Solar System 2016-2050

  • Editor: Patrick L. Leoni
  • ISBN: 978-1-938681-93-6


Pr. Patrick Leoni is a Professor of Finance at Kedge Business School, an elite business school in France. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota in 2003, and he held research positions in Zurich, Venice and Dublin. He is on the editorial board of eight academic journals, and he has penned three books and over 30 publications in leading journals in Finance, Economics and Mathematics. He also received several awards for his research and teaching.


We provide in a single format of less than 700 pages, and at a high level of accuracy, all of the relevant information both to an astrologer and to an astronomer. Namely, we give on a daily basis, from 2016 to 2050,

1. The positions and Zodiac sign of every major planets and five major asteroids (Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta and Chiron),

2. The daily astrological aspects of the planets,

3. The retrograde dates and phases of the main planets.

The precision of our results is at most 2 arc minutes for the celestial bodies, and up to one day for the retrogrades and phases, depending on the position of the observer on the surface of Earth. The daily astrological aspects represent the relative positions of the considered celestial bodies with respect to Earth. This includes, without being restricted to, conjunctions and oppositions, squares, trines and sextiles. It is customary for practitioners to manually compute those aspects, as they are of paramount importance in applications. One of the interest of this book is that calculations are already made for the reader, for immediate use. We thus gather, in a single format and at a high level of accuracy, all of the necessary ingredients to any astrologer and any astronomer that she needs until 2050. We also make a limited use of English, and we focus instead on international symbols whenever possible. The book is thus available to a broad international audience.

We hope that this book will become a convenient daily tool to the reader, and that she will make the best use of it in her daily practice.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Planetary Positions

Chapter 2: Astrological Aspects

Chapter 3: Planetary Retrogrades and Phases

Chapter 4: The asteroids and Their Orbital Elements

Chapter 5: Daily Positions