[1] | M.N. Rashed, M.M.Ahmed, A.F.Al-Hossainy, S.M.AbdAlrahem (2010) Trends in speciation analysis of some heavy metals in patients with chronic hepatitis C and chronic hepatitis B using differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetric measurement and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 24, 138–145. |
[2] | M.N.Rashed (2010). Monitoring of contaminated toxic and heavy metals, from mine tailings through age accumulation, in soil and some wild plants at Southeast Egypt. Journal of Hazardous Materials 178 (1-3), pp. 739-746 178. |
[3] | M.N.Rashed (2008). Total and extractable heavy metals in indoor, outdoor and street dust from Aswan city, Egypt. Clean, soil, air and water Journal, 36(10-11), 850-857 |
[4] | M.N.Rashed (2011). Acid Dye Removal from Industrial Wastewater by Adsorption on Treated Sewage Sludge', Int. J. Environment and Waste Management, Vol. 7, Nos. 1/2, 2011 |
[5] | M. N. Rashed and F. Hossam (2007) Heavy Metals in Fingernails and Scalp Hair of Children, Adults and Workers from Environmentally Exposed Areas at Aswan, Egypt. Environmental Bioindicators, 2:131–145, |
[6] | M. N. Rashed and A. A. El-Amin (2007). Photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange in aqueous TiO2 under different solar irradiation sources. International Journal of Physical Sciences Vol. 2 (3), pp. 073-081. |
[7] | Rashed M.N. (2006).Fruit Stones as Adsorbents for the Removal of Lead Ion from Polluted Water. Environmental monitoring and assessment.119: 31-41. |
[8] | S. M. N. Moalla, M. E. Soltan, M. N. Rashed and E. M. Fawzy (2006). Evaluation of dilute hydrochloric acid and acid ammonium oxalate as extractants for some heavy metals from Nile River sediments. Chemistry and Ecology. Vol. 22, No. 4, 313–327. |
[9] | M.N.Rashed and Campanella Luigi (2005) Removal of toxic and noxious compounds from water and wastewater by catalysed photodegradation and electrochemical degradation . Med-Reunet II Support Programme Workshop, 12th and 13th May 2005, Agbar Foundation Barcelona (Spain). |
[10] | M. N. Rashed, M. T. A.El-Haty and Somaya M. Mohamed (2009). Bee honey as environmental indicator for pollution with heavy metals. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 91 (3), pp. 389-403 |
[11] | M. Nageeb Rashed and M. E. Soltan (2005). animal hair as biological indicator for heavy metal pollution in urban and rural areas. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 110: 41–53. |
[12] | M.E. Soltan, S.M.N. Moalla, M.N. Rashed, & E.M. Fawzy (2005). Physicochemical characteristics and distribution of some metals in the ecosystem of Lake Nasser, Egypt Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 87(2): 167–197 |
[13] | Rashed M.N. and Campanella L. (2005): Removal of toxic and noxious compounds from water and wastewater by catalyzed photodegradation and electrochemical degradation. In: Workshop on Mediterranean experiences on water reclamation and reuse, 12 and 13 May 2005, Barcelona, Spain. |
[14] | Nail, A.A., Abdel Fatah M.S., M.N.Rashed and Mahmoud A.M.A(2005) The effectiveness of the lawful protection from pollutants of floating hotels. J.Environmental Science. 11(3), 252-262 |
[15] | M.E.Soltan, S.M.N.Moalla, M.N.Rashed and E.M.Fawzy (2004). Assessment of metals in soil extracts and their uptake and movement within Tanarix Nilotica at lake Nasser banks, Egypt. Chemistry and Ecology, 20(2), 137-154. |
[16] | Rashed, M. N., Soltan, M. E.(2004) Major and trace elements in different types of Egyptian mono-floral and non-floral bee honeys. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 17 (6), 725-735. |
[17] | A E Mohamed, M N Rashed, A Mofty (2003). Assessment of essential and toxic elements in some kinds of vegetables. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf., 55 (3):251-60 |
[18] | Rashed M.N. and Soltan M.E. (2003): Laboratory study on the survival of water hyacinth under several conditions of heavy metal concentrations. Advances in Environmental Research, 7, 321-334. |
[19] | Rashed M.N (2002) Trace elements in camel tissues from a semi-arid region. The Environmentalist. 22(2), 111-118. |
[20] | Rashed M.N. and H.M.Abd E-Wahab (2002). Insects as biological indicators for environmental pollution with heavy metals. J.Union of Arab Biologists. 17(A), 341-356. |
[21] | Rashed M.N. and Soltan M.E. (2002) Urban water pollution control in developing countries: Low cost material for treatment of polluted water from heavy metals. In: International Conference on Urban Hydrology for 21st Century (ICUH 2002), 14-18 October 2002, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
[22] | Rashed M.N. (2001) Lead removal from contaminated water using mineral adsorbents.The Environmentalist, 21, 187-195 . |
[23] | Rashed M.N. and Soltan M.E. (2001) Removal of nutrient and heavy metals from urban wastewater using aeration, alum and kaolin ore.In: Proceedings of International Symposium "Frontiers in Urban Water Management:Deadlock or Hope?" 18-20 June 2001, Marseille, France. HIP-V \ Technical documents in hydrology\No.45, UNESCO, Paris, 2001. |
[24] | Rashed M.N. (2001) Cadmium and lead levels in fish (Tilapia nilotica) tissues as biological indicator for lake water pollution. Environmental Monitoring and assessment, 68, 75-89. |
[25] | Rashed M.N.(2001) Monitoring of environmental heavy metals in fish from Nasser Lake.Environmental International, 27, 27-33.3 |
[26] | Rashed M.N (2000).Bioavailable and Toxic Elements in Medicinal Plants, Crops and Soils in New Lands at the High Dam Lake Shores, Egypt. In: III International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation, Valencia (Spain), 28 March-1 April 2000. |
[27] | Soltan, M.E. and Rashed, M.N.(2000) Impact of the waste dump ecosystem (phosphate ore dressing manufacture, Aswan, Egypt) on the surrounding environment. International J. Environ.Studies, 57, 265-282. |
[28] | Rashed M.N.(2000) Monitoring of bioavaliable and toxic environmental trace elements in medicinal plants, crops and soil in new lands at the High Dam lake shores.In: III International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation Valencia(Spain), 28 March-1 April 2000 . |
[29] | Rashed M.N. and R.M.Awadallah (2000) Accuracy of Dry Ashing Crops for the Determination of Environmental Trace Elements (Cobalt, copper, zinc and lead).Egyptian J. of Analytical Chem. 9(1), 125-133. |
[30] | Rashed M.N. (2000) Plant Sample Preparation for the Determination of Chloride and Iodide by their Ion-Selective Electrodes Egyptian J. of Analytical Chem.9(1), 135-142. |
[31] | Soltan, M.E. and Rashed M.N. and Taha G.M.(2001) Heavy metal levels and adsorption capacity of Nile sediments. International Journal of Environ. Anal.Chem. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 80 (3), pp. 167-186 |
[32] | Rashed M.N.(1998) Environmental Impact Assessment for the projects at Toshka region to prevent pollution. In: 1st National conference on marketing of university services, Cairo University, 14-16 march 1998. |
[33] | Molla S.M.N, Awadalla R.M., Rashed M.N. and Soltan M.E.:(1997) Distribution and chemical fractionation of some heavy metals in bottom sediments of the High Dam lake, Hydrobiologia 364: 31-40 |
[34] | M.N.Rashed (1998) Trace elements in camel milk from Aswan city and desert, Egypt. Workshop " camels and dromedaries as dairy animals ", 24-26 October 1994, Nouakchott, Mauritania. In:the Workshop book" Dromedaries and camels, milking animals" by Pascal Bonnet, printed by CIRAD. |
[35] | Rashed M.N. and Awadalla R.(1998) Trace elements in faba bean (Vicia faba L) plant and soil as determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy and ion selective electrode. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 77 (1), pp. 18-24 |
[36] | Rashed, M.N. (1989): Study of trace elements in some Egyptian crops cultivated in some experimental farms surrounding the High Dame lake and in the soil samples collected from the immediate vicinity of the crop roots. Ph.D. Thesis, Assuit University, Egypt. |
[37] | Rashed M.N.(1997) Biogeochemistry of trace elements in plants and soil around Nasser Lake and at Aswan city . In:4th Intern.Symposium on environmental geochemistry Vail, Colorado, USA. |
[38] | Soltan M.E., Awadalla R.M., and Rashed M.N.(1996) Speciation of major, minor and trace elements in River Nile mud. Intern.J.Environment and pollution, 6, 213, 300-305. |
[39] | Awadalla R.M, Soltan M.E. and Rashed M.N.(1996) Relationship between heavy metals in mud sediments and beach soil of the River Nile. Environmental International.22(2), 253-258. |
[40] | Awadalla R.M, Mohamed, A.E., Abou-El-Wafa, M.H., Rashed M.N. (1995) Assessment of trace element concentrations in fenugreek and lupin planted in the experimental farm, High Dam Lake Development Authority, Gerf Hussein beach locality, Egypt. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 38 (2), pp. 51-60 |
[41] | Awadalla R.M., Soltan M.E., Alli M.M. and Rashed M.N.(1995) Influence of a paper pulp factory's effluent on the River Nile water quality In:1st Intern.conference "The environ.& development in Africa" Assuit University, Egypt. |
[42] | Rashed M.N., Awadalla R.M., Soltan M.E, and Hassan S.M (1995). Interrelationship between major, minor and trace elements in Kalabsha wells and in the High Dam lake water. J.Environ.Sci.Health, A 30(10), 2205-2219. |
[43] | Rashed M.N.(1995) Mineral resources in Nasser Lake region and uses of the ores.In: Intern.conference " The Environ.& Development in Africa" Assuit University. |
[44] | Rashed M.N.(1995) Trace element determination in warm-climate plants by atomic absorption spectroscopy and ion selective electrodes. Journal of Arid Environments 30 (4), pp. 463-478 |
[45] | Rashed M.N.(1995) Trace elements in some wild plants from the shores of the high dam lake and the adjacent desert, as determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Arid Environments 29 (2), pp. 185-197. |
[46] | R.M.Awadallah and M.N.Rashed (1993) Trace elements level in lemon-soil interaction Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 42(3-4), 185-195 |
[47] | Rashed M.N.(1992) Determination of trace elements in milk of some animals from Aswan (Egypt). International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 48 (1), pp. 41-50 |
[48] | Koraiem, A.I.M., Khalil, Z.H., Rashed, M.N (1988) Synthesis, spectral behaviour and antimicrobial activity of some mono-, di-and tri-cationic pyrazolocyanine dyes Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 65 (11), pp. 778-781 |