High efficiency organic light emitting diode (OLED)
Submission deadline: 12/31/2017
Scope and purposes
In the recent years, organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) have drawn an enormous attention due to their potential application in flat panel displays, flexible electronics, and solid-state lighting (SSL). To achieve a high-efficiency OLED device considerable research has been devoted to unveiling the internalize mechanism and precisely determining electrical and optical properties. Numerous fabrication and device design approaches had been adopted to enhance the device performance, stability, lifetime, and color coordinates. The special issue willingly welcomes works devoted to the fabrication and design of high-efficiency OLED devices as well as application areas.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) • High performance and efficiency • Wet- and dry- process • Lifetime and stability • Modelling and simulation • OLED applications
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
Deadline for
Notification of final decision:
Estimated Publication:
02/15/2018 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by <12/31/2017> at Raky0123@gmail.com. Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Rohit Y.Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013, China Raky0123@gmail.com
Manuscript submission deadline
Biological and Medical applications of optical imaging techniques
Submission deadline: 10/20/2017
Scope and purposes
The main objective of this special issue of International Journal of Optics and Applications is to provide a recent applications and developments of optical imaging techniques in the field of biology and medicine. It also includes the recent developments in Biophotonics. The articles will provide a clear insight into the background of different technological as well as methodological developments towards biological and biomedical optical imaging. Laser based optical methods are highly encouraged. Each article will highlight the current challenges in the biomedical/biological imaging, future works as well as application areas.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Biomedical applications of optical imaging techniques • Optical methods and techniques and their applications in biology and medicine • Biophotonics and applications • Biophysics and applications • Laser based optical techniques and applications in biology and medicine • Laser speckle imaging and applications in biology and medicine
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
Deadline for
Notification of final decision:
Estimated Publication:
03/30/2018 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by <10/20/2017> at mohamedzaheer1@gmail.com; mdzaheer@cusat.ac.in. Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Dr. Md Zaheer AnsariInternational School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology Kochi - 682 022, India mohamedzaheer1@gmail.com; mdzaheer@cusat.ac.in
Manuscript submission deadline
Novel Optical Materials and Applications
Submission deadline: 03/30/2015
Scope and purposes
The main objective of this special issue of International Journal of Optics and Applications is to provide a platform to disseminate the recent progress in the development of new optical materials and their applications to the broad range of readers. The articles will provide a clear insight into the background of materials development, synthesis, fabrication, physical properties and performance optimization. Each article will highlight the current challenges in materials development, future works as well as application areas.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Quantum well material system and applications. • Quantum dot material system and applications. • Quantum cascade material system and applications. • Thin film materials and applications. • Polymer materials and applications
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
Deadline for
Notification of final decision:
Estimated Publication:
07/30/2015 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by <03/30/2015> at nadir.hossain@emt.inrs.ca. Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Dr. Nadir HossainINRS-EMT, Canada nadir.hossain@emt.inrs.ca
Manuscript submission deadline
Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena
Submission deadline: September 30, 2014
Scope and purposes
Purpose of this special issue is to provide a common platform for the researchers and scientists across the world working in the field of photoacoustic and photothermal (PA/PT) methods to publish their work. Several decades of research and development in the field of PA/PT has made it a mature method with an established position in measurement science and material characterization. Recent advances in the field of nanotechnology have opened up a new horizon for PA/PT methods. PA/PT methods are in fact one of the few methods which finds extensive applications in all branches of science and engineering, ranging from fundamental research to sensors and imaging applications in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, engineering and environmental sciences. Papers dealing with the advances in experimental aspects of PA/PT are preferred, but theoretical developments with experimental demonstrations will also be considered. Applications of nanotechnology in PA/PT methods are highly encouraged.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• Photoacoutics: Latest developments in the applications of photoacoustic technique in Physical, chemical, biological, medical, engineering and environmental sciences. • Photothermal Phenomena:Different photothermal phenomena such as photothermal beam deflection, thermal lens, photopyroelectric technique, photothermal microscopy etc and their applications in Physical, chemical, biological, medical, engineering and environmental sciences. • Photoacoustic and photothermal sensors and imaging systems. • Applications of nanotechnology in photoacoustic and photothermal methods. • Photoacoustic and photothermal instrumentation, with emphasis to compact devices.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
September 30, 2014
Deadline for
January 15, 2015
Notification of final decision:
February 5, 2015
Estimated Publication:
2015 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by September 30, 2014 at nibuageorge@yahoo.com Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Dr. Nibu A GeorgeAssistant Professor of Physics, Baselius College (Affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University), Kottayam, India nibuageorge@yahoo.com
Manuscript submission deadline
September 30, 2014
Optical Solutions for Solar Energy
Submission deadline: 05/31/2014
Scope and purposes
Purpose of this special issue is to collect new ideas for optical solutions to apply to photovoltaic and solar thermal energy conversion systems. Optics is the counterpart of electricity in planar (PV) or concentration photovoltaics (CPV) and of heat in solar thermodynamics (STD): optics is therefore a dominant subject in these two areas of research. A solar system must be designed to convey the maximum amount of available radiation on the receiver, while this must be designed to absorb the maximum amount of incident radiation. Optics plays a key role in concentrating systems (CPV and STD), because here the solar radiation has to be collected through appropriate solar tracking means and transmitted to the receiver with the maximum efficiency, ensuring also the required level of flux density. In solar cells the radiation absorption is optimized by a suitable modeling of its surface (texturing), or by choosing appropriate dielectric window layers; this is necessary, but not sufficient, however, to reach the maximum photocurrent, because the absorbed light must be distributed in the cell bulk in such a way to minimize the recombination of the photo-generated carriers (light trapping). The mechanism of light absorption in STD systems is different: here, the optimum coupling of the receiver with solar radiation is accomplished by a suitable modulation of the reflectance, which is minimized in the solar spectral range and maximized in the infrared, where the hot receiver emits radiation. A very important topic in current research on CPV is the development of efficient systems for the spectral splitting of solar radiation, that is expected to promote a trend of growth of conversion efficiency towards values approaching the thermodynamic limits. Other aspects of the Special Issue of particular importance are: i) optical methods and instrumentation devoted to the characterization of single components of the solar system (lenses, mirrors, etc.); ii) optical modeling and simulation of the whole system performance. The special issue willingly welcomes also those works devoted to the study of solar radiation (availability, measurement, direct, diffuse) and of the environmental conditions (shading, cloud cover, climate) affecting the efficiency of the conversion system.
Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:
• PV receiver: Texturization, light trapping, spectral reflectance and absorbance, spectral response, quantum yield, antireflection layers, effects of flux distribution, cooling techniques, cooling systems • Solar radiation: solar simulators for cells and modules, flash solar simulators, availability, measurement, direct and diffuse components, polarization of diffuse light, modeling, fluxmeters for high flux measurements • Concentrating system: Fresnel lenses, mirrors, optical efficiency, acceptance angle, optical characterization, optical modeling, 2-D concentrators, 3-D concentrators, luminescent solar concentrators, nonimaging concentrators, parabolic dish concentrators, primary optics, secondary optics, spectral splitting systems, low concentration, high concentration, stationary concentrating systems • Solar panels: window layers, cover glass texturization, light trapping, optical losses, optical modeling, optical properties of encapsulant, effect of incidence angle, optical degradation
Important Dates
Deadline for submission:
Deadline for
Notification of final decision:
Estimated Publication:
09/15/2014 (Tentative)
Abstracts addressing one or more of these themes/topics or further questions should be emailed to an editor by <05/31/2014> at aparretta@alice.it, antonio.parretta@enea.it, mstefancich@masdar.ac.ae Manuscript submissions are invited by the submission deadline. All papers will undergo a double or triple-blind peer review process.
Guest Editors
Antonio ParrettaENEA Centro Ricerche “E. Clementel”, Italy aparretta@alice.it,antonio.parretta@enea.it
Marco Stefancich (assistant editor)Laboratory of Energy and Nanosciences, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates mstefancich@masdar.ac.ae
Manuscript submission deadline