American Journal of Environmental Engineering

American Journal of Environmental Engineering presents broad interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in environmental engineering science, systems engineering, and sanitation. A balanced contribution from consultants, practicing engineers, and researchers is sought on engineering solutions, and professional obligations and responsibilities.

ICV 2015: 76.02; ICV 2016: 85.20 h5-index: 9, h5-median: 10
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Editor-in-chief: Stefano Bonacci
p-ISSN: 2166-4633
e-ISSN: 2166-465X


American Journal of Environmental Engineering

Latest Issue: Volume 14, Number 1 (2024)
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pp. 0-0
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601   1093 Views  844 Downloads
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On the Identification of the Contribution of Several Pollutant Sources from Local
Eduardo Sidou Canha, Ingrid Zanella, Bardo Ernst Josef Bodmann
pp. 1-5
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.01   1300 Views  822 Downloads
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On the Reconstruction of Concentration Distributions from Comparison of Deterministic Predictions to Observational Data
Igor C. Furtado, Bardo E. J. Bodmann, Marco T. Vilhena
pp. 6-11
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.02   1603 Views  1088 Downloads
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Modeling of Pollutant Dispersion in the Atmosphere Considering the Wind Profile and the Eddy Diffusivity Time Dependent
Everson J. Silva, Daniela Buske, Tiziano Tirabassi, Bardo Bodmann, Marco T. Vilhena
pp. 12-19
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.03   1427 Views  868 Downloads
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Analytical Solution for a Pollutant Dispersion Model with Photochemical Reaction in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Guilherme Jahnecke Weymar, Bardo Ernst Josef Bodmann, Daniela Buske, Jonas da Costa Carvalho, Marco T. M. B. Vilhena
pp. 20-27
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.04   1678 Views  947 Downloads
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On a Model for Pollutant Dispersion in the Atmosphere with Partially Reflective Boundary Conditions
Jaqueline Fischer Loeck, Bardo E. J. Bodmann, Marco T. M. B. Vilhena
pp. 28-39
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.05   1661 Views  1027 Downloads
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Pollutant Dispersion Simulation During Sunset Transition Time Using an Analytical Eulerian Model
Jéssica K. Reis, Jonas C. Carvalho, Daniela Buske, Regis S. Quadros
pp. 40-45
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.06   1770 Views  1213 Downloads
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Meandering of Contaminant Dispersion
Lilian P. Moor, Lidiane Buligon, Jonas da Costa Carvalho, Gervásio Annes Degrazia, Michel Stefanello, Otávio Acevedo, Luca Mortarini
pp. 46-49
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.07   1682 Views  1075 Downloads
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Comparison of CALMET and WRF/CALMET Coupling for Dispersion of NO2 and SO2 Using CALPUFF Modelling System
Juliana Schramm, Franco C. Degrazia, Marco T. M. B. Vilhena, Bardo E. Bodmann
pp. 50-55
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.08   3753 Views  1932 Downloads
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Derivation of a Decorrelation Timescale Depending on Source Distance for Inhomogeneous Turbulence in a Shear Dominated Planetary Boundary Layer
Franco Caldas Degrazia, Gervásio Annes Degrazia, Marco Tullio de Vilhena, Bardo Bodmann
pp. 56-65
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.09   2010 Views  1056 Downloads
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Evolution and Synoptic Environment of the 4 July 2014 Supercells in Southern Brazil
Maurício I. Oliveira, Eliton L. Figueiredo, Vanessa Ferreira, Murilo M. Lopes, Ernani L. Nascimento
pp. 66-73
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.10   1718 Views  970 Downloads
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Using KDE to Obtain a Probabilistic QPF from an EPS
Lissette Guzmán Rodríguez, Vagner Anabor, Franciano Scremin Puhales, Everson Dal Piva
pp. 74-77
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.11   1559 Views  933 Downloads
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Evaluation of Climatology of Air Temperature in Southern Brazil Produced by the Regional Model RegCM4
Simone E. Teleginski Ferraz, Jéssica Stobienia Gonçalves, Nathalie Tissot Boiaski, Jônatan Dupont Tatsch
pp. 78-83
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.12   1331 Views  832 Downloads
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Numerical Simulations with a Mesoscale Convective Complex in South America
Everson Dal Piva, Manoel Alonso Gan, Vagner Anabor, Franciano Scremin Puhales
pp. 84-93
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.13   1541 Views  903 Downloads
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Mesoscale Precipitation Climate Prediction for Brazilian South Region by Artificial Neural Networks
J. A. Anochi, H. F. Campos Velho
pp. 94-102
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.14   1905 Views  1096 Downloads
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Estimating the Soil Thermal Conductivity Using Experimental Soil Heat Flux in a Rice Paddy Area
Tamíres Zimmer, Michel Baptistela Stefanello, Virnei Silva Moreira, Marcelo Bortoluzzi Diaz, Vanessa de Arruda Souza, Débora Regina Roberti
pp. 103-108
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.15   2332 Views  1249 Downloads
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Flow in the Wake of Wind Turbines: Turbulence Spectral Analysis by Wind Tunnel Tests
Adrián R. Wittwer, Rodrigo Dorado, Gisela Alvarez y Alvarez, Gervásio A. Degrazia, Acir M. Loredo-Souza, Bardo Bodmann
pp. 109-115
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.16   3485 Views  1419 Downloads
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Comparing Meandering Parameters from the Distinct Autocorrelation Functions
Luís G. N. Martins, Michel B. Stefanello, Gervásio A. Degrazia, Lidiane Buligon, Luca Mortarini, Lilian P. Moor, Debora R. Roberti, Felipe D. Costa, Franciano S. Puhales, Domenico Anfossi
pp. 116-118
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.17   2073 Views  1435 Downloads
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A Review of Temperature and Emissivity Retrieval Methods: Applications and Restrictions
Silvia Beatriz Alves Rolim, Atilio Grondona, Cristiano Lima Hackmann, Cristiano Rocha
pp. 119-128
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.18   4885 Views  1509 Downloads
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Evaluating a MCS Index in Southern Brazil for Two Brief Damaging MCSs
Gustavo Rasera, Vagner Anabor, Franciano Scremin Puhales, Everson Dal Piva
pp. 129-134
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.19   2419 Views  1926 Downloads
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A Simple Methodology for Quality Control of Micrometeorological Datasets
E. Zahn, T. L. Chor, N. L. Dias
pp. 135-142
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.20   1935 Views  1005 Downloads
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Air Quality Assessment and Dispersion of Pollutants in the Region of the Thermoelectric Plant President Médici Using WRF/CALMET/CALPUFF Models
Marcelo Coleto Rola, Rodrigo Martins Dorado, Marcelo Romero de Moraes, Bardo Bodmann
pp. 143-155
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.21   3329 Views  2228 Downloads
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Employing Wind Tunnel Data to Evaluate a Turbulent Spectral Model
Adrián Roberto Wittwer, Gisela Marina Alvarez y Alvarez, Giuliano Demarco, Luis Gustavo N. Martins, Franciano S. Puhales, Otávio C. Acevedo, Gervásio A. Degrazia, Bardo Bodmann, Acir Mércio Loredo-Souza
pp. 156-159
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.22   3062 Views  1872 Downloads
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A Genuine Solution of the Diffusion Advection Equation Sesquilinear Way to Multi-Source Problem
Débora Lídia Gisch, Bardo E. J. Bodmann, Marco T. M. B. Vilhena
pp. 160-163
DOI: 10.5923/s.ajee.201601.23   2658 Views  2065 Downloads
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