[1] | Dielectric properties of berlinite crystals, AlPO4. M.C. Record, A. Goiffon, J.C. Giuntini, E. Philippot Journal of Materials Sciences Letters, 9 (1990) 895-897 |
[2] | Crystal Growth of Hg-Fe-Te alloys under high gas pressure. J. Jun, M.C. Record, G. Brun, I. Grzegory, J.C. Tedenac Publications Industrial Partners Short-term Missions Abroad High Pressure Research, 7 (1991) 307-309 |
[3] | A new determination of the phase diagram of Hg1-xFexTe. Application to crystallization of II-VI compounds under high gas pressure. J.C. Tedenac, M.C. Record, G. Brun, J. Jun, I. Gzegory, O. Valassiades, D.S. Kyriakos Semiconductor Science and Technology, 6 (1991) 483-486 |
[4] | Differential thermal analysis under high hydrostatic pressures. Application to determination of phase diagram of semiconductors. M.C. Record, B. Liautard, J. Jun, A. Haidoux, G. Brun, J.C. Tedenac Thermochimica Acta, 204 (1992) 21-24 |
[5] | P-T diagram of II-VI compounds : HgSe and HgTe. M.C. Record, J.C. Tedenac, A. Haidoux, G. Brun, J. Jun, M. Bockowski High Pressure Research, 9 (1992) 153-156 |
[6] | Phase transformations and P-T diagram of some HgX compounds (X=S,Se,Te). J.C. Tedenac, M.C. Record, R.M. Ayral-Marin, G. Brun, J. Jun, I. Grzegory, S. Krukowski, M. Bockowski Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 32-1 (1993) 26-30 |
[7] | Phase diagram determination of II-VI semiconductors. J.C. Tedenac, J. Jun, S. Krukowski, M. Bockowski, S. Porowski, M.C. Record, R.M. Ayral-Marin, G. Brun Thermochimica Acta, 245 (1994) 207-217 |
[8] | Phase diagram investigation and thermodynamic evaluation of the system thalliumtellurium. M.C. Record, Y. Feutelais, H.L. Lukas Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 88-1 (1997) 45-54 |
[9] | Thermodynamic studies of the In-Se system G.P. Vassilev, B. Daouchi, M.C. Record, J.C. Tedenac Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 269 (1998) 107-115 |
[10] | Phase diagram investigation of the indium-selenium system B. Daouchi, M.C. Record, J.C. Tedenac, G. Vassilev Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 89-9 (1998) 612-617 |
[11] | Low temperature region of the ternary Pb-In-Se system B. Daouchi, M.C. Record, J.C. Tedenac Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 296 (2000) 229-232 |
[12] | The Pb-In-Se system : phase diagram of the Se-rich part M.C. Record, S. Illyenko, B. Daouchi, J.C. Tedenac Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 316 (2001) 239-244 |
[13] | Discussion on the stability of the antimony-zinc binary phases V. Izard, M.C. Record, J.C. Tedenac and S. Gomes-Fries Calphad, 25(4) (2001) 567-581 |
[14] | Mechanical alloying of a new promising thermoelectric material, Sb3Zn4 V. Izard, M.C. Record, J.C. Tedenac Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 345 (2002) 257-264 |
[15] | Hydride embrittlement and irradiation effects on the hoop mechanical properties of PWR and BWR zircaloy cladding tubes: II. Morphology of hydrides investigated at different magnifications and their interaction with the processes of plastic deformation M. Veleva, S. Arsène, M.C. Record, J.L. Béchade, J.B. Bai Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, 34A(3) (2003) 567-578 |
[16] | A thermodynamic assessment of the InSe system J. B. Li, M.C. Record, J.C. Tedenac Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, 94(4) (2003) 381-389 |
[17] | Thermodynamic analysis of the Ga-Ti system J. B. Li, J.C. Tedenac, M.C. Record Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 358 (2003) 133-141 |
[18] | Phase transformations in the Zn-Cd-Sb system M.C. Record, V. Izard, M. Bulanova, J.C. Tedenac Intermetallics, 11 (2003) 1189-1194 |
[19] | Phase diagram of the Pb-PbSe-InSe-In sub-system M.C. Record, B. Daouchi, J.C. Tedenac Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 361 (2003) 157-159 |
[20] | Optimisation procedure of the NiAl combustion synthesis under high-gas pressure in repairing Ni-based superalloys M.C. Record, C. Pascal, N. Frety, J.C. Tedenac, R.M. Marin-Ayral International Journal of SHS, 12(4) (2003) 303-312 |
[21] | Mechanical alloying of a thermoelectric alloy: Pb0.65Sn0.35Te N. Bouad, M.C. Record, J.C. Tedenac, R.M. Marin-Ayral Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 177 (2004) 221-226 |
[22] | A derivate SHS method for Si2N2O elaboration N. Pradeilles, M.C. Record, R.M. Marin-Ayral Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 26(13) (2006) 2489-2495 |
[23] | Effect of different additives on self-propagating high temperature synthesis of silicon nitride N. Pradeilles, M.C. Record, R.M. Marin-Ayral International Journal of SHS, 15(2) (2006) 157-167 |
[24] | "The effects of platinum concentration on the combustion synthesis of NiAl. Application in repairing Ni-based super-alloys" H. De Jouvancourt, M.C. Record, R.M. Marin-Ayral Materials Science and Technology, 23(5) (2007) 593-599 |
[25] | Introduction of the pressure in the binary phase diagram calculations. Application to the Ag-Cu system A. Gheribi, J. Rogez, J.C. Mathieu, F. Marinelli, M.C. Record Calphad, 31(3) (2007) 380-389 |
[26] | A thermodynamic assessment of the Sb-Zn system J. B. Li, M.C. Record, J.C. Tedenac Journal of alloys and compounds, 438 (2007) 171-177 |
[27] | Raman scattering study of the lattice dynamics of b-Zn4-xCdxSb3 R. Viennois, M.C. Record, V. Izard, J.C. Tedenac Journal of alloys and compounds, 440 (2007) L22-L25 |
[28] | Elaboration of platinum-modified NiAl coatings by combustion synthesis: simultaneous repairing and coating of Ni-based superalloys M.C. Record, H. De Jouvancourt, R.M. Marin-Ayral International Journal of SHS, 16(4) (2007) 199-206 |
[29] | Main recent contributions to SHS from France J.C. Niepce and GFA members International Journal of SHS, 16(4) (2007) 235-255 |
[30] | Influence of thermal conditions on combustion synthesis of Si2N2O phase" N. Pradeilles, M.C. Record, R.M. Marin-Ayral, A.V. Linde, I.A. Studenikin, V.V. Grachev Materials Research Bulletin, 43(2008) 463-472 |
[31] | """Triangulation of the La-Mg-Zn system"""" A. Berche, M.C. Record, J. Rogez Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 54(4) (2008) 1141-1148
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[32] | "Critical review of the La-Zn system" A. Berche, M.C. Record, J. Rogez The Open Thermodynamics Journal, 3 (2009) 7-16 |
[33] | "Structural Investigation of the Zn1-xCdxSb Solid Solution by Density Functional Theory Approach" P. Boulet, M.C. Record Solid State Sciences, 12(1) (2010) 26-32 |
[34] | "Enthalpy of formation of the La-Mg intermediate phases" A. Berche, F. Marinelli, J. Rogez, M.C. Record Thermochimica Acta, 499(1-2) (2010) 65-70 |
[35] | "Thermodynamic measurements in the Mg-Zn system" A. Berche, C. Drescher, J. Rogez, M-C Record, S. Brühne and W. Assmus Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 503 (2010) 44-49 |
[36] | "Reactive diffusion in W-Mo-Si thin films" A. Derafa, M-C. Record, D. Mangelinck, R. Halimi, A. Bouabellou Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 103 (2011) 111-116 |
[37] | "Electronic properties of the Mg2Si thermoelectric material investigated by linearresponse density-functional theory" P. Boulet M.J. Verstraete, J.-P. Crocombette, M. Briki and M.C Record Computational Materials Science, 50 (3) (2011) 847-851 |
[38] | "Re-investigation of the La-Mg phase diagram" A. Berche, P. Benigni, J. Rogez, M.C. Record Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, doi 10.1007/s10973-011-1441-9 |
[39] | "New experimental investigation of the lanthanum zinc phase diagram" A. Berche, P. Benigni, J. Rogez, M.C. Record Thermochimica Acta, 523 (1-2) (2011) 70-78 |
[40] | "Electronic properties of Zn1−xCdxSb solid solution investigated by density-functional theory" P. Boulet, M.C Record CalPhaD, doi:10.1016/j.calphad.2011.04.004 |
[41] | "Low dimensional materials for thermoelectric applications" P. Boulet, M.C Record International Journal of Nanotechnology, 8(10-12) (2011) |
[42] | "On the stability of the Higher Manganese Silicides" A. Allam, C. Angelo Nunes, J. Zalesak, M.-C. Record Journal of Alloys and Compound, doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2011.09.081 |
[43] | "Thermodynamic assessment of the La-Mg system" A. Berche, P. Benigni, J. Rogez, MC. Record CalPhaD, doi: 10.1016/j.calphad. 2011.10.001 |
[44] | "Solid state reactions in Al-Cu-Fe thin film systems" F. Haidara, M.-C. Record, B. Duployer, D. Mangelinck Intermetallics, accepted (09/22/2011) |