paperback, 80 Pages, 2011.
[3]  Hala El-Khozondar,   Hatem Elaydi ,   Ayman Alqoqa, Optimized loop filters design for mobile WiMax via LMI, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-8454-3201-4, paperback, 84 Pages, 2011.
[4]  Hala El-Khozondar,The Art of Technical English Writing, book manual for engineering technical writing course, 2011.