[1] | M. F . Wani., Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Nano-Si3N4/Nano-BN Composite. Int. J. Applied Ceramic Technology, published (American Ceramic Society journal), Vol. 7(4), pp. 512-517. |
[2] | M. F . Wani., "Fretting wear of Si-Al-O-N, . Proc. I Mech E Vol.221, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology 2007., pp.653-659. |
[3] | M. F. Wani. Z. A. Khan, M. Hadfield, "Effect of Sintering Additives and Reinforcement on Microhardness Values of Si3N4 Ceramics and Composites, ". Journal of Advanced research in Mechanical Engineering (JARME), Vol. 1 (1), 2010. |
[4] | M. F. Wani and A. Anand, ""Life cycle Assessment of Triboelments-A digraph and Matrix Approach, ", Proc. I Mech. E, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Vol. 224, 2010. |
[5] | M. F. Wani., Tribological properties of Sialon Ceramic under reciprocating sliding and fretting Conditions, " American Ceramic Society, Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings (CESP),, Vol.27 (2), 2007, pp.727-737 |
[6] | M. F. Wani. J.Mukherji., B. Prakash., and S. Bandapadhya., "Friction and Wear behaviour of hot pressed sialon-steel ball tribopair, under reciprocating sliding conditions, " J. American Ceramic Society (J Am Cer. Soc.), Vol.72 (9), 1993, pp.83-89. |
[7] | M. F. Wani., B. Prakash,, P.K.Das, S.R. Raza.and J. Mukerji., "Friction and wear of HPSN bearing materials." J. American Ceramic Society, Vol.76 (8), 1997.pp. 65-70. |
[8] | A. Anand and M. F. Wani, "Life cycle Design and Evaluation of Product at Conceptual Design Stage Using Digraph and Matrix Approach, " Trans. of ASME J. of Engineering Design, 2010. |
[9] | M. F. Wani.., and O. P. Gandhi., " Diagnosability Evaluation of Systems using Bipartite Graph and Matrix Approach, " Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing (AIEDAM) Vol.4 (12), 2001. |
[10] | M. F. Wani and O. P. Gandhi., "Development of maintainability index for mechanical systems." International J. of Reliability Engineering and System Safety (RESS) Vol. 65 (8), Sept. 1999, pp. 259-270. |
[11] | M. F. Wani and O. P. Gandhi., "Maintainability Design and Evaluation of Mechanical Systems Based on Tribology". J. of Reliability Engineering and System Safety (RESS), Vol.77, 2002, pp.181-188. |
[12] | M. F. Wani and O. P. Gandhi., "Failure Cause Analysis of Mechanical Systems-Function-cum-Structure Approach", Intl. J. of Performability Engineering, April, 2008. |
[13] | B.Prakash., M. F. Wani., J. Mukherji. and P.Das., "Tribological studies of hot pressed silicon nitride and composites, " Proc.of the Japan International Tribology Conference, Nagoya, 1990, pp.1383-1389. |
[14] | J. Mukherji., S. Bandapadya., M.F. Wani. and B.Prakash., "Friction and wear behaviour of sialon sintered without externally loaded liquid, " Proc.of the Japan International Tribology Conference Nagoya, 1990, pp.1401-1405. |
[15] | M. F. Wani., Tribological properties of Sialon Ceramic under reciprocating sliding and fretting Conditions, " Presented at 30th International Conf. on Advanced ceramics and Composites (ICACC 06), COCA Beach, Florida, USA, 2006 |
[16] | Prakash B., M. F. Wani., MukerJi J. and Das, P. K., Ibid, pp. 1383-1388. |
[17] | M. F. Wani., and O. P.Gandhi., "Enhancing maintainability of mechanical components and systems through Tribology, " Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. On Tribology, Aarhus, Denmark, Vol.2, 1998, PP 356-361. |
[18] | M. S. Charoo, M. F. Wani and G A Harmain, 2009, "Linear regression model to predict tool wear on the machining of GFRP, "ECOTRIB 2009-2nd European Conference onTribology, June 7-10, Pisa Italy, pp.351-356. |
[19] | M. F. Wani, 'Influence of sintering additives and reinforcement on friction and wear properties of silicon nitride", Accepted for presentation at world Tribology Conference 09, Japan. |
[20] | M. F. Wani, 'Wear modelling Influence of self mated ceramics under dry sliding conditions, ' Accepted for presentation in IJTC 09, at USA |
[21] | M. F. Wani., and O. P. Gandhi., " Developing design methodology for evaluation of serviceability of vehicle system based on accessibility, " Proc. 31st Intl. Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, Dusseldorf, Germany, Vol. 1, 1998 |
[22] | M. F. Wani and O. P. Gandhi., " Developing maintainability index of mechanical systems using digraph and matrix approach." 12th ICED, Munich Germany, August 24-26., 1999. |
[23] | M. F. Wani and O. P. Gandhi., "Diagnosability Evaluation of Mechanical systems at conceptual design stage, " 12th ICED, Munich Germany, August 24-26., 1999. |
[24] | M. F. Wani "Wear Evaluation and Ranking of Tribomaterials at Conceptual Design Stage using Fuzzy decision Making", Proc. Of ASME, ESDA Conference, June 2-5, Torino, Italy, 2006. |
[25] | M. F. Wani " Diagnosability Modeling and Diagnosability Evaluation of Mechanical System at Conceptual Design Stage ", Proc. Of ASME, ESDA Conference, June 2-5, Torino, Italy, 2006. |
[26] | M. F. Wani., "Life cycle Design and evaluation of system at conceptual design stage using Digraph approach", Paper accepted for presentation, Proc. Of ASME, ESDA Conference, June 2-5, Torino, Italy, 2006. |
[27] | M. F. Wani., "Failure mode analysis of mechanical systems at conceptual design stage", Paper accepted for presentation, Proc. Of ASME, ESDA Conference, June 2-5, Torino, Italy, 2006. |
[28] | M. F. Wani., "Failure cause analysis of mechanical systems based on function-cum structure approach", Paper accepted for presentation, Proc. Of ASME, ESDA Conference, June 2-5, Torino, Italy, 2006. |
[29] | M. F. Wani, 'Applications of fuzzy decision making in mechanical design", Iste Course On Rapid Manufacturing Technology |
[30] | M. F. Wani. and O. P. Gandhi., "Maintainability of mechanical systems based on accessibility-An expert systems approach", Institution of engineers India Conf. on Recent trends in manufacturing systems (RIMS), April 24, 1999. pp. 1-4. |