Special Issue - Call for Papers
International Journal of Instrumentation Science
Medical Instruments and Devices: Innovation and Management

Submission deadline: April 30, 2013.

Scope and purposes

The aging of the population is a critical issue for this century, however the medical devices on market still dissatisfy to diagnose or cure the chronic diseases for sensor patients.

Therefore this special issue focuses on enabling innovation and emerging technologies to improve diagnostic interventional and therapeutic treatments of medical devices or instrumentations for chronic diseases. The special issue offers coverage of devices includes new surgical methods, benefits for chronic diseases, possible reductions in the side effect or complication, and management of health care.

Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Diagnostic and Therapeutic Instrumentation or Devices-Class I, II& III
• IVD Instrumentation or Devices
• Medical Engineering for Dental Medicine, Audiology, Ophthalmology and Dermatology
• Medical robotics and mechanics
• Medical imaging, image processing & visualization
• Surgical instruments
• Minimal Invasive Interventions
• Endoscopy and Image Guided Therapy
• Biometric and bio-measurement
• Health monitoring systems
• Knowledge-Based Systems and Techniques
• Health and Risk Management
• Innovation Management

Important Dates
Deadline for submission: April 30, 2013.
Deadline for revision: May 30, 2013.
Notification of final decision: June 15, 2013.
Estimated Publication: 2013 (Tentative)

Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by April 30, 2013..
Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.

Guest Editors
Dr. Han Chao Chang
Instrument Technology Research Center, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taiwan

Manuscript submission deadline April 30, 2013.


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