[1] | Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Ahmad M. Mohammad, Takeyoshi Okajima, Fusao Kitamura, and Takeo Ohsaka, "Effect of Relative Humidity on the Current and Temperature Distributions within a 5-5 Segmented H2/Air PEM Fuel Cell", accepted for oral presentation at The 219th ECS meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 1-6, (2011). |
[2] | A. Tawfik, A. Salem, M. El-Qelish, Aboubakr M. Abdullah, E. Abou Taleb, "Feasibility of Biological Hydrogen Production from Kitchen Waste via Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR)", Int. J. Sustainable Water and Environmental Systems 2 (2011) 117-122. |
[3] | Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Dustin W. Banham, Felicia Feng, S. Gharaibeh, K. Pei and Viola I. Birss Electrochemical Study of Surface-Functionalized Carbon Support Materials, Poster presentation at the 217th Electrochemical Society Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 25-30, (2010). |
[4] | Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Mahmoud M. Saleh, Mohamed I. Awad, Takeyoshi Okajima, Fusao Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, Temperature effect on the recovery of SO2-Poisoned GC/Nano-Pt electrode towards oxygen reduction, J. Solid St. Electrochem., 14 (9) 1727 (2010). |
[5] | Ahmad M. Mohammad, Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Bahgat E. El-Anadouli, and Suzanne Mohney, Template-assisted growth of rhodium nanowire contacts to silicon nanowires, Int. J. Nanomanufacturing, 4 (1-4), 146 (2009). |
[6] | Ahmad M Mohammad, Kenta Kitsuka, Aboubakr M Abdullah, Mohamed I Awad, Takeyoshi Okajima, Kazuhiro Kaneda, Mineo Ikematsu, Takeo Ohsaka, Development of spin-coated Si/TiOx/Pt/TiOx electrodes for the electrochemical ozone production, Appl. Surf. Sci., 255, 8458 (2009). |
[7] | Aboubakr M. Abdullah and Viola I. Birss, Liquid Phase Impregnation of Ni into porous YSZ tubes, Poster presented at The SOFC Canada Meeting at the University of Calgary, June 24-27, 2009. |
[8] | Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Ahmad M. Mohammad, Takeyoshi Okajima, Fusao Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, Effect of Load, Temperature, and Humidity on the pH of the Water Drained out from H2/Air PEM Fuel Cells., J. Power Sources, 190, 264 (2009). |
[9] | Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Takeyoshi Okajima, Fusao Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, Effect of Operating Conditions on the Acidity of H2/Air PEM Fuel Cells' Water, The 214th Electrochemical Society Meeting in Hawaii, USA, October 12-October 17, 2008. |
[10] | Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Takeyoshi Okajima, Fusao Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, Effect of Operating Conditions on the Acidity of H2/Air PEM Fuel Cells' Water, ECS Transactions, 16 (2) 543-550 (2008). |
[11] | Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Takeyoshi Okajima, Fusao Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, A Simple In-situ Characterization Technique for the Onset of the Chemical Degradation of PEM Fuel Cells' Fluorinated Membranes, Electrochem. Commun., 10, 1732 (2008). |
[12] | Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Ahmad M. Mohammad, Taeyoshi Okajima, Fusao Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, Effect of Relative Humidity on the pH of Water within PEM Fuel Cells, 17th Meeting of The Japan Institute of Energy, 4-25, Tokyo Urban Tech University, Tokyo, August 4-5, 2008 |
[13] | Bayoumi, F. M., A. M. Abdullah, B. Attiya, Kinetics of Corrsion inhibition of Benzotriazole to Copper in 3.5% NaCl, Mater. Corros., 59 (8) 691-696 (2008). |
[14] | A. M. Abdullah, T. Okajima, F. Kitamura and T. Ohsaka, Local Temperature Profiles within a Segmented H2/air PEM Fuel Cell, Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, 1A32, Ookayama campus, September 19-20, 2007. |
[15] | A. M. Mohammad, M. I. Awad, A. M. Abdullah, K. Kitsuka, K. Kaneda, M. Ikematsu, T. Okajima, and T. Ohsaka, Electrocatalytic Enhancement of Ozone Electrogeneration on Spin-Coated Titanium Oxide Electrodes, Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan, 2F30, Ookayama Campus, September 19-20, 2007. |
[16] | A. M. Abdullah, T. Okajima, A. M. Mohammad, F. Kitamura and T. Ohsaka, Temperature Gradients Measurements within a Segmented H2/air PEM Fuel Cell, J. Power Sources, 172, 209 (2007). |
[17] | A. M. Mohammad, K. Kitsuka, K. Kameda, M. I. Awad, A. M. Abdullah, M. Ikematsu and T. Ohsaka, Superior Electrocatalysis of Spin-Coated Titanium Oxide Electrodes for the Electrochemical Ozone production, Chem. Lett., 36, 1046 (2007). |
[18] | B. G. Ateya, F. M. Al-kharafi, A. S. Al-Azab and A. M. Abdullah, Kinetics of the electrochemical deposition of sulfur from sulfide polluted brines, J. App. Electrochem., 37, 395 (2007). |
[19] | F. M. Al-Kharafi, A. M. Abdullah and B. G. Ateya, A Quartz Crystal Microbalance Study of the Kinetics of Adsorption of Benzotriazole on Copper, J. App. Electrochem., 37, 1177 (2007). |
[20] | F. M. Al-Kharafi, A. M. Abdullah, I. M. Ghayad, and B. G. Ateya, Effect of sulfide pollution on the stability of the protective film of benzotriazole on copper, Appl. Surf. Sci., 253, 8986 (2007). |
[21] | Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Faiza M. Alkharafi and Badr G. Ateya, Intergranular Corrosion of Copper in the Presence of Benzotriazole, Scripta Mater., 54, 1673 (2006) |
[22] | Faiza M. Al-kharafi, Aboubakr M. Abdullah and Badr G. Ateya, Extraordinary Effects of Benzotriazole and Sulfide Ions on the Corrosion of Copper, Electrochem. Solid St., 9, B19 (2006). |
[23] | M. I. Abdulsalam, A. M. Abdullah, B. G. Ateya and A. Bairamov, Active and Passive Behavior of Iron Electrodes with Artificial Crevices, J. Eng. Appl. Sci., 52, p.183 (2005). |
[24] | Faiza M. Al-kharafi, Badr G. Ateya, A. S. Al-Azab and Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Performance of some electrode materials for electrochemical treatment of sulfide polluted brines, Int. J. Chem., 15, 113 (2005). |
[25] | Faiza M. Al-kharafi, Aboubakr M. Abdullah and Badr G. Ateya, Corrosion and protection of Copper in Sulfide Polluted Media, The Arab School Workshop, Dec. 3rd-7th 2005, Kuwait. |
[26] | F. M. Al-kharafi, A. M. Abdullah, and B. G. Ateya, Corrosion and Inhibition of Copper in Sulfide Polluted Media, presented at The Egyptian Corrosion Society Meeting, Dec. 4th-9th 2004, Shokhna, Red Sea, Egypt. |
[27] | M. K. Sawford, B. G. Ateya, A. M. Abdullah, H. W. Pickering, The Role of Oxygen on The Stability of Crevice Corrosion, J. Electrochem. Soc., 149, B198-B205 (2002). |
[28] | B. A. Shaw, M. M. McCosby, A. M. Abdullah and H. W. Pickering, The Localized Corrosion of Al 6xxx Alloys, JOM, 53, 42 (2001).* |
[29] | A. M. Abdullah, H. W. Pickering, B. A. Shaw, The Sources of Active Peaks in Some Aluminum/Electrolyte Systems, The Electrochemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 3-7, 2001.* |
[30] | A. M. Abdullah, H. W. Pickering, and B. A. Shaw, Poster presentation at the Gordon Research Conference (Aqueous Corrosion), Crevice Corrosion of Al 6xxx Alloys, in New London, NH (July-2000).* |
[31] | A. M. Abdullah, B. A. Shaw and H. W. Pickering, Crevice Corrosion of Al 6xxx Alloys, in Electrochemical Soc. Meeting, R. Buchheit and B. A. Shaw, Editors, 2000-23, 401, Electrochemical Society Inc., Pennington, NJ (2000).* |
[32] | Ahmed Galal, Nada F. Atta, S. A. Darwish and Abubakr M. A. Ismail, Conducting Polymer Ferrocene-Modified Electrochemical Sensor for the Determination of Organic and Biological Compounds, at the Pittsburgh Conference Pittcon' 96, McCormick Place, Chicago Il, (March 3-8, 1996).* |
[33] | Ayman M. Zaky, Takeyoshi Okajima, Aboubakr M. Abdullah, Fusao Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, Phase Transformations and Electrochemical Behavior Changes with Anodization of Ta/TaOx Electrodes, Submitted to Electrochimica Acta. |
[34] | A. M. Abdullah, H. W. Pickering and B. A. Shaw, Immediate Crevice Corrosion of Al 6113-Like Alloy, To be Published.* |
[35] | A. M. Abdullah, H. W. Pickering and B. A. Shaw, Delayed Crevice Corrosion of Al 6113-Like Alloy, To be Published.* |
[36] | A. M. Abdullah, E. Sikora, H. W. Pickering, B. A. Shaw, Intergranular Corrosion of an Al 6113-Like Alloy, To be Published.* |