The Complexes of Uranium with DNA

  • Aibassov Yerkin, Yemelyanova Valentina, Shakieva Tatyana
  • ISBN: 978-1-938681-15-8


The book is devoted to a very important biological complexes of uranium with DNA, Albumin serum human, - and -amino acids, sugars.

The book presents the main characteristics of the chromosomes, the table of nucleotides and nucleosides, DNA codes.

Earlier the authors were discovered two new authors reactions Aibassov-Dorfman, Aibassov-Yuriev.

The authors proposed two Klopman-Dorfman-Aibassov and Nernst-Aibassov equations for solving the magnetic and relativistic effects in catalysis.

The book will be useful for engineers and chemists working in bioorganical chemistry for teachers and students in related disciplines, as well as for researchers and graduate students interested in biochemistry.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: The Pyrimidines and Purines Bases

Chapter 2: The Nucleosides and Nucleotides

Chapter 3: Human Genome

Chapter 4: The Chromosome

Chapter 5: Magnetic Uranium Isotope Effect

Chapter 6: The Complex of Uranium with DNA


